

FEM Analysis of Head Deformation during Forming H-beam

【作者】 李红斌

【导师】 徐树成;

【作者基本信息】 河北理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 H型钢以其优良的断面特性而广泛应用于国民经济建设的各个领域。随着H型钢在我国的应用和生产的发展,用户对产品规格的需求越来越多,对产品形状和尺寸精度要求日益严格。为了满足社会需求和适应市场竞争,这就要求热轧H型钢生产企业降低产品开发与生产成本,提高企业的竞争力。在热轧H型钢的生产过程中,传统的翼缘与腹板的压下分配比虽然能够生产出合格的热轧H型钢产品,但是这种生产方式常常由于腹板和翼缘的延伸比在各个道次之间的分配不合理,造成翼缘端部舌形很长造成严重的金属切损,并且产品内部存在着很大的残余应力,这对产品的力学性能造成负面影响。以热轧H型钢的轧制过程为研究对象,采用弹塑性有限元法的显示动力分析方法,以大型商用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA为平台,对H型钢的轧制过程的端部变形进行模拟研究,研究热轧H型钢的端部在不同的压下规程下端部的延伸情况以及残余应力情况,得出使H型钢的端部舌形最小并且残余应力在允许的范围内的腹板与翼缘的延伸系数比。通过对热轧H型钢的端部变形的模拟与实验,突破了传统的腹板和翼缘的延伸系数分配方法,找到了既能够缩短端部舌形又能够不增大产品内部残余应力的延伸系数分配方法。采用端部舌形控制方案后,在实验坯料尺寸的情况下,得到腹板和翼缘的舌形长度与传统的压下规程相比均缩短,并且腹板和翼缘在轧制过程中能够保持完好的外观。在实验和模拟的过程中发现水平辊对翼缘内侧的压下量应该小于等于2.5mm为宜,有利于翼缘内侧的表面质量以及翼缘的金属流动。通过采用控制端部舌形长度的方案后,得到的轧制完成后的理论残余应力场,比采用传统轧制规程轧制的轧件应力要均匀,且没有大面积的应力集中区域。

【Abstract】 H-beam is widely used in the construction of national economy in virtue of its excellent section properties. With the development of production and application of H-beam in our country, increasing requirements is raised on product specification variety, close tolerance of shape and dimensions. It is to require we to decrease the cost of production and increase enterprise’s competitive strength.During the course of producing H-beam,we can manufacture the qualified production with the traditional way to distribute the depression of web and flange, but this way always leads to the head too long and waste much metal due to poor distribution of coefficient of extension, and the production is poor strengh with high residual stress.Studied the hot-rolling H-beam, using the dynamic analysis methods of elastic-plastic finite element method, with large commericial finite element software ANSYS/LS-DYNA, simulate the head deformation, reseach the head extention and distribution of residual stress, get the rational extention ratio distribution to make the length least and limited the residual stress to what they will allow.By the end of hot-rolled H-beam deformation in the simulation and experiment, breaking the traditional web and the flange extension of the coefficient of distribution method, and found both to shorten the tongue-shaped make the the residual stress not grow.Use of the tongue-shaped control program, the blank size in the experimental circumstances, the length of web and flange is shorter than the traditional procedures and the web and flange in the rolling process can be maintain a good appearance.In the course of the experiment and simulation was found inside flange of the level of roller pairs of the amount of reduction should be 2.5mm or less is appropriate, beneficial to the inside flange surface quality as well as the flange of the metal flow.Through the use of tongue-shaped length of the program, get the theory of residual stress field, evever than the traditional rolling schedule, no large areas of stress concentration area.
