

Study on the Development of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Fruit Quality Characteristies

【作者】 赵家桔

【导师】 王家保;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 农业生物技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 芒果(Mangifera indica L.)系漆树科芒果属热带果树,与柑橘、香蕉、葡萄、苹果并称世界五大水果,素有“热带果王”之美誉。我国已引进和培育了200余个芒果品种和品系,但我国芒果产业相对落后,存在着品种混乱、产量不稳定、品质较差等问题,造成商品果产量低,严重制约了我国芒果产业在国内外贸易中的竞争力,但我国尚未见有关芒果品质系统研究的报道。因此,深入研究芒果品质构成及其形成规律,在此基础上提出改良果实品质的技术措施,是我国芒果产业快速健康发展的需要,期望为将来的芒果育种及品质调控提供理论依据。主要结果如下:1、芒果果实含有3种糖、11种有机酸和4种类胡萝卜素组分,即果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖;草酸、酒石酸、奎尼酸、苹果酸、抗坏血酸、乳酸、α-酮戊二酸、柠檬酸、富马酸、琥珀酸和没食子酸;堇菜黄素、β-胡萝卜素、叶黄素和番茄红素。其中,蔗糖、苹果酸和堇菜黄素分别为芒果的主要糖、有机酸和类胡萝卜素种类。不同品种芒果果实中糖、有机酸和类胡萝卜素各组分含量存在显著差异,但各组分及总糖、总类胡萝卜素和总有机酸含量无显著差异。2、不同品种果实品质存在显著差异。灰色关联度分析表明,57个芒果品种的综合品质以留香杧最佳。完熟时绿色果皮品种果实可溶性糖含量显著高于红色果皮品种,且糖酸比和固酸比显著高于红色与黄色果皮品种。多胚品种的可溶性糖含量显著高于单胚品种。相关分析表明芒果可溶性糖与可溶性固形物及类胡萝卜素极显著或显著正相关,可滴定酸与糖酸比、固酸比均呈极显著负相关。果糖和蔗糖与总糖;堇菜黄素和β-胡萝卜素与总类胡萝卜素;苹果酸和柠檬酸与总酸之间均呈极显著正相关,酒石酸和α-酮戊二酸与总酸呈负相关。3、不同产区金煌果实品质以云南保山较好,福建晋宁较差;贵妃以海南乐东较好,三亚较差;台农1号以广西南宁较好,湛江较差。4、采用多肽和套袋处理对芒果果实品质均有改善,能显著提高果实中可溶性总糖、可溶性固形物和类胡萝卜素含量、糖酸比,降低可滴定酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸和总有机酸含量。5、芒果果实各糖及总糖含量均呈先增加后下降的变化趋势,果实发育过程中以积累果糖为主,后熟过程中以积累蔗糖为主,果实发育大多数阶段及后熟过程中,金煌果糖、葡萄糖及总糖含量高于其它品种。在成熟阶段,果糖与AI、NI达到极显著相关,蔗糖与SPS达到极显著相关,相关系数高达0.9574**,蔗糖与SS达到显著相关,葡萄糖相关性不显著。苹果酸与柠檬酸是芒果的主要有机酸种类,其中,果实发育及后熟过程中苹果酸含量始终高于柠檬酸。在果实发育阶段,贵妃总酸含量高于其它品种,在后熟阶段,红玉总酸含量高于其它品种。果实发育过程中,NAD-MDH、NADP-MH、CS和PEPC酶活性均呈现先增加后下降的变化趋势,活性高峰出现的时间及峰高因酶种类及品种而异。NAD-MDH活性变化与苹果酸含量变化基本一致,在芒果整个生长过程中,与苹果酸含量的相关性很大,相关系数最高可达0.8148**;CS活性与柠檬酸含量变化基本一致,在整个生长过程中都与柠檬酸含量呈显著相关性,相关系数达0.8334**,NADP-ME和PEPC与苹果酸含量的相关性不显著。芒果果实中堇菜黄素和叶黄素含量在发育初期有降低的趋势,进入后熟期后堇菜黄素含量快速增加,叶黄素含量则快速降低,β-胡萝卜素和番茄红素含量呈先升高后降低。果实发育后期及后熟过程中总类胡萝卜素含量以金煌最高,贵妃次之,红玉最低。

