

The Experimental Study of Photosynthetic Bacteria Combined Activated Sludge Process to Treat the Wastewater Contained High Concentration Aniline

【作者】 包晗

【导师】 孔秀琴;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 苯胺废水的处置,一直以来都以物理化学方法为主,处理规模和效果上往往不够理想。传统活性污泥法及其改进方法,其对苯胺废水的处理不仅效果有限,往往还要经过较长时间的驯化,才能使活性污泥微生物适应苯胺废水的水质特性,耐负荷冲击效果亦不佳。近年来培养针对苯胺降解的专性微生物也是苯胺废水处理的一个重要研究方向,经过专门诱变、筛选、培养的专性微生物具有对苯胺废水适应性好,处理效率高等优点,但其运行成本往往不低,专性微生物的筛选和培养也需要大量的金钱和时间投入。光合细菌(Photosynthetic Bacteria, PSB)由于其对高浓度有机废水的较好的耐受性,耐冲击能力等优点,近年来在水处理领域的应用日渐广泛。本文研究了实验室条件下,光合细菌及活性污泥法联用处理苯胺类高浓度有机废水的可行性及最佳处理工艺,并通过温度调整,抑制实验中藻类的大量繁殖。研究结果表明:经过PSB工艺段处理后的苯胺废水,其COD(用重铬酸钾氧化水中需氧污染物质时所消耗的氧气量)可由2304mg/L降至144-166mg/L,去除率可达92.8%。苯胺含量可由28.4mg/L降至2.85mg/L,去除率为90%。PSB段出水经过活性污泥反应器处理后,COD可降至84-100mg/L,苯胺浓度可降至0.71mg/L,整个工艺总的COD和苯胺去除率分别为96.4%和97.5%,达到国家一级排放标准。光合细菌与生活污水中微生物可形成复合菌群,不仅增加了该废水的可生化性,也为活性污泥微生物的产生提供了丰富的营养条件,同时光合细菌还可保持优势种群。光合细菌自身的一些特点决定了它在进行一段时间的生长繁殖之后,其优势性会逐渐衰退,进而影响对废水的处理效果,为了解决这个问题,必须定期对反应器内投加新鲜菌液,且光合细菌菌液的扩大培养不能超过3次。在PSB反应器中,每周期的厌氧时间可达44小时,变相延长了厌氧酸化状态时间,深化了苯胺类物质的酸化水解,保证了后续工艺中光合细菌及活性污泥微生物对苯胺及COD的去除率。针对PSB反应器中出现的藻类异常繁殖现象,由于光合细菌对温度的耐受范围比藻类大,故用温度控制藻类生长。保证光合细菌处理苯胺类废水的处理效果。当反应器内温度控制在27<t<29℃或31<t≤33℃时,水中COD去除率可达92.5%-94.3%。所以,对于此类苯胺废水的PSB法处理,可控制PSB反应器内温度在27<t<29℃或31<t≤33℃范围内。

【Abstract】 The treatments of aniline wastewater always are physico-chemical method by primarily, but the treatment scale and effect are both not very good. The traditional activated sludge method and its modified methods are both not have a valuable treatment effect. The microorganism need a long term domestication to accommodate the quality of aniline wastewater, and the anti-shock loading capability of them is not very good as well. The culture of special group bacteria for treating aniline is a main research direction in recently years. After mutagenesis, sifting, culture, the special group bacteria can accommodate the aniline wastewater, and it also can get a better treatment effect, but the operating cost is a little bit higher. The sifting and culture of special group bacteria also need a lot of money and time.Because the preferable tolerance of high concentration organic wastewater and the strong anti-shock loading capability of Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB), the using of PSB in wastewater treatment field is more and more. This paper studied the feasibility of PSB combined activated sludge process to treat aniline wastewater, and studied its optimal process. Restraining the mass propagation of alga by controlling the temperature.Studies showed that:After being treated by PSB, the COD of aniline wastewater could be reduced from 230 4mg/L to 144-166mg/L, and the removing rate of COD was 92.8%.The content of aniline could be reduced from 28.4mg/L to 2.85mg/L. The removing rate of aniline was 90%. After being treated by activated sludge, the COD of effluent which was treated by PSB could be reduced to 84-100mg/L, and the content of aniline could be reduced to 0.71mg/L. The total COD removing rate of the whole process was 96.4%, and the total aniline removing rate of it was 97.5%. The water quality of the treated water could exceed the Nation’s First grade level.PSB and the microorganism in domestic sewage could form the multiple microorganisms. It not only could increase the biodegradability, but also could provide abundant nutrition to the activated sludge microorganism, while the PSB could keep its dominance at the same time. Some characteristics of PSB itself made it couldn’t keep dominance after multiplying some time, and then the treatment effect would be affected. For resolving that question, adding fresh PSB periodically was necessary, and the expending cultivation of PSB must be executed no more 3 times. In PSB reactor, the time of anaerobic condition could reach 44 hours. That could lengthen the time of anaerobic acidification process disguisedly. It also could deepen the anaerobic acidification of aniline, ensuring the removing rate of both COD and aniline in the followed process.The PSB’s tolerant range of temperature was wider than the alga, so the mass propagation of alga could be restrained by controlling the temperature. That could ensure the treatment effect of aniline wastewater by PSB. When the temperature was between 27≤t<29℃and 31<t≤33℃, the removing rate of COD was 92.5%-94.3%. So, in that type of aniline treatment, we could restrain the alga multiply by keeping the temperature in reactor between 27≤t<29℃or 31<t≤33℃.

【关键词】 苯胺光合细菌活性污泥联用藻类
【Key words】 AnilinePhotosynthetic BacteriaActivated SludgeCombining procssAlga