

A Comparative Study on Working Memory in Processing and Storage between Undergraduate and Junior College Students

【作者】 包健

【导师】 陈中永;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 工作记忆(working memory,WM)是现代认知心理学中最重要的核心概念之一,Baddeley(1986)将工作记忆定义为个体在解决认知任务的过程中,用于信息加工并同时保持与当前任务相关的信息的能量有限的系统或机制。本文的理论基础部分对工作记忆的两类模型、工作记忆的个体差异、工作记忆与学习能力的关系、工作记忆的研究范式等方面进行了系统的阐述与梳理,分析了以往关于以上方面的理论和研究成果,为后面的实验研究奠定了理论基础支持。论文的实验部分有三个实验组成,分别探讨了本科生和专科生短时记忆的差异,存储负载的增加和工作记忆负载的增加对工作记忆资源分配的影响,以及本科生和专科生工作记忆的个体差异,被试对积极词汇和消极词汇与客观类词汇工作记忆词汇的存储选择性差异情况,具体研究如下:实验一,通过对本科生和专科生短时记忆的测量以及对他们高考数学和语文成绩的调查,研究发现:本科生的短时记忆容量、高考数学成绩以及高考总分都显著性的比专科生高,短时记忆容量和高考的数学成绩成显著性的正相关,与高考语文成绩及高考总分无显著性相关。实验二,通过工作记忆的双任务范式对本科生和专科生在无干扰条件或有干扰条件下的无联想词汇和有联想词汇工作记忆的容量、记忆的词汇量,以及加工反应的正确率和反应时的测量,结果显示:被试记忆负载的增加将会使工作记忆的存储占用更多的工作记忆资源,减少工作记忆加工的工作记忆资源获取量。干扰条件使记忆负载对工作记忆资源分配的影响下降。专科生与本科生工作记忆的差异更多的是表现在个体面对无关信息干扰时,抑制干扰的能力上的差异,本科生能较好的抑制无关信息并从任务的背景信息中提取任务的相关内容。实验三,通过工作记忆的双任务范式对被试对积极词汇和消极词汇与客观类词汇的工作记忆容量、记忆的词汇量,以及加工反应的正确率和反应时的测量,结果显示:被试记忆的的积极词汇量要显著的多于客观词汇量,积极词汇加工反应的正确率和反应时也显著性的小出现了“期望效应”或“心境一致性效应”。总体上说,本实验的结果是支持工作记忆资源分配的资源共享观点,即认为存储与加工之间共同占用有限的资源,当记忆负载增加时,加工任务可用的资源将降低,导致反应时的减少或准确率下降。

【Abstract】 Working memory (working memory, WM) is one of the most important concepts of modern cognitive psychology, the core, Baddeley (1986) defined working memory as limited energy of information systems or mechanism which relate to information processing and maintenance relation with current task in addressing cognitive process. Theoretical basis of the research is two models of working memory, individual differences in working memory, relationship between working memory and learning ability, paradigm of working memory, this study also describes and analyzes the above theories, to support the subsequent experimental study in theory.the paper contains three experiments, they are: the difference of short-term memory between undergraduate and junior college students; the effect of increased memory and load on working memory to resources implications; Individual differences in working memory between undergraduate and junior college students, it tests memory selective variances of positive words and negative words with the objective of working memory class vocabulary words, results are as follows:Experiment 1, measurement on the short-term memory and their mathematics and Chinese scores in college entrance examination of undergraduates and junior college students found that: the storage of short-term memory, mathematics scores, total scores of college entrance examination are significant higher than junior college students, the storage of short-term memory has significant positive correlation with math score, but it don’t have significant correlation with Chinese and total college entrance exam scores. Experiment 2, by dual-task working memory paradigm, this part tests the differences of undergraduate and junior college students in storage of working memory, amounts of memory vocabulary, processing accuracy, reaction time measurement under the condition of interference or not, association or not, the results are as follows: the increased load of memory will take up more working memory resources, reduce working memory resources, while working memory load increases will decline allocation resources of working memory capacity. The working memory of College Students and undergraduates is more a difference in the face of irrelevant information in the interference, differences effects of interference suppression shows that undergraduates extracts related information from background more easily.Experiment 3, by the double task of working memory paradigm, this part test if there are differences on subjects of positive words and negative words, working memory capacity, working memory accuracy, and reaction time, the results show: individual remembers positive vocabulary are more than the objective vocabulary word, the accuracy of positive words and reaction time are significant less, the phenomenon can be explained by "expectation effect" or "mood congruency effect".Overall, the results of this study support the working memory resource allocation assumption, that is, the storage and processing are both occupying the limited resources, when the memory load increases, available resources in processing tasks will reduce, this will lead to the declining of reaction time or accuracy.

  • 【分类号】B842.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198