

Economic Growth in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

【作者】 修凯传

【导师】 包广才;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2002年以来,内蒙古自治区经济建设日新月异,经济总量连创新高,截止到2009年,内蒙古自治区国内生产总值的增长速度已经连续8年居全国首位。作为一个少数民族自治区,一个欠发达的自治区,内蒙古自治区实现了经济跨越式的发展。与此同时,在内蒙古经济增长过程中,也存在种种问题,如资源的浪费、对环境的破坏、投资依赖等等。这些问题的出现与内蒙古自治区经济增长方式有着密切的联系。本文认为解决这些问题的关键在于贯彻和落实科学发展观的要求,转变内蒙古自治区的经济增长方式。论文的主要观点和写作思路是:本文以前人对经济增长和经济增长方式研究的理论成果为基础,首先对改革开放以来内蒙古自治区的经济增长时期进行历史性回顾,重点分析2002年—2009年内蒙古自治区经济高速增长的原因和特征;通过实证分析解析在经济高速增长时期内蒙古自治区的主要经济增长方式,即粗放型、投资推动型的经济增长;分析内蒙古自治区经济增长中出现的高污染和高排放现象、固定资产投资依赖、内需不足和区域发展不均衡等问题;最后概括内蒙古自治区经济增长方式对西部地区发展的借鉴意义,提出转变内蒙古自治区经济增长方式是实现内蒙古自治区经济“又快又好”发展的途径,并对解决经济增长中出现的问题提出对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since 2002, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region’economics has a rapid development, the total of economics has increased rapidly, until 2009, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region’s GDP growth has been ranked at the first in the country for 8 years. As a minority autonomous region and a developing autonomous region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region achieves economic development by leaps and bounds. But there are lots of problems in the process of economic growth in Inner Mongolia, such as low-level resources comprehensive utilization, unreasonable economic structure, serious environmental pollution, etc. The author believes that the key way to resolving these problems lies in changing the mode of economic growth in Inner Mongolia based on implementing and carrying out the scientific development view.The main idea and the writing thought of the paper is:On the base of the people of former times’theories of the economic growth and the mode of economic growth, First of all, review the economic growth of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region since the reform and opening up, then focusing on analysis the causes and characteristics in the period of 2002-2009 when Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region economic growth rapidly; Analysis of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region’s main economic growth by empirical methods, that is extensive and investment-driven economic growth; Analysis of the following questions occurred in the process of economic growth in Inner Mongolia:high pollution and high emission phenomena, fixed asset investment dependence, insufficient domestic demand and unbalanced regional development and other issues; last, summarizes the mode of economic growth in Inner Mongolia economic development on the significance of the western region, and Proposed that change the mode of economic growth in Inner Mongolia is key to achieve economic growth "faster and better", then propose measures and suggestions to solve the problems in economic growth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期