

The Tibetan Effects on Mongolian Jewelry

【作者】 赤新

【导师】 赵志生;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文所研究的对象主要是指,妇女及男子所佩戴的以金属和宝石为主要材料的随身装饰品。藏传佛教对蒙古族的文化艺术影响深远,表现在绘画、雕塑、工艺等诸多方面。两个民族由于共同的宗教信仰、接近的地理位置及生活方式、共同作为有一定影响的边疆民族的历史地位等因素造就了装饰艺术方面的众多相似之处。藏文化包括藏族的语言、文学、艺术及一切意识形态在内的精神产品。而藏文化核心价值体现在藏传佛教当中,深入藏文化的方方面面。可以这样说,藏传佛教作为蒙、藏文化的联接点,蒙古族接受藏传佛教的深入程度与蒙古服饰中藏文化符号的使用范围与频率密切相关。本文所关注的即是这种联系在饰物上的直观表现,并由此入手,以期整理出以蒙古饰物为外在表现的文化变迁,进而佐证“和而不同”的文化理念。关于研究的方法,笔者采用了“全面的历史学”的观点,由当时的经济、气候、政治和社会因素的相互状况,着重其中文化的分量。对于其中的内在文化影响,本文从图像学角度入手,融合文化人类学的相关理论来分析一个民族、一定时期内工艺美术的变化发展。本文的意义在于从不同的视角来看蒙古族的文化。通常情况下,我国少数民族文化研究中所受的外来影响指的是汉文化的影响。蒙汉、藏汉文化交流的研究已经比较完善。笔者从新的视角,即少数民族对少数民族的影响出发,从蒙古族饰物的这个侧面入手,来看蒙藏之间的文化交流。

【Abstract】 The main targets of this research are the portable decoration that women and men wear metal and precious stones as the main materials. The far-reaching effects from Tibetan Buddhism to Mongolian arts and culture, manifested in painting, sculpture, crafts and many other aspects. Because of their common religious beliefs, neighboring location and lifestyle, both as the frontier nation’s in history, and other factors,created decorative arts of many similarities. As analysis the development of Mongolian jewelry, I found it affected from the Tibetan in many ways. And the reason is complex and about the culture trading、religion, etc.This treatise is going to summarized the concept which is different cultures "harmony but not sameness".On research methods, the author use a "comprehensive history", by the prevailing economic, climatic, political and social factors condition,focus on the weight of culture. For the internal culture,from the point of Iconography view, add the related theory of cultural anthropology to analyze a nation, a certain period of change and development of arts and crafts.Nomadic culture,since ancient times, be with diversity, this paper start from one aspect, analysis representative Mongolian accessories in each period, analysis the affects its suffered, to show "harmony but not sameness" concept in the cultural development of the practical embodiment.Make a conclusion that the cultural exchange come to the inevitable elements in the development of cultural heritage.The significance of this article is to use a different perspective to treat the Mongolian culture.Typically, minority culture suffered in the foreign influence that means the Chinese culture.Mongolianand Chinese, Tibetan and Chinese cultural studies has been more perfect. The author from a new perspective, that is, the effect of minority to minority, and t start from the Mongolian jewelry, view of cultural exchanges between the Mongolian and Tibetan affairs.

【关键词】 蒙古族藏族饰物影响
【Key words】 MongolianTibetanJewelryeffect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期