

Studies on the Occurrence and Injury of Quadrastichus Erythrinae Kim and Its Chemical Control

【作者】 陈颖

【导师】 黄建; 王竹红;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 植物检疫, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 刺桐姬小蜂(Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim)是一种新入侵的检疫性造瘿昆虫,自2003年被发现以来该虫已蔓延至热带与亚热带的太平洋岛屿以及亚洲大陆、北美大陆的边缘地区。本文研究了刺桐姬小蜂的产卵趋性、分布规律、极端温度胁迫适应性等发生危害习性,在此基础上预测其在全国的潜在地理分布区,并对其化学防治做了初步探索,研究结果如下:1.刺桐姬小蜂为两性生殖,产卵过程可分为4个步骤,雌蜂在交配后第2d开始产卵,第3d达到产卵高峰。雌虫最喜欢产卵于长1~2cm的未展开或半展开的幼嫩叶片上,当新梢叶片大于3.5cm时不产卵。该虫一般在新梢叶片、叶柄上形成虫瘿,偶尔也在刺桐东方变种的嫩茎上产生虫瘿。刺桐姬小蜂对不同寄主具有明显的选择性,在金脉刺桐Erythrina variegata cv.‘Parcellii’与刺桐东方变种E. variegata var. orientalis上的着卵量最多,其次是刺桐E. variegata,在室内接种中鸡冠刺桐E. cristagalli上未发现卵。2.刺桐姬小蜂卵在刺桐东方变种叶片上的分布规律:卵主要分布于靠近叶柄的主脉两侧下部区域,多以1~2个虫瘿联体形式存在;卵主要呈聚集分布,分布形式为负二项分布,分布的基本成分为个体群,且个体群大小随着虫瘿密度的增加而增大;卵具有密度依赖性;聚集是昆虫本身习性和环境共同引起的。3.刺桐姬小蜂对高温具有较强的适应性。在43℃下暴露1h,约10%的成虫仍能存活;在37℃下暴露12 h或在40℃下暴露6 h成虫几乎全部死亡;高温暴露显著缩短了成虫的寿命;37℃下驯化1h能显著提高刺桐姬小蜂成虫的耐热性;成虫的平均过冷却点(SCP值)约在―9.6℃;6℃的低温驯化没有显著降低刺桐姬小蜂成虫的SCP值。4.刺桐姬小蜂在中国潜在地理分布区:刺桐姬小蜂可以生存的地区占全国的59.40%;该虫在我国可以越冬的绝大多数地区1年发生3~6代;按风险程度将该虫在我国的分布区划分为安全区(占40.60%)、轻度危险区(占22.69%)、危险区(占23.73%)、高度危险区(占12.99%);刺桐姬小蜂的气候相似距预测表明,我国华南地区以及云南、浙江、江西的部分地区与该虫标准点之间生物气候相似距较小(dij为0.6左右),这些地区入侵的风险最高。5.用四种内吸性药剂对刺桐姬小蜂进行了树干注药防治试验,其中以虫线清和阿维菌素效果较好,用药后三个月内能明显降低新梢危害率、减轻虫瘿重量,减少虫瘿羽化数。啶虫脒与吡虫啉的防治效果较差,在用药后第3个月几乎对刺桐姬小蜂不产生作用。土壤穴施法与树干注药法的防治效果差别不大。

【Abstract】 Erythrina gall wasp (EGW), Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim, is a new quarantinable gall-inducing invasive pest. Since its first occurrence in 2003, the pest has spread to several tropical and subtropical countries in Pacific islands and continental margins of Asia or North Amrica. This paper dealt with the oviposition preference, distributions of galls and adaption to temperature extremes of EGW. Based on which, a geographic distribution model for EGW was established and the chemical control was discussed. The results were shown as follows:1. EGW produced by amphigenesis. The process of oviposition included 4 steps. The females began to lay eggs at the second day after copulating with a peak at the third day. The females preferred to oviposit on tender leaves of the length of 1-2cm while didn’t lay on the leaves over the length of 3.5cm. The pest damaged to produce galls generally on young shoots, primarily leaves and petioles, but sometimes on tender stems of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis. The host preference for oviposition was significantly different among the hosts tested. E. variegata var. orientalis and E. variegata cv.‘Parcellii’were more preferred than E. variegata. No eggs were found on E. cristagalli by delivering adults in the laboratory.2. The study on the distributions of galls induced by EGW on E.variegata var. orientalis leaves indicated that: galls on leaves mainly located at the lower parts beside the main vein near the petiole; the frequency of the galls appearing in one and two-galls group was more than 50%; the spatial distribution of the galls on leaves was aggregating based on the spatial pattern parameters, and its basic element of distribution was clusters of individuals which increased with the gall density; the aggregation degree was dependent on the gall density; the aggregation was caused by the environment condition and the congregation habit of insect.3. The adults had strong adaptability to high temperature. About 10% of adults can survive under the treatment of 43℃for 1h, and the adults almost died after the treatment of 37℃for 12h or 40℃for 6h; the longevity of adults decreased with the increase of exposure time; the maximum effect of hot acclimation was achieved under 37℃for 1h; the mean supercooling point (SCP) of adults was -9.6℃; the treatment of exposure under 6℃didn’t decrease the mean SCP significantly.4. The potential geographical distribution model of EGW in China showed that: the pest could exist in 59.40% regions of China, and was more likely to occur 3 to 6 generations yearly in suitable survival regions; the potential geographical distribution could be divided into security areas (accounted for 40.60%), mild dangerous areas (22.69%), dangerous areas (23.73%) and high-risk areas (12.99%); South China Region and partial areas of Yunnan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi Province which had the shortest bio-climate similar distance (dij=0.6) with the standard point were most likely to be invaded by EGW.5. The field bioassay of four kinds of systemic insecticides for trunk injections was conducted against EGW. The results showed that Chongxianqing and avermectin could be more effective than imidacloprid and acetamiprid with lower damage rate, lighter gall weight, fewer adult emergence within 3 months. Imidacloprid and acetamiprid had the worst results with little effect on EGW after 3 months. The control results of soil drenching had no more difference with that of trunk injecting.

  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】4
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