

Studies on Temple Landscape Architecture and Plant Composition in Fuzhou

【作者】 王增云

【导师】 邓传远; 赖钟雄;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 福州是佛教发展历史悠久的地区之一,经过千百年的历史文化沉淀,留下了许多名刹古寺。本文正是以此为研究对象,进行实地调查和资料收集整理,在此基础上对福州寺庙园林建筑与植物造景进行较为全面、较为系统的分析,研究其悠久的建筑营造技术和经验、植物造景配置方式和艺术手法。其主要研究观点为:一、从福州佛教及其寺庙文化发展的背景加以考察,理清其历史发展脉络,并从文化层面分析福州寺庙少避讳性、山海文化性、浓重的地域性、相互交融性、包容性和开放性、多重功能性的特点。二、逐步对福州寺庙园林选址、建筑群体布局、主要建筑及细部装饰展开层层的分析研究,通过大量的实例,得出其在选址上,或据山而设、或置于山巅、或深入山坳、或隐入洞壑、或濒临江湖的特色;在建筑群体布局上,有纵轴式布局、院落式布局、廊院式布局、散点式布局和集锦式布局。于此同时,还总结出了研究福州这些保存下来的古寺庙建筑两方面的价值:一是年代悠久,门类齐全,有的是最古老的寺院保存,是研究我国建筑史、特别是研究宗教建筑史极为珍贵的实物;二是具有独特的建筑艺术,福州寺庙建筑别有特色,在继承古制的基础上有所创新,较为灵活,兼收并蓄地吸收了地方民间信仰、道教及西方教堂的建筑元素,极大地丰富了我国的宗教建筑艺术。三、对福州寺庙园林植物的选择和造景配置进行研究,较为详细地分析其乡土味较浓、佛教性稍淡;以一种或几种园林植物闻名于世;丰富的城市文化内涵,突显植物文化特色;深刻的海洋文化烙印四点植物选择特色。同时,阐述了孤植、丛植、群植、林植、水生五种植物造景配置方式与变化和统一、对比和衬托、动势和均衡、起伏和韵律、层次和背景、色彩和季相六种艺术手法。总之,本文系统地对福州寺庙园林建筑与植物造景展开分析、解读和总结,从而更好地对这一传统瑰宝进一步继承和发扬,希望从中得出积极的借鉴,为现代园林设计、创作服务;同时也希望能挖掘出蕴涵于其中的旅游价值。

【Abstract】 Fuzhou is a place with a great history on Buddhism. Due to the accumulation for hundreds of years, there are many famous temples preserved today. This paper focuses on these temples in Fuzhou, based on field investigation and data collection, a more comprehensive and systematic analysis was made for landscape architecture and planting design regarding the technique and experience, planting mode and means of artistic expression. Its main viewpoints include:I On the basis of the backgrounds on Buddhism and temples culture in Fuzhou, the author figured out the path of its history development, and analyzed the characteristics of less taboo, culture, intensive region features, mutual assimilation, inclusiveness and openness, and multiple functionalities characterizing the temples in Fuzhou.II Gradual analysis was made for site of selection, architectural groups layout, main buildings and details decoration of temple gardens in Fuzhou, also, lots of cases were introduced to demonstrate the characteristics of site selection, built according to mountain, on the top of the mountain, hidden in the cave, or near river or lakes; The architectural layout includes longitudinal-axial, yard style, corridor-style, dotted style and centralized style. Meanwhile, the author collected the values of studying old temple architectures preserved in Fuzhou: one is that these temples have a long history with varied categories, some the oldest temple that can be used as real basis for studying the architectural history in China, especially religious architectural history; two is that they are of peculiar architectural art. These temple buildings are very special, the combination of traditional Chinese styles and new innovation, including local folk beliefs, Taoism and architectural elements from western churches.III The study on selection and landscaping of plants shows that these temples in Fuzhou is of local features and less Buddhism, mostly renown for one or several landscape plant(s); rich urban cultures manifest the plants feature in Fuzhou while long ocean culture are reflected in local plants selection. Meanwhile, five planting modes such as specimen planting, grouping, clustering, forest planting and aquatics are elaborated regarding change and unity, contrast and complementation, motion and balance, fluctuation and rhythm, hierarchy and backgrounds, colors and seasonal appearance.In general this paper systematically analyzed, unscrambled and summarized temple architectures and plants landscaping in Fuzhou, in order to carry forward and develop this traditional wealth and in the hope of drawn lessons from them used as the basis for modern landscape design and creation. Also, the value of tourism in them may be further developed.

  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】507