

Analysis on Tendency of Rock Burst and Stability of Surrounding Rock of Roadway in Depth Mine of Jinchuan

【作者】 衣永亮

【导师】 曹平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 金川镍矿因矿体埋藏深、地应力高、岩体破碎、开采条件极差等因素闻名于世。近年来,随着金川主力矿山二矿区采掘深度不断加大,深部岩体围岩质量恶化,地应力、水-岩相互作用进一步加强等问题逐步显现,严重影响了深部岩体工程的稳定性。集中体现在诸如岩爆等地质灾变风险进一步加大,适用于浅部开采的隧巷支护型式与围岩控制技术不能有效地控制深部环境下的岩体隧巷工程变形。面对越来越严峻的实际情况,有必要对深部工程区域开展深入细致的多方位研究,探究制约围岩稳定性影响因素,制定适合该复杂条件下的围岩稳定性分析和控制方法。本论文以金川公司科技攻关项目“金川矿山深部高强度采掘条件下的岩石力学研究”为依托,结合金川二矿区工程实际,将现场监测、工程地质调查、理论分析及数值模拟等多种方法有机地结合起来,探索金川深部岩体工程的岩爆灾变倾向及渗流效应对围岩稳定性的影响。本文主要进行了如下几方面的工作和研究:1.对二矿区开展现场调研,深入实验区段采集岩石样本,系统收集、整理、分析前人相关研究成果,揭示其深部地质构造、构造应力场分布特征和岩体弱面发育特征等地质信息。2.通过设置岩石力学常规实验和针对性实验成果,参阅相关理论进行研究,利用模糊数学综合研究基于多因素影响下的深部岩体岩爆灾变的倾向性。研究认为,考虑单一因素的判爆准则不适用于如金川等深部复杂地质环境,而建议采用基于多因素共同影响的综合研究方法判定岩爆等灾变的倾向性。并以此思想为指导得出金川深部六种典型岩性均具有弱岩爆倾向的结果。3.以考虑渗流效应对深部岩体稳定性影响为研究内容,运用大型专业有限元软件MDAS/GTS建立水力耦合下的等效连续介质计算模型,对比模拟分析了在高应力作用下深部岩体开挖卸载过程中,有无渗流效应对金川深部隧巷的影响。根据分析结果,本文认为,在高地应力作用下,隧巷开挖引起的围岩应力重分布对渗流场分布规律有显著影响,但渗流场的变化对围岩的变形及应力分布规律影响不大。

【Abstract】 Nickle ore of Jinchuan is well known to the world for its deep buried depth, high grostatic stress, crumble rock mass and ill-conditioned for exploiting. With the increase of mining depth of Jinchuan No.2 Mining District recent year, which is the brunt of Jinchuan Nickle ore, several technical problmes occur and become the urgent concern of engineers, such as degradation of surrounding rock,rock burst, water-rock interaction inducing stability of tunnel and so on. The types of tunnel supporting and surrounding rock control using in shallow mining are no longer suit for deep mining. So it is necessary to do full research into deep mining area in order to derive main factors which affect stability of of surrounding rock, accordingly, relevant analysis methods and controlling technique for complicated condition are proposed.This paper probes into tendency of rock burst in Jinchuan No.2 Mining distrist and study seepage effect exerts impact on stability of surrounding rock, which bases on project of’Research on Rock Mechanics Under Condition of Deep and Hi-impact Mining in Jinchuan ore’and combines situ monitoring, engineering geology survey and numerical analysis. Main efforts of this paper are as follows:1. Situ survey have been conducted in Jinchuan No.2 district. Rock samples conllecting and previous research data analyzing provide informatin of geological structure and characteristics of weak plane of rock.2. Normal rock mechanics experiments have been conducted so as to study tendency of rock burst. Based on results of experiments and compared to previous research, fuzzy mathematics has been chosen as a tool to study tendency of rock burst in deep mining, which may induce by several factors. Study results show that rock burst criteria which considers only one fator are not suit for deep mining in Jinchuan. So this paper advises that the results would be more acceptable by using comprehensive study method which considers overall factors’ co-ativation. Based on the advised method, this paper derives weak rock burst tendency of six typical type of rock specimens collected in deep mining district.3. Another endeavor of this paper is to study seepage effect exert impact on stability of surrounding rock in deep mining. Computing model of equivalent continuum under coupling condition has been set up by using finite element method software MIDAS/GTS. Then numerical analysis of the model has been conducted by comparing condition that seepage exert on surrounding rock and that of it is not. Results reveal that stress redistribution induced by tunnel excavation have evident effect on distribution of seepage field, and change of seepage field have feeble impact on deformation and stress distribution of surrouding rock.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期