

The Harmonic Morphology and Harmonic Dramatic Expression of Ballet Romeo and Juliet

【作者】 吴小璋

【导师】 蔡松琦;

【作者基本信息】 星海音乐学院 , 作曲与作曲技术理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 舞剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是二十世纪上半叶前苏联伟大作曲家普罗科菲耶夫的经典之作。作为创作盛期的标志性作品,作曲家在继承和创新的理念中使前期的各种和声技术思维在此得以融汇与升华。作为戏剧性的舞剧作品,是严肃音乐的戏剧大师普氏的和声戏剧性思维在此得以艺术和哲学的诠释。本文以舞剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为研究对象,对作品的和声技术形态与和声戏剧性表现手法进行分析、梳理和归纳。和声技术形态是以探究普罗科菲耶夫和声语言的基本特征为出发点,包括和声材料、和声进行以及调性思维分析。和声戏剧性表现手法主要从和声音响的动态不平衡中总结和声戏剧性表现手法特征,提取出戏剧性的爱与恨、喜与悲、庄与谐三对戏剧性因素,并以和声紧张度分析为基础,综合音乐作品各种音乐要素进行探讨。文章最后对舞剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的和声形态与和声戏剧性表现手法所呈现出的传统现代化、风格多样化及语言个性化等特点进行了归结,并探讨其对我国现实音乐创作所具有的启示性意义。

【Abstract】 Romeo and Juliet is the classic work by the great composers Sergey Prokofiev of the former Soviet Union in the early twentieth century. As the landmark work in his creative peak, the composer takes advantage of inheritance and innovation, so as to make a variety of harmonic technologies mingled and sublime in this work. As a dramatic pantomime work, it well annotates the serious musical drama master Prokofiev’s harmony dramatic thinking from both artistic and philosophical angle.This essay uses Romeo and Juliet as the research material, analyses, classifies and concludes the harmonic technical morphology and the harmonic dramatic expression of the work. The analysis of the harmonic technical form begins with exploring the basic characteristics of harmony language of Prokofiev, including analysis of harmony materials, harmonic process and tune thinking. The analysis of the harmonic dramatic expression mainly summarizes the harmonic dramatic expression characteristics of harmony sound dynamic imbalance, extracted from the three dramatic elements of dramatic love and hate, pleasure and sadness, solemnness and humor, based on the analysis of harmony intensity, explore a variety of music words and music elements.In the end of the article, the essay gives a doctrinal summary of the characteristics in the modernization of tradition, the variation of style and the individualization of language in both harmonic morphology and harmonic dramatic expression in Romeo and Juliet, and discusses the work’s revelatory significance for the creation of Chinese realistic music nowadays.

  • 【分类号】J823
  • 【下载频次】193