

【作者】 谢彦

【导师】 唐进元;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 机械工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 噪声污染是环境污染的主要问题之一,据统计,机动车辐射的噪声,约占整个环境噪声的75%,而汽车变速器是汽车传动系的重要组成部分,也是汽车的主要噪声源之一。同时变速器啸叫噪音是变速器常见的NVH(noise&vibration & harshness)问题,因此研究变速器啸叫噪声产生机理以及传递动路径,对降低变速器噪声具有重要意义。本文针对影响某款车的乘坐舒适性的变速器啸叫问题进行研究。首先运用Head ArtemiS 9.0数采及分析系统在整车转毂消声室和变速器消声室分别进行整车、变速器进行进行各工况噪声试验。分析采集到的数据,找出变速器的特征频率及特征阶次,确定变速器的主要噪声源。同时,在齿轮接触斑点试验台对变速器主要噪声源齿轮进行啮合接触斑点试验,通过对接触斑点进行分析观察,得出齿轮啮合存在的主要缺陷。其次,运用专业的传动设计分析工具MASTA软件建立变速器传动的分析模型并进行NVH分析,得出与客观评价一致的结论。同时对齿轮参数、系统变形进行分析确定出该变速器产生啸叫噪音的根源。最后,通过对齿轮参数的啮合错位、啮合面单位接触应力、传递误差等分析,优化出齿轮宏观参数、微观修形参数,进行整车、变速器NVH测试和接触斑点试验验证,结果表明:优化后的齿轮宏观、微观参数能够有效的改善变速器齿轮啸叫噪音,本文研究结果为变速器参数优化选择等提供了新的参考依据。

【Abstract】 Noise pollution is one of the major problems of environmental pollution,According to statistics,radiation noise of motor vehicles, accounting for the whole 75% of environmental noise.Car automobile transmission gearbox is an important component of the automobile, which is one of the main noise sources, at the same time transmission gear whine noise is common transmission NVH (noise & vibration & harshness) issues.Therefore, researching the mechanism of transmission gear whine noise and the moving path is important to reduce transmission noise.Analysis of data collectedIn this paper, studying the transmission gear whine which impacts the comfort of a vehicle.Firstly, carrying out to test noise under the transmission working status in car and transmission NVH test rig by using the Head ArtemiS 9.0 data acquisition and analysis system. Analysis of data collected,access to transmission characteristics of frequency and order, to identify the main noise source transmission.At the same time, testing the main noise source of transmission gears mesh contact, through contact observation tQ draw the main gear mesh defects.Secondly, using the professional MASTA transmission design and analysis software tools to establish the analysis model for transmission NVH analysis, Consistent with the conclusions of an objective evaluation. At the same time, access to the source of the gear whine generated by analysis the gear parameters and the system deformation.Thirdly, optimize the parameters of the Gear macro-, micro-modification parameters by analysis the parameters of the meshing gear position, mating surface contact stress and transmission errors, For vehicles, transmission NVH testing and test contact spots, The results show that the optimized gear macro and micro parameters can effectively improve the transmission gear whine noise.In this paper, the results provide a new basis for optimizing the choice of transmission parameters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】U463.212;U467.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】431
  • 攻读期成果