

Study on a New Technology and Its Mechanisms for Recovering Tungsten with a Flowsheet of Iron Pre-release-predesliming-bulk Flotation of Wolframite and Scheelite

【作者】 赵磊

【导师】 邓海波;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近期以来,湖南省柿竹园有色金属公司野鸡尾500t/d选矿厂和380选矿厂的钨浮选作业,选矿指标较差。综合分析其原因,入料矿石中存在的原生矿泥,以及因矿石嵌布细浮选入选前入料需细磨至0.074mm大于84%而导致产生的次生矿泥。这些矿泥的存在导致选矿指标较差。另一方面,柿竹园有色金属矿矿石中存在有相当部分的磁性矿物如磁铁矿等。前面弱磁选选铁作业仅有一次粗选,导致给入钨浮选作业的矿浆样中的磁性矿物含量均在2.0%~4.3%之间,含WO3品位在0.14%~0.40%之间。该部分含铁磁性矿物若不能预先脱除而进入钨浮选作业,将大大降低钨浮选作业粗精矿品位。论文针对上述矿石的变化,提出采用弱磁预脱铁-浮选预脱泥-黑白钨混浮新工艺,完成了实验室小型试验,获得优于同样条件同一试验样品试验技术指标。强化弱磁选选铁作业的措施是手磁铁(0.13T)进行了弱磁选扫选。通过强化弱磁选选铁作业,可除去绝大部分对黑白钨混浮粗选段的钨粗精品位和回收率有影响的磁铁矿。浮选预脱泥作业脱出矿泥产率在3%~5%之间,粒级均分布在10μm(0.010mm)左右,非常细,W03品位与原矿持平或略高于原矿,此细粒矿泥的存在严重影响到浮选指标。弱磁预脱铁-脱泥浮选机理研究:从矿泥的粒度分析看,脱出的矿泥粒度矿泥样的绝大部分粒级均分布在2μm~30μm之间,平均粒度为10μm(0.010mm)左右,非常细。微细的磁铁矿拥有“高梯度效应”,像高梯度磁选机中的“钢毛”介质一样,容易团聚黑钨矿颗粒。通过扩展的DLVO理论计算白钨矿和矿泥的相互作用能,白钨矿和矿泥间的EDLVO势能总为负,表现为白钨矿和矿泥的相互吸引行为,矿泥罩盖于钨矿表面,影响钨矿浮选。通过机理研究分析表明,新工艺采用在黑白钨混浮前进行磁选预脱铁-浮选预脱泥处理,是合理的。

【Abstract】 Recently, the beneficiation indexes of tungsten flotation of yejiwei 500t/d dressing plant and 380 dressing plant in shizhuyuan nonferrous metals company in hunan province were poor. The causes were analyzed comprehensively. On the one hand, the existence of the primary slime existed in feeding ore,and the secondary slime produced by grinding prior to flotation could lead to the poor indexes.On the other hand, there were a considerable portion of magnetic minerals such as magnetite in the feeding ores.The low-intensity magnetic separation prior to tungten flotation was only one roughing, and the content of magnetic mineral in the flotation pulp was 2.0%~4.3%, with a WO3 grade of 0.14%~0.40%.If this part of magnetic iron mineral can’t be pre-removed and entered the tungsten flotation operation,the grade of rough concentrate would be reduced greatly.This paperr proposed a new technology of low-intensity magnetic separation-flotation desliming-bulk flotation of wolframite and scheelite, the laboratory tests were completed, and the results being better than the same point in the spot processing were obtained.The low-intensity magnetic separation was strengthened by scavenging with a hand magnet(0.13T).Most of magnetite which can influence the grade and recovery of tungten rough concentrate was removed.The yield of ore slime in desliming operation was 3%~5%,the size distribution was about 10μm(0.010mm),which was very fine,and the grade of WO3 was flat or slightly higher than the run-of-mine, so it could be abandoned directly.Researches on the mechanism of low-intensity magnetic separation and flotation desliming:it can be seen from the particles size analysis of ore slime that the removed slimes were 2μm~30μm and the average size was about 10μm(0.010mm).The micro fine magnetite had"the high gradient effect",as the "steel wool" medium of the high gradient, which can reunite wolframite particles.From calculating the interaction potential with the extending DLVO theroy, it can be known that the EDLVO potential between scheelite and slime was always negative, expressing in the attraction between them. That the existence of slime and magnetite had severe influences on flotation, which was verified by theoretical calculation, accorded with the experiment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期