

Pragmatic Analysis of Northeastern Rural Vernacular in Chinese--Based on TV Serial Country Love

【作者】 尚丽莉

【导师】 赵英玲;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,电视节目的形式发生了显著的变化。各种新型的电视作品层出不穷,其中以土话电视节目最受人们所关注。不同研究领域的专家对于土话电视节目广受欢迎的原因给出了各自的解释并提出了相应的意见及建议。然而,从语用学角度对上述现象进行分析的研究却并不是很多。因此本篇论文旨在从言语行为的角度来探讨《乡村爱情》这部土话电视剧,并试图通过塞尔的三大言外行为分类(表达式,指令式和阐述式)来探讨《乡村爱情》这部电视剧所体现的汉语东北农村土话语言特点以及从中所反映出的东北农村群众性格特点。最后本文会对从分析过程中所得的言语行为理论的启发进行讨论。从分析中,土话电视文学受欢迎这一社会现象可以从语用学角度得到解释。与此同时,我们可以给话语分析提供一类新的语料并为电视文学的研究提供一个新的视角。语言是文化的载体,因此该篇论文同样起着对外介绍东北农村文化的媒介作用。本篇论文是个案研究,并且电视剧《乡村爱情》被选为该篇论文的语料来源。这部电视剧是由我国长期致力于东北文化交流发展事业的著名喜剧演员赵本山执导拍摄,并且由于其成功地反映了当今典型东北农村生活而一举拿下最佳戏剧五个一工程奖。然而,选择该部电视剧作为语料来源的主要缘由是因为其广受观众欢迎,并且有着典型的题材,鲜明的语言及人物特色。所选语料会在言语行为的理论框架下运用描写性研究方法进行分析。分析结果表明在日常生活中,东北农村群众喜欢用间接表达式,序列指令式以及夸张与比喻阐述式来进行言语行为表现,并由此反映出东北农村群众含蓄的情感表达,急性子及夸张幽默等性格特点。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, the forms of television programs have gone through significant changes. Various new types of TV works emerge in an endless stream, in which vernacular TV programs attract people’s most attention. Experts in different research fields give their explanations on the reasons of vernacular TV programs’popularity and offer their own opinions and suggestions. However, little research about that phenomenon has been done from the point of view of pragmatics.This paper attempts to describe the linguistic features of northeastern rural vernacular in the TV serial Country Love in terms of expressives, directives and representatives which are classified by Searle in his five categories of illocutionary acts. From the analysis, the personalities of rural people in the north-east reflected by the vernacular in this TV serial will be illustrated, and certain theoretical enlightenment about Speech Act Theory will also be discussed.From the analysis, the phenomenon of vernacular TV literature popularity can be explained from the perspective of pragmatics, thus we can provide a new material for discourse analysis and a new angle for TV literature analysis. Language is the carrier of culture, so this paper is also a medium to introduce the northeastern rural culture to the outside.This study is a case study, and the TV serial Country love is chosen as the data resource. This serial is directed by famous comedian Zhao Benshan who is committed to the northeastern local cultural communication. It gains the Tenth Five“Ones”Project Award for Best Drama because it successfully mirrors the typical northeastern rural life nowadays.However, the main reasons for selecting it as the data resource are because of its widespread popularity, typical subject matter, distinct language and personality features, etc. The data analysis will be done in the theoretical framework of Speech Act Theory by using descriptive research method.The analysis reveals that rural people in the north-east are fond of using indirect expressives, sequenced directives, and exaggerated and metaphorical representatives to perform speech acts in their daily life, which reflect their personalities: implicit emotional expression, quick-temper and exaggerated sense of humor.

  • 【分类号】H172.1
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