【Abstract】 Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is department of Anacardiaceae and is also tropical fruit trees,which is top five fruits with citrus, bananas, grapes, apples in the world and known as the "king of tropical fruit". While the mango industry in China is relatively backward than other countries,such as the confusion species varieties of chaos, production instability and poor quality etc,which seriously constraint international trade and lower the competitiveness of our mango industry. Moreover few reports about mango quality system research were seen in our country.Therefore, Studying of the quality of composition and formation rules and puting forward some technical measures based on the condition in order to improve fruit qualit is necessary for healthy development of China’s mango industry.expectations for the Qiang Lai’s mango breeding and Pinzhi control provide theoretical basis. The main results are as follows:1.Three kinds of carbohydrate, eleven kinds of organic acid and four kinds of carotenoid were detected in mango fruit. The compositions of the carbohydrates were fructose, glucose and sucrose. The compositions of organic acid were oxalic acid、tartaric acid、quinin acid、malic acid、ascorbic acid、lactic acid、α-ketoglutaric acid、citric acid、fumaric acid, succinic acid and gallic acid and the main carotenoid components were violaxanthin、β-carotene、lutein and lycopene. Sucrose, malic acid, and violaxanthin were the major compositions of carbohydrate, the sugars, organic acids and carotenoid content in different varieties of mango fruit were significantly different, but the contents of total sugar, total carotenoids and total organic acid showed no significant difference between them.2.There were significantly different from different fruit qualities. The gray relational analysis show that "Liuxiang" had the best comprehensive quality among the 57 mango varieties. Mango with green peel had higher SC content in their fruits than those with red skin, and had higher TSS/TA and SC/TA ratio than those with red or yellow skin during its ripening. Polyembryo varieties had higher SC content in ripening fruit than monoembryo types. Correlation analysis revealed that SC content had markedly or significantly positive correlation with TSS or carotenoid content, respecitvely. Content of TA had significantly negatively correlation with TSS/TA and SC/TA ratio. All of fructose,sucrose and total sugar; violaxanthin andβ-carotene and total carotenoids; malic acid and citric acid and total acid showed a significant positive correlation, respectively,tartaric acid and a-ketoglutarate acid and total acid are significantly negative related.3."jinhuang"Mango fruit quality from different producing areas are better in Yunnan Baoshan and Fujian Jinningian are poor; "guifei" of Ledong are better than Sanya in Hainan; "tainonglhao"of Guangxi Nanning are better than Zhanjiang. 4.The quality were improved when use of peptides and bagging on fruit quality of mango and total soluble sugar, soluble solids, sugar acid ratio, violaxanthin, P-carotene, lutein, lycopene and total carotenoid content of Mango fruit are significantly increasing and titratable acid, malic acid, citric acid and total organic acid content are lower.5.The sugar and total sugar content of mango showed increased firstly and then decreased. Mango fruit mainly accumulate fructose in the fruit development process and accumulate sucrose during ripening of fruit, most of the stages of fruit development and ripening process, gold Huang fructose, glucose and total sugar content are higher than other varieties. At maturity, fructose and AI, NI are extremely significant correlation and sugar with the SPS was extremely significant correlation.The coefficients are as high as 0.9574 **;the sucroses are significantly correlated with SS, while glucose with SS had no significant correlation.Malic acid and citric acid are the main organic acids of mango and malic acid content is always higher than citric acid content during fruit development and ripening process.In the fruit development stage, total acid content of the concubine are higher than other varieties, in the post-mature stage, total acid content of the ruby are higher than other varieties. During fruit development, NAD-MDH, NADP-MH, CS, and PEPC activity increased firstly and then decreased and peak activity time and peak height are deffrent due to enzyme types and varieties. NAD-MDH activity is consistent with malic acid content during the growth process of mango and malic acid content with it has great relevance and the correlation coefficients are up to 0.8148**; CS activity is consistent with the citric acid content during the whole growth process and it is also significantly correlated with citric acid content and correlation coefficients are up to 0.8334**, the correlation of NADP-ME and PEPC and malic acid content was not significant.The lutein and violaxanthin content of mango fruit decreased in the early development and violaxanthin content increased rapidly,while the content of lutein decreased sharply.Theβ-carotene and lycopene content increased firstly and then decreased in the ripening period. the highest total carotenoid content of mango are "jinhuang "and concubine second and ruby minimum in fruit development and ripening process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期