

Research about Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitude, Proceeding and Influencing Factors in Unmarried Female Who Take Induced Abortion

【作者】 查文婷

【导师】 胡平成;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解未婚人流女性基本情况,分析未婚人流女性生殖健康知识、态度、行为及影响因素,加强其对生殖健康知识的掌握,提高自我保护意识和避孕水平,以减少未婚女性人工流产发生率,为我省今后的妇幼保健工作提供科学依据。方法:采用随机抽样法,对2009年3月-2009年8月在湖南省、长沙市和长沙县妇幼保健院计划生育门诊确诊妊娠并要求终止妊娠的部分未婚女性进行面对面匿名访谈,将获取的信息通过EpiData录入数据库,对定性和等级指标进行数量化处理和统一编码后用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。结果:①未婚人流女性主要分布在21-24岁,城镇和农村人口之比为1.98:1,53.7%的女性是外来人口,59.6%的文化程度在大专及以上,所从事的职业主要是公司职员、学生和无业,月收入1201-2000元者所占比例最大。②大部分未婚人流女性对基础的生殖健康知识有一定的了解,但排卵期和易孕期的计算、金指标以外的早孕反应、新型避孕方法等了解较少,未婚人流女性获得生殖健康知识的来源主要是书本、报纸、杂志和广播、电影、电视,她们最想了解的生殖健康知识分别是性生理卫生知识、避孕知识和优生优育知识。74.8%的未婚人流女性对婚前性行为持支持或无所谓态度,她们对自己此次怀孕是大多是喜忧参半、紧张害怕或焦虑不安,77.3%的未婚人流女性认为人工流产会给女性带来较大的影响,主要是影响女性身心健康、影响女性日常生活和造成经济损失,87.3%的女性愿意在今后的性生活中采取有效措施来防止意外怀孕。66.4%的未婚人流女性首次性交年龄在20-24岁,93.6%的未婚人流女性与首次性交对象之间是恋爱关系,76.7%的发生首次性行为主要是出于爱情;91.3%的未婚人流女性都采取过避孕措施,但仅有8.5%能每次坚持避孕,主要避孕措施是避孕套、体外排精和安全期避孕;32.1%的女性在此次人流之前做过人工流产,其中,仅37.3%的女性两次人流间隔在一年以上;本次妊娠中,50.6%的女性未采取任何避孕措施。③研究发现,年龄、籍贯、文化程度、月收入、首次工作年龄、工作类型、更换工作的次数、家庭经济状况、父母婚姻状况、所在学校或社区对生殖健康的宣传、与男友对生殖健康信息的交流等多个因素对未婚人流女性生殖健康知识、婚前性行为态度、避孕措施采取频率和人工流产次数有影响结论:①未婚人流女性年龄较小,以城镇户口为主,大部分来自外地,文化程度较高,主要是公司职员、学生和无业者,月收入中等偏下;②大部分未婚人流女性对生殖健康知识有一定的了解,但了解不深,她们获得生殖健康知识的来源主要是书籍和媒体;大部分未婚人流女性对婚前性行为持支持或无所谓态度,绝大部分女性愿意在今后的性生活中采取有效措施来防止意外怀孕;大部分未婚人流女性首次性交年龄在20岁左右,发生首次性行为主要是出于爱情,绝大多数女性都采取过避孕措施,但仅有小部分能坚持,部分女性有过多次人工流产史,两次人流间隔在一年以上者占少数,本次妊娠中,近一半女性没有妊娠计划,对意外妊娠风险认识较低;③多个因素对未婚人流女性生殖健康知识、婚前性行为态度、避孕措施采取频率和人工流产次数有影响,在今后的妇幼保健工作中,社区、学校、家庭应三位一体,相互配合,为未婚女性提供更多、更有效的生殖健康服务。

【Abstract】 Objective:Research about Reproductive Health knowledge, attitude, proceeding and influencing factors in unmarried female who have taken the induced abortion, offer scientific evidence for maternity and child care in our province.Methods:Face interview with unmarried women who have taken the induced abortion in maternity and children’s health care centers in Hu Nan during Mar to August 2009, then use Exel software to sort all of the data, after data have been disposaled and coded, use SPSS 13.0 to treat the data with describe, single variable analysis and logistic regress model.Results:The major age of unmarried women who have taken the induced abortion was from 21 to 24, urban and rural ratio was 1.98:1,53.7% of them were non-native population,59.6% of them have the level of education in post-secondary and above, the occupation were mainly staff, students and unemployed,1201-2000 yuan monthly income were the largest proportion. Most of them have a certain understanding about Knowledge of basic reproductive, but the calculation of ovulation and easy pregnancy, pregnancy outside the gold standard response, the new contraceptive methods are poorly understood, unmarried women access to reproductive health knowledge flow of the main sources of books and television, they most want to know about reproductive health knowledge are the knowledge of sexual physiology, contraceptive knowledge and knowledge of prenatal and postnatal care.74.8% of unmarried women to premarital sex flow of people who support or indifferent attitude,87.3% of women are willing to take effective measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the future,.66.4% of unmarried women crowd the age of first sexual intercourse 20 to 24 years old,93.6 percent of unmarried women for first-time sex object flow between the love relationship, 76.7% of the first sex was mainly prompted by love; 91.3% of the Unmarried women are taken flow contraceptive measures, but only 8.5% to each insist on contraception, contraceptive measures are mainly condoms, coitus interruptus and rhythm; 32.1% of the women in the crowd prior to an abortion, in which, only 37.3% of the women twice a flow interval of more than one year; this pregnancy in 50.6% of the women did not take any contraceptive measures. The study found that age, place of birth, educational level, monthly income, for the first time of working age, work type, the replacement work, the number of family economic status, marital status, the host school or community advocacy on reproductive health, with her boyfriend to reproductive health information communication and other factors on women’s reproductive health of unmarried flow of knowledge, attitude toward premarital sex, contraceptive measures are taken, the frequency and impact on the number of abortions.Conclusion:Unmarried women who have taken the induced abortion were young, crowd to the main urban population, mostly from overseas, a higher educational level, mainly staff, students and unemployed persons, monthly income of lower-middle; Most unmarried women’s right to reproductive health knowledge flow have a certain understanding, but a deep understanding of their access to reproductive health knowledge is the main source of books and media; Most unmarried women to premarital sex crowd supporting or indifferent attitude towards their current pregnancy are mostly mixed, tension fear or anxiety, most women would take effective measures to prevent unintended pregnancies in future sex life; Most unmarried women crowd the first time sexual intercourse around the age of 20, first sex occurs mainly out of love, the vast majority of women are taken contraceptive measures, but only a small part can insist that some women have had many artificial abortion history, two passenger interval of more than one year accounted for a minority, this pregnancy, nearly half of the women have no pregnancy plans, low awareness of the risks of unwanted pregnancies; A number of factors on the flow of unmarried women in reproductive health knowledge, attitude toward premarital sex, contraceptive measures are taken, the frequency and impact on the number of abortions; In the future work of maternal and child health, communities, schools, families should be the Trinity, mutual cooperation, sharing of resources, in order to provide more and more effective reproductive health services to unmarried women.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期