

Study on Provenance Differences of Energy-quality of Four Trees Species for Bio-energy in the South of China

【作者】 王兆勇

【导师】 马祥庆;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为解决目前世界面临的能源危机,寻找可再生替代能源成为当前社会发展过程中急需解决的重大课题,近年来作为无污染的生物能源越来越受到重视。我国南方地区能源植物资源丰富,因此如何开发南方的生物能源树种资源显得十分迫切。虽然近年来国内学者对我国南方的一些生物能源树种资源的分布、含油量和能源品质进行了研究,初步筛选出了一些适合南方地区种植的生物能源树种。但目前的这些研究多是从同一来源的树种角度进行研究的,而这些生物能源树种由于分布区地形、气候、土壤等条件的不同,这些树种的含油量和能源品质存在较大的地理种源差异,目前的研究忽略了地域不同可能导致能源树种含油量和能源品质的差异,引起能源树种开发利用中存在极大的盲目性,因此如何筛选出含油量高和能源品质好的能源树种种源成为当前能源树种开发利用中急需解决的重大课题。有鉴于此,本文在导师课题组对我国南方地区分布的能源植物资源进行调查和筛选基础上,选择南方地区含油量较高的4种生物能源树种乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)、三年桐(Vernicia fordii)、麻疯树(Jatropha curcas)和无患子(Sapindus mukorossi)为研究对象,收集这4个生物能源树种的不同地理种源种子,通过测定4个树种不同地理种源种子形态、苗期形态特征、发芽率、种子含水率、百粒重、含油率、密度、灰分、硫质量分数、水分、酸值、运动黏度等油脂生物柴油理化特性指标,比较生物能源树种不同地理种源之间的差异,筛选含油量高和能源品质好的能源树种种源,为筛选可供生产上应用的生物能源树种和种源提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1.南方4个生物能源树种不同种源的种子形态存在明显差异。从种子形态上看,三年桐种子最大,乌桕最小。4种不同种源能源树种长、宽、厚种源差异除南平三年桐种子厚与尤溪、河南之间外均达极显著水平。尤溪与河南三年桐种子厚存在显著性差异,河南与南平乌桕种子长之间不存在显著差异,江西与清流乌桕种子长不存在显著差异,江西与南平乌桕种子宽不存在显著差异,南平与清流乌桕种子宽存在显著差异。2.南方4个种源生物能源树种不同种源的苗期形态特征存在明显差异。无患子各种源平均苗高、地径、单株叶片数差异不显著,但平均叶长、叶宽以及叶面积差异达极显著水平。三年桐种源平均苗高、地径、单株叶片数、叶长和叶宽差异达极显著水平,平均叶面积差异显著。云南麻疯树种苗平均叶长与广西麻疯树种苗差异显著。乌桕各种源乌桕平均苗高、地径、单株叶片数、叶长、叶宽、叶面积差异均达极显著水平。3.南方4个生物能源树种不同种源种子发芽率存在明显差异。尤溪三年桐清水浸种处理的种子发芽率与河南、江西差异均不显著,河南三年桐与永春差异不显著,其他两两比较差异均达到显著水平;尤溪无患子发芽率跟清流差异显著,其他两两对比差异均不显著;江西乌桕与南平、尤溪差异两两显著。江西三年桐高锰酸钾溶液浸种处理种子发芽率与南平、永春差异显著;无患子4个种源种子平均发芽率两两差异均极显著水平;麻疯树种子发芽率种源差异不显著;江西乌桕发芽率与南平差异达极显著水平,河南乌桕发芽率与建瓯、安徽、尤溪两两差异均不显著,南平发芽率与尤溪差异不显著,其他种源种子发芽率两两比较差异均显著。经高锰酸钾溶液浸种方式处理的种子发芽率明显大于用清水处理的种子。4.南方4个生物能源树种不同种源种子含油品质存在明显差异。南平无患子含水率与清流、两地麻疯树含水率、尤溪乌桕含水率与河南、江西以及安徽乌桕含水率与南平差异显著,尤溪乌桕与南平、建瓯差异极显著,安徽乌桕与建瓯差异极显著。河南乌桕与尤溪、江西乌桕与南平、两地麻疯树及江西与南平无患子百粒重差异不显著,尤溪与南平三年桐百粒重差异显著,其他各种源树种两两比较差异均极显著。石油醚对乌桕种子油脂提取效果最高;对麻疯树的提取,石油醚与无水乙醇作为提取剂皆适合;石油醚与无水乙醇无疑是三年桐种子油脂提取的最佳选择;对无患子种子油脂提取,无水乙醇是最适合的提取剂,石油醚次之。在种仁含油率上,南平与江西无患子、尤溪与江西无患子、江西无患子与清流、江西三年桐与河南、江西与南平三年桐及尤溪三年桐与河南的含油率存在显著差异。在种壳含油率上,尤溪与清流无患子、广西与云南麻疯树以及尤溪与永春三年桐之间存在显著差异。5.南方4个生物能源树种不同种源种子油脂生物柴油理化特性存在明显差异。不同种源乌桕、无患子、三年桐和麻疯树密度都能达到各国生物柴油标准。4个树种不同种源灰分均符合生物柴油标准。乌桕不同种源硫质量分数均达到国家一级柴油标准,未达到其它国家的生物柴油标准;麻疯树不同种源硫质量分数达到了国家优质柴油硫质量分数标准;三年桐不同种源硫质量分数达到国家一级柴油标准,不符合其它国家硫质量分数标准;无患子各种源硫质量分数达到国家优质柴油标准,符合澳大利亚和捷克两国柴油标准。乌桕不同种源水分达到中国、捷克、意大利、欧洲等国柴油标准,与其他国家柴油标准还有差距;麻疯树不同种源水分符合中国、捷克、意大利、欧洲的国柴油标准;三年桐不同种源水分达到国家柴油标准,离法国、德国两国柴油标准差距较大。无患子各种源水分仅达到中国、捷克、意大利、欧洲等国家柴油标准。乌桕各种源酸值只达到中国、美国国家柴油标准;麻疯树、三年桐和无患子各种源酸值达到其它国家的柴油标准。乌桕、麻疯树、三年桐和无患子运动黏度均不符合世界各国的国家柴油标准。

