

The Outdoor Sports Present Situation and Countermeasures in Changchun College Students

【作者】 钟镇吉

【导师】 程冬美;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代左右,户外运动从欧美国家传入我国。随着我国国民经济水平的提高以及国家工业化和城市化进程的加剧,户外运动发展势头日益迅猛,并且正在中国形成一股浪潮。当前,郊游、登山、漂流、远足、旅行、露营、滑雪等户外运动已经在我国部分发达地区和大中城市的青年(大学生及工作年龄的青年)群体中逐渐开展,并日益成为青年时尚的休闲娱乐方式,彰显出了户外运动的极大魅力和发展潜力1。高校大学生是最新资讯动态、新鲜事物与运动的接受和传播者,是未来社会主义建设的主力军。户外运动具有自然性、实践性、互动性和综合性的特点,是理想的体育休闲手段,以一种更加自由、随意的运动方式,因而倍受青年大学生的青睐2。在户外环境中学生可以通过安全的、挑战的、愉悦的学习体验使身心健康水平得以提高,为培养学生终生体育观念奠定基础。随着素质教育的全面推进,户外运动在高校开展的不断升温,本研究针对长春市高校大学生户外运动开展现状及影响因素的进行研究,拟为“户外运动”引入高校体育课程体系提供一定的理论依据和支撑。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等科研方法,通过对长春市高校大学生户外运动开展的现状调查进行分析与研究得出的主要研究结论如下:1.长春市高校开展户外运动课程的学校非常少,在调查的8所高校中,只有1所高校开展了户外运动课程。2.长春市高校学生参与户外运动开展情况调查结果是:大学生对户外运动的认知程度不高,有31%的学生根本不了解户外运动;长春市高校学生户外运动信息来源主要是是通过伙伴和同学的介绍占46%的学生,户外运动的信息在课堂上获得排在最后占6%,说明要在教师课堂中增加学生对户外运动信息的普及,让更多的学生了解户外运动;48%和31%的学生非常喜欢和比较喜欢参加户外运动,说明大多数的在校大学生对参加户外运动持有比较积极和喜欢的态度;长春市高校学生参加户外运动的动机是多层次的。主要集中在增进健康、消遣娱乐,分别占51.2%、47.5%;在调查中有62.9%的学生以这样或者那样的形式参与过户外运动,可以说在高校开展户外运动是有群众基础的;37.1%的学生没参加过户外运动,这说明长春市大学生参加户外运动的积极性有待于提高;长春市高校学生参加户外运动的项目中选次较高的是郊游、远足,登山、山地自行车、漂流、野营、蹦极、探险这些有高度挑战性的户外项目参加的人数不多;在调查中每年参加者每次活动花费在100元以内的约占42.1%,花费在1000元以上8.3%,说明长春市大学生在参加户外运动方面的支出不高。3.影响长春市高校大学生参加户外运动的因素有:课程因素、时间因素、师资因素、场地器材因素、经济因素、安全因素。4.长春市高校大学生开展户外运动的对策是:做好师资培训,保证户外运动课程的开设;开展专业知识讲座,普及户外运动知识;开拓思路,整合高校户外运动资源;建立健全的户外运动安全保障措施;加大户外运动的宣传力度。

【Abstract】 The 20th century, about 80 years, outdoor sports from the United States and Europe into China. Along with raising the level of China’s national economy as well as the country’s industrialization and urbanization intensifies, the increasingly rapid development momentum in outdoor sports, and is in China to form a wave. At present, excursions, mountain climbing, rafting, hiking, traveling, camping, skiing and other outdoor sports have been in our part of the developed regions and big cities of the young people (college students and young people of working age) population has gradually carried out, and is increasingly becoming fashionable young people’s leisure entertainment, highlights the great charm of the outdoor sports and development potential.College students, is the latest IT trends, the acceptance of new things and exercise, and propagator of the main force in the future socialist construction. Outdoor sports have a natural, highly practical, interactive and integrated features, is ideal for sports recreation means to a more free and random movement pattern, thus Beishou young university students of all ages. In the outdoor environment, students can be safe, challenging, and enjoyable learning experience to enable physical and mental health to improve the standards for the students lay the foundation for the concept of lifelong sports. With the comprehensive promotion of quality education, outdoor sports in colleges and universities to carry out the continuous warming, this study aimed at college students in Changchun Outdoor Campaign status and influencing factors of the study, to be the "outdoor" The introduction of Physical Education Colleges and Universities system provides some theoretical the basis and support.In this paper, literature, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, logic, analysis and other scientific research methods, through outdoor sports college students in Changchun City Survey carried out by analysis and key findings emerging from the study are as follows:1. Changchun municipal colleges and universities to carry out outdoor sports programs are very few schools, a survey of eight colleges and universities, only one of the outdoor sports courses in Colleges and Universities.2. Changchun City College students to participate in outdoor sports to carry out survey results are: college students awareness of outdoor sports is not high, 31% of students do not understand the outdoor sports; Changchun City, outdoor sports source of information for college students is mainly through partnerships and the introduction of students accounted for 46% of the students, outdoor sports information in the classroom was placed at the bottom 6%, indicating an increase in teachers in the classroom students information on the popularity of outdoor sports, so that more students understand the outdoor sports; 48 % and 31% of the students very much like and prefer to participate in outdoor sports, indicating the majority of college students participating in outdoor sports, and prefer to hold more positive attitudes; Changchun City College students to participate in outdoor sports motivation is multi-layered. Focused on improving health, entertainment, accounting for 51.2%, 47.5%; in the survey 62.9% of the students in the form of one way or another involved in outdoor sports, it can be said to carry out outdoor sports in colleges and universities there is a mass basis; 37.1 % of the students never participated in outdoor sports, which shows students in Changchun City to participate in outdoor sports enthusiasm need to be improved; Changchun City College students to participate in outdoor sports items selected times higher that the picnic, hiking, mountain climbing, mountain biking, rafting, camping , bungee jumping, exploration of these are highly challenging outdoor projects the number of participants is small; in the survey participants in each event each year spent in less than 100 yuan, about 42.1% spent more than 1,000 yuan by 8.3%, shows students in Changchun City participation in outdoor sports, spending is not high.3. Affecting college students in Changchun City to participate in outdoor sports factors: course factors, time factors, teacher factors, site equipment factors, economic factors, safety factors.4. Changchun City outdoor sports college students to carry out response is: do a good job of teacher training to ensure that the opening of outdoor sports programs; the development of professional lectures, popular outdoor sports knowledge; explore new ideas, integration of college outdoor sports resources; establish and improve the safety of outdoor sports safeguard measures; increase the intensity of outdoor sports propaganda.

【关键词】 长春市高校大学生户外运动课程现状
【Key words】 Changchun Universitystudentsoutdoor sportscoursesStatus
  • 【分类号】G812.5
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1249