

The Research on the Actual Effect of Higher Vocational College Students’ Ideological and Political Education in Higher Education Popularization

【作者】 吴宏

【导师】 舒刚;

【作者基本信息】 信阳师范学院 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文立足于高等教育大众化和高职教育大发展的背景,围绕高职院校学生思想政治教育实效性这一核心问题,首先对“思想政治教育”、“高校学生思想政治教育”、“高校学生思想政治教育实效性”这三个概念进行了界定。然后通过对信阳农专和信阳职业技术学院两所学校学生围绕他们的政治思想状况和他们对当前高职高专院校思想政治教育的看法这两个研究的问题分别进行了问卷调查,通过调查和统计,用实证的方法分析了影响和制约高职院校学生政治思想的原因,总结了我国高职院校思想政治教育的现状。在此基础上,提出了增强高职院校学生思想教育实效性的理论思考及对策,包括.注重高职特色,科学设计高职生思想政治教育的目标和内容;大力发展先进文化,营造健康向上的社会环境;注重家庭美德建设,营造和谐的家庭环境;坚持正确的思想导向,努力营造良好的校园综合育人环境;坚持以人为本,增强思想政治教育的实效性;拓宽思想政治教育渠道,探索实施高职生思想政治教育的实践创新;加强高职生心理健康教育,充分发挥心理健康教育在高校思想政治教育中的地位和作用;占领网络阵地,把握网络思想政治教育的主动权;建设一支高水平的学生思想政治教育工作队伍;最后提出要顺应时代潮流,创新高职院校学生思想政治教育理念、方法和模式。

【Abstract】 The article studies mainly on the actual effect of higher vocational college students’ Ideological and Political Education based on higher education popularization and the great development of higher vocational education. And for this, firstly giving the definitions on "Ideological and Political Education", "college students’ ideological and political education" and "the actual effect of college students’ ideological and political education". Then around actual effect of college students’ ideological and political education, conducting a questionnaire survey on the students of Xinyang Agricultural College and Xinyang Vocational and Technical College.With the empirical method, analysising reasons of influencing and restrict the vocational college students, summed up the ideological and political education of China’s vocational schools the status quo. On this basis, it proposes strengthening the ideological education of students in vocational effectiveness of countermeasures, including:focus on vocational characteristics, scientific design of the ideological and political education of vocational students in the objectives and content; vigorously develop advanced culture, and create a healthy social environment for; focus on family virtues, and to create a harmonious and peaceful family environment; adhere to the correct ideological orientation, to create a good campus environment; adhere to people-centered, to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education:broaden the channels of ideological and political education, exploration and implementation of the vocational college students of ideological and political education, practice innovations; active in the mental health of students of higher vocational education, give full play to mental health education in the ideological and political education in the status and role; occupying network positions, seize the initiative in ideological and political education; adapt to the times, innovation and vocational college students ideological and political educational philosophy and methods, Concluding a vocational college students to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education of theoretical thinking. Building a life anchored in ideological and political education of college student’s model and build a high level of ideological and political education of students work as a team effort to creating a good school integrated education environment.