【Abstract】 Finding renewable alternative sources of energy becomes a major issues need to be resolved in the process of social development for solving present energy crisis of all the world, and people pay more and more attention to biological energy which has no pollution. The energy plants resource is rich in the south of China ,so that how to develop biological energy plants resource in the south becomes a exigent problem. Although,some scholars in our country have studied the distribution, oil content and energy quality of southern energy plants, and have preliminary screened some biological energy plants which are suitable for planting in the south. However, these studies are all from the same source plants, and there are many geographical and source differences of these plants’oil content and energy quality for the differences of terrain, climate and soil conditions. The present research has ignored the differences caused by regional disparity and led to a great blindness in the development and utilization of energy plants. Therefore ,how to screen biological energy plants resource which are high oil content and good energy quality becomes a great subject in the development and utilization of energy plants.In view of this, this paper takes four different provenances of bio-energy species which have high oil content in the southern regions basis on the comprehensive investigations and screening of energy plants resources in the south of China by our tutor’s project team, and these four plants are Sapium sebiferum ,Vernicia fordii, Jatropha curcas and Sapindus mukorossi, then collect the seeds of different geographical provenances of these four biological energy plants. Compare the geographical provenance differences of different biological energy plants and screen the plants which have high oil content and good energy quality through determining the indexes such as seed morphology, seedling morphology, germination rate, seed moisture content, hundred-grain weight, oil content and physicochemical properties of bio-diesel oil such asdensity, ash content, sulfur content, moisture content, acid value, kinematic viscosity and so on.It will provide the basis for selecting biological energy species and provenances which can be used in production.The main results are as follows:1. The seed morphology of the four southern bio-energy species have great differences. Vernicia fordii seed is the largest, Sapium sebiferum is the least in the seed morphology . The length, width, thickness of different provenance of different kinds of energy trees are very significant except the seed thickness of Vernicia fordii between Nanping and Youxi , Henan, when the significant difference of the thickness between Youxi and Henan is found. The seed length of Sapium sebiferum between Henan and Nanping present no significance of difference, when the length between Jiangxi and Qongliu present no significance of difference,too. The seed width of Sapium sebiferum between Jiangxi and Nanping present no significance of difference, when the significant difference of the width between Nanping and Qingliu is found.2. Seedling morphology of the four southern bio-energy species vary significantly in seedling stage. The average seedling height, basal stem and individual leaf number of different Sapindus mukorossi species have no significant difference. But average leaf length, leaf width and leaf area have great significant difference. The average seedling height, basal stem, individual leaf number, leaf length and leaf width of Vernicia fordii species have much significant difference when the average leaf area has significant difference. The average leaf length of Jatropha curcas from Yunnan and Guangxi has significant difference. The average seedling height, basal stem, individual leaf number, leaf length, leaf width and leaf area of Sapium sebiferum species have much significant difference.3. The seed germination rate of the four southern bio-energy species vary significantly. The Vernicia fordii’s seed germination rate by water soaking between Youxi and Henan, Jiangxi has no significant difference, Youxi and Yongchun has no significant difference, too. Multiple comparison among other cities have significant difference. The Sapindus mukorossi’s seed germination rate of Youxi and Qingliu has significant difference, multiple comparison among other cities have no significant difference. There are significant correlation between any two among