

The Homosexual to Challenge the Traditional Fertility Pattern

【作者】 钱倩

【导师】 刘锦春;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在倡导多元文化的现代社会中,随着人类生产力水平的发展,特别是随着生活水平的提高,社会分工的逐渐细化,以及社会文化氛围的宽容,以生物的本能性为基础的异性相吸逐步成为了人类选择伴侣的一种方式,而不是唯一、固定不变的方式,一部分人选择了同性伴侣,出现了同性相吸的群体。同性相吸是一种独特的社会现象和文化现象,在中国已经成为了一个悄然壮大的群体。同性相吸作为一种亚文化,有它独特的游离于主文化之外的特征,具有其特有的行为规范和生活方式,特别是这一群体对婚姻和家庭的看法,打破了在中国沿袭千年的传统生育模式中的婚姻与家庭的观念。本文以传统生育模式为出发点,以位于太原市柳巷的某酒吧这一同性恋者的主题吧为调查基础,深层剖析了同性恋群体的生活模式与传统生育模式所倡导的并且被世人所普遍认可的生活模式的种种不同,甚至是挑战,并着重从生物性,经济性,社会性和文化性的多元视角,分析了从异性相吸到对同性相吸宽容这个变化背后的多种因素。同时,运用“角色”这一社会学概念着重探讨了在同性家庭中角色的划分和扮演。从中可以推出,同性相吸群体对传统生育模式的冲击主要是表现在生物性方面,社会的进步使人类种族的延续从生物学角度来说已经不是问题了。而对于经济性方面只是对其进行了衍生和扩展,至于文化性和社会性也是对其完整的保留和部分的补充。大量事实表明,中国的同性恋群体已经逐步走向了公开化,但是歧视依然存在,特别是处于太原市这个相对保守的内陆城市中,其实,我们应该明确一点,同性恋仅仅只是个人对于生活的选择问题,属于私人领域的自治范围,而且并没有影响到其他人的利益,我们普通大众应该尊重他(她)们的选择。国内外学术界对于同性相吸这一社会现象的研究已经有了多年的历史,普遍是从性解放和人格缺陷的角度来对这一社会现象进行研究,但是本文是将其与传统生育模式进行对比研究,其中包含了大量的对同性相吸这一群体日常生活的真实描述,从家庭这一基本的社会单位所承担的社会功能重新对同性相吸这一社会现象和文化现象做出解释,并且以弱势群体的视角对现在正在出现乃至以后可能会被社会认可的同性恋群体进行了剖析。在文章的最后提出,社会的进步和科技的飞速发展,为同性家庭的出现提供了现实可能性,但是与此同时同性恋者对父母的养老问题和同性家庭中后代的抚育问题也不可避免的存在,这势必会引起社会的广泛思考和警觉。

【Abstract】 In the modern society which promoting cultural diversity, with the productivity level of human development, especially with the improvement of the living standards and social division of labor become finer, and the tolerance of the social and cultural atmosphere, biological instinct based on heterosexual sexual phase smoking has gradually become a partner of human choice, rather than the sole, fixed the way. And some people choose same-sex couples, same-sex attraction groups emerged. The same-sex attraction is a unique social and cultural phenomenon, and has become a quietly growing population in china. The same-sex attraction as a sub-culture has its unique characteristics of drifting outside of the main culture. It has unique codes of conduct and way of life, especially this group’s views on marriage and family, breaking the traditional system of marriage and family which have presence in China for thousand years. This works uses the traditional fertility pattern as a starting point, and a certain bar in Liu Xiang, Tai Yuan which theme of this homosexuality bar for the investigation. The works deeply analysis the life way of homosexuality which different from the generally recognized by many people. And it focus from the biological, economy, social and cultural, analysis of the variety factors which from the opposite sex to same-sex tolerance. Meanwhile, the works use "role" which is one of the sociological concept to discuss the role’s division and play in the same-sex families. From which can be introduce, the same-sex attraction group to impact to the traditional fertility pattern is mainly manifested in the biological. But with social advancing, the continuation of the human race is not a problem from the biological point. And the economy has only been derived and expansion. The cultural and social integrity is retained and supplementary. Many facts show that Chinese homosexuality community has gradually moved toward the open technology, but the discrimination still exists, especially in Tai Yuan city which is relatively conservative. In fact, we should be clear, homosexuality merely personal choices about life which belong to the private, and did not affect the interests of others, we should respect his (her) choice. The same-sex attraction is a social phenomenon, had studied for many years by domestic and foreign academic, generally from sexual liberation and perspective of personality defects to study. But the works is written with the traditional fertility pattern. It contains many facts of same-sex attraction on the real life. In the last of the works, the emergence of same-sex families provides a realistic possibility with the social progressing and rapidly development of technology. While, homosexuality’s parents and same-sex pension problems of bringing up families in which coming generations will inevitably also the existence of problem, which is bound to would have caused extensive reflection and awareness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期