

Pattern Recognition Technology about Attention Determination Method Study

【作者】 郑天阳

【导师】 潘伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的日益成熟,远程教育系统也逐渐成为研究的热点。远程教育系统的目的是实现个性化、因材施教的高效教学方式,是对传统教学模式的一种拓宽和延伸,远程教育系统突破了对求知者的时间、地域、资源共享的限制。然而,目前大多数的研究者多集中关注如何设计个性化的学习资源、提供导航机制,诊断学习者的知识技能、制定有效的学习方案等方面。事实上,他们都忽略考虑这样一个问题,即所有的研究都是基于学习者与远程教育系统的交互以及在系统中反映出来的数据进行的推理和判定。如果学习者在学习过程中有端正的学习态度,且注意力集中,那么这些数据是能充分反映出学习者自身的情况的,系统基于此得出的判断也是真实和可靠的。反之,得到的数据便是不可信的、无用的。所以在远程教育系统设计的过程中必须考虑学习者在学习过程中的注意力是否集中的问题。本文主要提出了模式识别技术在远程教学系统中一种新的应用模式。通过对国内远程教育系统进行研究分析,提出了目前远程教学系统存在的弊端,进而提出了注意力判别系统在远程教学系统中的重要性。通过对模式识别技术研究现状的分析,提出了注意力分析系统在技术上的可行性。本文利用模式识别技术和数学中的模糊集和概率计算,把感性的注意力用理性的数学计算来表示。通过对学习者的人脸图像进行分析,跟踪来判断学习者的注意力情况,并给出相应的提示。本文给出了该系统的体系结构以及详细的流程,分别介绍了图像处理模块、模式识别模块、注意力分析模块三大模块的工作原理。通过摄像头获取人脸图像,依据图像二值化、高斯平滑、直方图均衡化等手段对获得的初始图像数据进行预处理;利用模式识别技术识别出人眼位置,最后Susan算子对识别出瞳孔在眼睛中的方位,进而分析出注意力。本文最后给出了系统核心算法的实现过程。实验结果表明,这个研究的方向在应用中具有有效性和实用性。在一定程度上解决了学习者在远程教育中注意力不集中,配合程度不高等问题。

【Abstract】 Along with the networking mature, the distance learning system also gradually becomes the research day by day the hot spot. The distance learning system’s goal realizes the highly effective teaching way which the personalization, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, is expands to the tradition educational model one kind and extends, the distance learning system broke through to the seek knowledge time, the region, the resource sharing limit. However, how do the majority researchers concentrate at present pay attention design personalized the study resources, diagnoses aspects and so on learner’s knowledge skill, formulation effective study plan. In fact, they neglect considered that this kind of question, namely all research are alternately as well as reflected based on the learner and the distance learning system in the system the data carries on inference and determination. If the learner has the straight study manner in the learning process, and the attention is centralized, then these data are can reflect fully learner own situation, the system the judgment which obtains based on this is also real and reliable. Otherwise, obtains the data is incredible, useless. Therefore in the distance learning system design’s process must consider whether learner’s to concentrate in learning process attention question.This article mainly proposed the pattern recognition technology in the multimedia teaching systems one kind of new application pattern. Through to the pattern recognition engineering research present situation’s analysis, proposed the attention analysis system feasibility technically. Through carries on the analysis to learner’s person face image, the track assesses learner’s attention situation, and gives the corresponding prompt. This article has given this system’s architecture as well as the detailed flow, introduced the imagery processing module, the pattern recognition module, the attention analysis module three big module principles of work separately. Gains the person face image through the camera, is smooth based on Gauss. Distinguishes the human eye position using the pattern recognition technology, finally the Susan operator to distinguishes pupil’s in eye position, then analyzes the attention. This article gave the system core algorithm to realize the process finally.
