

Review of School Readiness Study

【作者】 邰宇

【导师】 盖笑松;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 入学准备状态是指学龄前儿童为了能够从即将开始的正规学校教育中受益所需要具备的各种关键特征或基础条件。自上个世纪60年代入学准备研究开始兴起之后,入学准备研究受到了发展心理学家、教育工作者等越来越多的重视。当前,国外儿童入学准备的研究成果比较丰富,无论是概念的发展还是干预项目的设计都比较成熟。而国内关于入学准备的研究才刚刚起步,自2005年才引进西方入学准备的概念,开始对国外入学准备研究进行了系统介绍。鉴于入学准备研究的重要性以及国内在这一研究领域的薄弱,有必要对国外入学准备研究进行系统的总结。本文主要介绍了国内外儿童入学准备以下四个方面的研究:①入学准备概念的发展以及目前最有代表性的NEGP生态化模型;②入学准备的评估方式,测量内容包括儿童入学准备的5领域技能,测量方式包括个别实测、成人评价以及生态化评估;③影响儿童入学准备的因素,包括儿童自身因素、家庭环境因素、社区环境因素以及学前教育项目的一些特征;④儿童入学准备的干预与促进,介绍了目前国外一批比较有影响力的干预项目和教育课程。最后,对未来的研究方向以及国内入学准备研究提出了建议和思考。

【Abstract】 School readiness is the key characteristics needed by pre-school children to benefit from the coming formal education. It is concerned by developmental psychologists and educators since the 60s of last century. Currently, foreign research results of school readiness are rich, both the development of the concept or the design of intervention programs are more mature. But domestic research on school readiness has just started, it introduced the concept and study of school readiness western Since 2005.Given the importance of school readiness study and the weakness of domestic study, it is important to summarize foreign school readiness study .Four aspects of school readiness were introduced in this paper, including(1) Concept Development of children’s school readiness and ecological model of school readiness defined by NEGP. (2) Development on assessment tools of school readiness, test content refers to five dimensions of childen’s readiness for school through individual test、adult report or (3) Influential factors of children’ s school readiness. (4) Intervention approaches of school readiness . Futher study should includes: the assessment system schould keep up with theoretical development; influencing factors of the school readiness should be examined through the longitudinal study; the relationship between intervention effect and intervention costs should been examined; other than macro-analysis based on 5-domain model, micro-analysis for special component should be emphasised.

【关键词】 学前儿童入学准备评估方式干预项目
【Key words】 preschoolerschool readinessassessmentintervention
  • 【分类号】G620
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】843