

【作者】 黄鑫

【导师】 杨小礼; 吴波;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 关于隧道施工引起地表沉降问题的研究已经取得了大量的研究成果,随着近几年浅埋暗挖法在地下工程中越来越广泛的应用,对其引起地层变形方面的研究也越来越多。在城市环境中,高层建筑、高架桥梁等密布云集,它们好多都位于桩基或条基之上,而隧道施工几乎不可避免的会引起周围土体的变形,土体的变形则会施加竖向和侧向力于桥基之上,对桩的变形和内力产生一定的影响。同时,隧道需要同时穿越河流和桥基,施工开挖前提前进行了降水,桥基由于降水则会产生附加沉降。因此,有必要进行深层次的研究。基于此,本文针对区间隧道下穿小月河及樱花西桥这个工程实际面临的问题,采用有限差分软件对地铁隧道施工过程进行了详细的数值模拟,研究了地铁浅埋暗挖施工对地层变形的影响及地铁施工时对桥基的影响,提出了穿越桥基的施工方案。本文主要包括以下几个方面的内容研究:l、管井降水造成桥基及地表沉降的流固耦合计算;2、采用有限差分软件按地铁施工设计对施工过程进行了数值模拟,分析了地铁浅埋暗挖施工对地层应力和变形的影响,并根据数值计算结果提出了相应的工程处理方案;3、考虑地铁隧道和桥基的位置关系,按施工设计对隧道从正下方穿越桥基的影响进行了数值计算。综合评价地表沉降、桥基变形和差异沉降的原因;并提出了相应的处理措施。

【Abstract】 The problem of ground surface settlement caused by construction on the tunnel has been made a lot of research results. In recent years, as shallow tunneling method is widely used in the range of underground engineering, the studies of ground deformation due to the tunnel are more and more published. In an urban environment, skyscrapers and elevated bridge are highly concentrated, which many are located in the piles or strip foundations. Tunnel construction will almost inevitably lead to the deformation of soil. As the result, the deformation of soil will be imposed the lateral force on the bridge above the base, affect the deformation and internal forces on the pile. Meanwhile, as the tunnel needs crossing the river and the bridge foundation, lowering the water level should be done before excavation, and additional settlement affected by lowering the water level will produce. At present, the literatures in these areas are relatively small, needed for in-depth research.Based on this, this paper, in connection with the practical engineering problems with a tunnel through the XiaoYue River and the YingHua West Bridge, has been used the finite difference software to carry out a detailed numerical simulation on subway tunnel construction. This paper also has studied the influence of ground deformation due to shallow tunneling method which is used in subway and the influence of the bridge base due to metro construction. Finally, this paper proposes a program of the way to through the construction of bridge foundation.This article includes the following aspects:1) Fluid solid couple calculation of the bridge foundation and ground surface settlement caused by tube well dewatering is calculated.2) Numerical simulation of the construction process is analyzed by the finite difference software. The influence of ground stress-strain due to shallow tunneling method is also analyzed. Finally, treatment program was put over according to numerical results.3) Considering the subway tunnel and bridge location-based relationship and the construction design, the paper simulate and predict the impact of the tunnel crossing beneath the bridge, such as evaluation of surface subsidence, the bridge-based deformation and differential settlement. And against the risk of danger, this paper presents the corresponding processing program.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期