

Study on the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budget and Production Performances in Intensive Pond Culture of Shrimp

【作者】 李金亮

【导师】 赖秋明;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 海洋生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选择海南省文昌市正瑞水产有限公司龙马养殖基地和琼海市博鳌对虾养殖场的高位虾塘作为研究对象,针对不同养殖模式、不同养殖季节和放养不同的虾苗品系,对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)的生长、养殖水质、底质和池塘氮磷收支等方面进行了系列的研究。正瑞(Z)放养由进口SPF亲虾繁育的一代苗,并根据不同放养季节设置为夏季组(ZS)、秋季组(ZF)、冬季组(ZW和ZWb);而博鳌冬季组(BW)放养由本地选育亲虾繁育的本地苗。正瑞ZWb实验组采用分段养殖,其余各实验组采用常规养殖模式。研究结果表明,在对虾高位池精养生产模式中,各实验池塘氮、磷输入总量分别为:808.93-1155.58kg/hm2和160.08-239.49kg/hm2。其中饲料是池塘氮磷输入的主要形式,所占比例分别达到91.76%-93.68%和94.55%-96.97%;其次是进水和肥料,而降雨和虾苗所输入的氮磷在池塘总输入中所占比例都很小。各实验池塘以收获对虾形式输出氮磷分别占池塘氮磷输入总量的29.46%-40.46%和12.64%-17.41%,不同实验组收获对虾输出氮磷在输入总量中所占比例的差异主要受养殖季节和虾苗品系的影响。同样是放养一代苗,冬季ZW组收获对虾输出氮磷在输入总量中所占比例分别为33.33%-38.46%和14.39%-16.66%,秋季ZF组为29.87%-38.44%和12.78%-16.56%;而夏季ZS组显著较低(P<0.05),仅为29.46%-31.58%和12.64-13.49%。夏季水温高,有机物分解速度快,水质、底质调控难度大,容易发生“耗底”现象,造成夏季对虾养殖成活率和收获对虾输出氮磷在输入总量中比例偏低。与放养一代苗的ZW组相比,放养本地苗的BW组收获对虾氮输出量在输入总量中所占比例显著较低(P<0.05),仅为30.18%-36.37%。进行分段养殖的ZWb组收获对虾输出氮磷在输入总量中所占比例最高,分别为37.63%-40.46%和16.21%-17.41%,与普通养殖模式的正瑞冬季ZW组差异不显著。养殖季节和对虾苗种品系对养殖效果有显著影响。夏季ZS组对虾平均生长速度达到0.175g/d,分别比秋季ZF组和冬季普通ZW组高73.0%和139.3%。冬季ZW组成活率为77.70%-87.75%,显著高于夏季ZS组和秋季ZF组(P<0.05)。与相同养殖季节放养一代苗的ZW组相比,放养本地苗的BW组养殖成活率为62.10%-72.30%,单位面积产量为8821-9878kg/hm2,均显著较低(P<0.05)。采用分段养殖的ZWb组养成池塘单造使用周期缩短56.13%,且对虾收获后底泥有机质增加幅度比ZW组低9.41%。实验过程中,养殖水源水质较好,基本符合渔业水质标准(GB 11607-1989)的要求。而收获时池水可溶性无机氮和可溶性无机磷平均浓度分别达到海水富营养化标准(DIN,0.30mg/L; DIP,0.045mg/L)的7.03(DIN)倍和6.50倍(DIP);并且营养状态指数(E,3886-6558)和有机污染指数(A,26.32-30.25)严重超过高富营养(E>3.0)和严重污染(A>4.0)的标准。各实验池塘底泥均为弱酸性,且对虾收获后池塘底泥pH值较放养前出现不同程度的下降。正瑞ZS组养殖过程中换水量(544m3/hm2·d)最大,底泥沉积的氮磷分别占池塘氮磷输入总量的14.10%-20.85%和27.59%-38.76%,显著低于其他各实验组(P<0.05)。换水量的增加有助于降低养殖水体的有机物负荷,减轻池塘底部有机物的淤积程度。根据本研究结果的计算,平均每生产1t对虾,大约有54.93kg的氮和15.31kg的磷通过养殖废水排放和池塘清洗等途径进入周边的海域。

