

Study on Supplier Evaluation of Construction Enterprises Based on Green Supply Chain Management

【作者】 韩松

【导师】 申风平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场竞争的全球化和激烈化加剧,再加之人们对环境污染和低碳经济的日益关注,污染性较大的建筑企业的发展受到了很大的限制。建筑企业想要生存和持续发展下去,对作为其“第三利润源”的物流实行科学的管理模式极其重要。绿色供应链管理成为了建筑企业所必须实施的物流管理模式,而对绿色供应链的源头——供应商如何进行科学的综合评价就显得尤为重要。本文采取递进式逻辑结构进行阐述,通过对国内外相关研究与应用现状的综述,首先对绿色供应链管理相关理论的基本概念及相关内容进行阐述,在理论上进行铺垫;然后,基于绿色供应链管理设计了对建筑企业供应商进行评价的初始指标体系,接着通过问卷调查和运用SPSS软件对反馈的数据进行因子分析,得到了两个大类共七个公共因子,称为建筑企业供应商评价的优化指标体系,它们包含了初始指标体系中大部分的信息。这样既可以科学地反映供应商评价的初始指标体系,又可以预先简化后续运算;最后,把模糊数学的知识和层次分析法相结合,运用模糊层次分析法对前面得到的建筑企业供应商评价的优化指标体系进行分析,从而得到某个建筑企业各个供应商的优劣。本文旨在对传统的建筑企业供应商评价指标体系进行相应补充和前续优化,并为建筑企业进行供应商的综合评价提供科学并且简捷的指导思路和实施方法。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of the globalization and intensification of the market competition, coupled with people’s growing concern of environmental pollution and low-carbon economy, the developpment of construction enterprises which pollute the environment seriously have been greatly hindered.If construction enterprises want to survive and sustain their development, it is extremely important to manage logistics scientifically which is called the "third profit source". Green supply chain management has become necessary logistics management model for the construction enterprises to implement, while the source of the green supply chain-suppliers how to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the scientific becomes particularly important.This paper take progressive style logical structure to elaborate.Through the overview of the relative research and application at home and abroad, first of all,it explains basic concepts and relevant content of green supply chain management theory, making beeding in theory; Then, the initial index system evaluating the supplier of construction enterprises is designed,which is based on green supply Chain Management.followed by questionnaire surveys and the use of SPSS software, the feedback factor analysis of data obtains two major categories of seven common factor, known as the optimization index system of supplier of the evaluation of construction enterprises, which includes most of the information of initial indicators. That can not only reflect the initial indicator system of the evaluation of the supplier,but also simplify the follow-up operation previously;and finally,with the Combination of fuzzy math and level of analysis,it analyzes the optimization index system of supplier of the evaluation of construction enterprises using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, in order to distinguish the various suppliers of a construction business.This article aims to acheive the supplement and onward optimization of the traditional supplier of construction enterprises, and to provide scientific and simple guidance and implementation for the construction enterprises to evaluate their suppliers comprehensively.

  • 【分类号】F224;F274;F426.92;F206
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】394
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