

【作者】 宋魁

【导师】 张少雄;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人的道德行为规范、道德理性养成以及道德人格塑造是一个古老常新的课题。在物质文明和精神文明高度发达的今天却依然暴露着诸多社会问题,如功利主义盛行,拜金主义严重,社会不良道德现象层出不穷等等。这些存在的社会问题警醒我们:社会的和谐、文明与进步,必须时时注重人之道德行为规范、道德理性养成以及道德人格塑造。道德人格是个体人格的道德性规定,是个人的尊严、道德规格和品格的总和,是个人道德境界高低的标志。作为衡量人性的标志,道德人格塑造是人类弘扬人性、减少或摆脱兽性的艰辛努力过程,就个体而言,道德人格塑造是指个体真正具有做人的资格、较高的道德规格和品格的人格,是个体的资格、规格、品格的内在统一。其中,人之为人的资格是主体道德人格形成的必要前提;规格是判别主体人格境界的分野,它直接决定主体道德人格的有无;品格是规格的外化,作为道德人格的实质所在,它直接体现出道德人格的水平高低。培养大学生道德人格既要重视大学生发挥主体能动性,通过感受、认知、学习、自律、道德实践等方式促进自身道德人格发展,同时应该设法让大学生所处环境对他们产生有利的影响,积极创造有利于大学生理想道德人格发展环境。方面既要让大学生认清和把握自身的利益同社会道德要求的一致性,扬弃自身需要的盲目性和偏执性,实现理性和感性、自我与他人、小我与大我的交融统一,又要分析和把握具体道德情境所构成的实际格局,扬弃个人的主观性和随意性,实现主观与客观、理想和现实的有机统一;另一方面,要求大学生面对不同道德体系之间的矛盾和斗争,以及同一道德体系在特定情境中所呈现的不同价值冲突和它所构成的两难处境,确定自己作为主体的追求和行为选择的价值方向,以解决或超越各种道德矛盾和价值冲突,实现理与情,意志与信念的交融统一,最终实现大学生道德人格养成的目标。

【Abstract】 The developing of person’s moral code of conduct and moral reason and moral Personality are an ancient and always new topic. This is no doubt that the current society is knowledge-based society,and social development and progress need a lot of professionals. However, the growing number of social problems are increasingly exposed in today of the continuous development of the market economy and external continues to open up. such as:Utilitarianism prevalent, Serious money worship, the increasingly undesirable social and moral phenomenon. These problems are constantly reminds us:high moral standards, the talent of perfect moral personality and having the knowledge and understanding the professional are needed for the development of society. Moral character is the moral provision of Individual Personality the total of the dignity of the individual, the moral standard and character. As a sign of the level of personal moral realm, it is a hard working result that human-being promote human and reduce or get rid of animal.In terms of the individual, Moral personality is Individual Personality that is truly the eligible of a man, a higher moral standard and character. Moral personality is the inherent unity of qualifications, specifications, character of Individual. Among,qualification of being human is essencial for the formation of the main moral personality, The divide of specificationis which distinguishes the realm of the main character. Specification directly determines the presence or absence of the main moral personality, Character is outside of the specifications. As the essence of moral personality, it directly reflects the level of moral personality.Culturing the moral Personality of college student is not only to pay attention to play the main initiative of college student, promoting their own moral development of personality through feelings, cognition, learning, self-discipline, moral practice,but should find ways to make their environment take beneficial impact on them,creating an ideal environment for the development of moral character. On the one hand t,we should make students understand and master consistent of their own interests and ethical requirements of society, abandoning blindness and bigotry of their their own needs,to achieve the blending uniform of rational and emotional, self and others, but also analyze and grasp the specific moral situation posed by the actual pattern, abandoning subjectivity and arbitrariness of individuals, to achieve integration and unity of subjective and objective, ideal and reality, On the other hand, we should ask college students to face the conflict between different moral systems and struggles, as well as the same moral system in a specific context presented by the different values of conflict and the dilemma it poses, determining their own pursuits and the value of the direction of behavior choices in order to resolve or transcend a variety of moral conflicts and value conflicts, to achieve blend of reason and emotion unity of will and faith. At last, we attain the goal of developing a moral personality of college student.

【关键词】 道德人格大学生道德人格途径
【Key words】 Moralitymoral integritypersonal moralityapproach
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期