【Abstract】 The research was taken at the higher-place shrimp ponds of Longma culture base of Zhengrui Aquaculture Co., Ltd in Wenchang city and Bo’ao shrimp farm in Qionghai city of Hainan provience. The growth status of Litopenaeus vannamei, water quality, sediments and nitrogen and phosphorus budget of ponds were studied systematically, according to the different culture modes, culture seasons and shrimp larvae strains. In Zhengrui the shrimp stocking at summer (ZS), fall (ZF), winter (ZW and ZWb), and the shrimp larvae strain were the same first filial generation (Fl) breeded by batches of SPF Litopenaeus vannamei, while in the Bo’ao winter trial (BW), the cultured shrimp larvae was breeded by local selected brood stock. In addition, trial ZWb was piecewise cultured, while others were general cultured.The result showed the total inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus in the shrimp ponds was 808.93-1155.58kg/hm2(N) and 160.08-239.49kg/hm2(P) respectively. Among which the feed was the main source of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs, which accounted for 91.76%-93.68% and 94.55%-96.97%, and water inflow and fertilizer followed by, while the rainfall and shrimp larvae account for only a little.Within the ponds, the nitrogen and phosphorus was converted to harvested shrimp accounted for 29.46%-40.46% and 12.64%-17.41% of the total inputs. The outputs of nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of harvested shrimp were significantly affected by the shrimp larvae strains and culture seasons. When the larvae strain were the same Fl, the outputs of nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of harvested shrimp of the trial ZW were 33.33%-38.46% and 14.39%-16.66% respectively, and the trial ZF were 29.87%-38.44% and 12.78%-16.56% respectively, while trial ZS were 29.46%-31.58% and 12.64%-13.49%. The outputs of nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of harvested shrimp in summer were significantly lower than winter and fall (P<0.05), it may because that the water temperature was higher, which enhanced the respiration of organism, leading to the low survival rate and percentage of nitrogen and phosphorus outputs for the shrimp. The outputs of nitrogen in the form of harvested shrimp of trial BW were 30.18%-36.37%, which were significantly lower than ZW trial (P<0.05). The highest percentage of nitrogen and phosphorus outputs in the form of harvested shrimp were 37.63%-40.46% and 16.21%-17.41%, which was appeared in trial ZWb, while had no significantly difference with the general cultured ZW trial.The production performances were greatly affected by the shrimp larvae strains and culture seasons. Because of the high temperature, the average growth rate of trial ZS reached 0.175 g/d in summer, which was 73.0% and 139.3% higher than the trial ZF in fall and trial ZW in winter respectively. The survival rates of trial ZW was 77.70%-87.75%, which was significantly higher than trial ZS and trial ZF (P<0.05). While in the same culture season, the survival rates of trial BW was 62.10%-72.30% and the yield per unit area was 8821-9878kg/hm2, which was significantly lower than the trial ZW (P<0.05). Trial ZWb which was piecewise cultured shorted the culture cycle by the 56.13%, at the same time, the increase in organic matter of the sediments was 9.41% lower than the trial ZW.The quality of source was in accordance with water quality standard for fisheries (GB 11607-1989). While the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus of the water were 7.03 and 6.50 times as much as the eutrophication standard (DIN,0.30mg/L; DIP,0.045mg/L) after the shrimp cultured. Furthermore, the trophic state index (E,3886-6558) and the organic pollution index (A,26.32-30.25) exceeded the high eutrophication standard (E>3.0) and serious pollution standard (A>4.0).The sediment was shown light acidic and it tended to decrease with the culture. The trial ZS with the maximum water exchanged showed the least rate in budget of nitrogen (14.10%-20.85%) and phosphorus (27.59%-38.76%) in the sediments. It was significantly lower than other trials (P<0.05). It could decrease the nutrient loading rates of the water and sediment when increase the quantity of exchanged water. According to the study,59.43kg nitrogen and 15.31kg phosphorus will be released to the environment by effluent discharging and pond sediment washing for one ton of shrimp production.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期