Jiangxi Sapium sebiferum and Nanping,Youxi. The Vernicia fordii’s seed germination rate by potassium permanganate solution soaking between Jiangxi and Nanping, Yongchun has significant difference. Multiple comparison of the average germination rate among four kinds of Sapindus mukorossi has much significant difference and there is no significant difference of provenance difference between two cities’germination rate of Jatropha curcas. Jiangxi Sapium sebiferum and Nanping has much significant difference. Multiple comparison of the germination rate between Henan and Jianou, Anhui,Youxi has no significant difference. Nanping and Youxi has no significant difference, and multiple comparison of other cities has significant difference. We can find that the seeds germination rate by potassium permanganate solution soaking is higher than the seeds treated only water soaking.4. The seed oil content of the four southern bio-energy species vary significantly. There is much significant difference of the seed moisture content of Sapindus mukorosi and Jatropha curcas between Nanping and Qingliu, Sapium sebiferum between Youxi and Henan, Jiangxi,Anhui and Nanping .Youxi Sapium sebiferum and Nanping , Jianou has much significant difference. Anhui Sapium sebiferum and Jianou has much significant difference. There is no significant difference of seed hundred-grain weight of Sapium sebiferum between Henan and Youxi,Jiangxi Jatropha curcas between Henan and Nanping, Sapindus mukorossi between Jiangxi and Nanping . Youxi and Nanping Vernicia fordii has significant difference, multiple comparison of other species has much significant difference. The Sapium sebiferum seed oil extraction effect by petroleum ether is the highest. The Jatropha curcas seed oil extraction effect by petroleum ether and pure ethanol is also suitable. The petroleum ether and pure ethanol should be the best selections of Vernicia fordii seed oil extraction. Pure ethanol is the most suitable extraction agent for Sapindus mukorossi seed oil extraction and petroleum ether takes the second place. For the oil content of seed kernel: Nanping and Jiangxi Sapindus mukorossi; Youxi and Jiangxi Sapindus mukorossi; Jiangxi Sapindus mukorossi and Qingliu; Jiangxi Vernicia fordii and Henan; Jiangxi and Nanping Vernicia fordii; Youxi Vernicia fordii and Henan seed kernel oil content has significant difference. For the oil content of seed shell: Youxi and Qingliu Sapindus mukorossi; Guangxi and Yunnan Jatropha curcas; Youxi and Yongchun Vernicia fordii seed shell oil content has significant difference.5. The seed physicochemical properties of bio-diesel oil of the four southern bio-energy species vary significantly. Different kinds of Sapium sebiferum, Sapindus mukorossi, Vernicia fordii and Jatropha curcas can achieve national standards for bio-diesel. The ash content from four kinds of different species also meet the bio-diesel standard. The sulfur content of different Sapium sebiferum meet the national diesel fuel standard, but doesn’t meet other countries’standards for bio-diesel. The sulfur content of different Jatropha curcas meet the national quality standards for sulfur content of diesel. The sulfur content of Vernicia fordii meet the national diesel fuel standards, and doesn’t meet other countries’standards for sulfur content. The sulfur content of Sapindus mukorossi meet national quality standards for diesel in line with Australia and the Czech Republic diesel standards. The moisture content of Sapium sebiferum achieves the China, Czech Republic, Italy, Europe’s national diesel standard, but is still lagging behind other countries in diesel standards. The moisture content of Jatropha curcas meet the China, Czech Republic, Italy, Europe’s national diesel standard. The moisture content of Vernicia fordii achieves the diesel standards of China, and is still far from France and Germany’s diesel standards. The moisture content of Sapindus mukorossi only achieves the diesel standards of China, Czech Republic, Italy and European. The acid value of Sapium sebiferum only achieves the China and United States National diesel standards. The acid value of Jatropha curcas, Vernicia fordii and Sapindus mukorossi achieve every country’s diesel fuel standards. The kinematic viscosity of Sapium sebiferum, Jatropha curcas, Vernicia fordii and Sapindus mukorossi does not meet the national diesel standard around the world.

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