

The Research of Present Situation and Developing Strategies of Middle Schools’ Physical Education in Rural Areas of Changchun District

【作者】 袁博

【导师】 郑风家;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国综合国力的进一步提升,社会各项事业的蓬勃发展,社会把更多的目光投向了农村。作为一个农村人口占大部分的农业大国来说,农村的发展就更为重要。农村想快速发展,农村教育是一个最大的发展动力。农村学校体育作为农村教育的重要组成部分,也在默默的履行着它的职责。中共中央、国务院《关于深化教育改革全面推行素质教育的决定》中指出:“要根据农村的实际条件需要,有针对性地加强农村学校的体育卫生工作”。表明国家对农村学校体育卫生工作的重视。农村学校体育工作的开展,对促进农村教育的实施,农村整体事业的发展都起着重要的作用。吉林省是我国经济欠发达地区之一,由于经济等客观条件的限制,农村学校体育的开展一直处于落后状态。长春地区农村初中学校体育的发展和长春市学校体育、竞技体育、群众体育事业发展紧密相关。本文综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑分析等方法对长春地区(榆树市、农安县、九台市、双阳区、德惠市)农村初中学校体育的现状进行研究,从长春地区农村初中学校体育的内部结构进行分析,结论如下:1.长春地区大部分农村初中学校虽然能够按照《标准》进行体育教学,但是在实施过程中参差不齐,体育教学效果不明显,2.长春地区农村初中学校课外体育活动开展很差,除了课间操开展的稍好一些外,其它项目开展情况都不容乐观。3.长春地区农村初中学校体育经费投入不足,体育场地器材严重缺乏,满足不了体育教学的正常需要。4.长春地区农村初中学校体育教师资源在数量和质量上有待提高,学生的体育态度不够正确端正,体育参与程度不高,学校体育管理作用不明显。

【Abstract】 With the further increase of China’s synthesizing national power, the vigorous development of various social facilities, the whole society has paid more attention on the countryside district. As a large agricultural country which agricultural population possesses more than a half of the whole, the development of rural society is much more important. If a rural village wants to have a rapid development, education is the most important motive power. According to CPC and State Council’s“decision on deepening the reform of education and the full operation of quality education”, we should be aimed at strengthening sports and health works in rural schools an the basis of actual conditional need of countryside. The development of sports works in rural middle schools may accelerate the implementing of education in rural areas and growth of the total facilities in most villages.Jilin Province is one of China’s economical underdeveloped areas, owing to the restrict of objective conditions such as economics and so on. The launching of the rural school sports works has been in a state of backwardness. Developing of middle schools’Physical Education in rural areas of Changchun district is related to the development of physical education in Changchun city, competitive sports and public sports. This article synthesized literature, questionnaire surveys, expert interviews, mathematical statistics and logical analysis methods to do researches on present situation of middle schools’Physical Education in rural areas of Changchun district (Yushu City, Nongan County, Jiutai City, Shuangyang District and Dehui City ). This article mainly analyses through the inner structure of the middle schools’Physical Education in rural areas of Changchun district. And we can draw conclusions below:1.Although majority of rural middle schools in Changchun district can conduct P.E. lessons according to“Standard”, the lessons are not uniform, the effect is not obvious.2.Rural middle schools in Changchun district did not pay much attention on outdoors sports activities. Except morning exercises between lessons, development of other sport events is not optimistic.3.Rural middle schools in Changchun district do not put enough money into sports facilities. There is a serious shortage in sports equipment and space, which leads to unsatisfactory of normal needs in physical education.4.The number and quality of P.E. teachers in rural middle schools in Changchun district needs to be improved. Attitude of the students towards P.E. lessons is not accurate, participation in sports activities is not adequate, management of schools is usually ineffective.

  • 【分类号】G807.0;G633.96
  • 【被引频次】5
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