

Study on the Change of the Urban Layout of the Main Urban Area in Jinan City in Recent Ten Years

【作者】 尹逸娴

【导师】 陈有川;

【作者基本信息】 山东建筑大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国外实践表明,城市化水平达到45%以后,城市人口主要由小城市向大城市迁移。2009年我国城市化水平已达45.68%,步入了大城市发展黄金时期。城市用地规模的急剧扩张和用地布局的频繁调整成为社会经济发展的重要表现。然而,我国目前对于城市用地布局演变的研究尚待完善与深化。本研究在传统的城市规划学科研究方法的基础上,借鉴地理学的空间分析方法,建构城市用地布局演变分析方法,选取近十年来济南主城区用地为研究对象,对城市用地整体及各功能用地的布局演变和用地增长进行深入分析。研究表明,近十年来济南市城市用地整体扩展模式以圈层填充为主,由“点+面”逐步演变为“带状”,期间经历了用地增长由迅猛到平缓的过程。方位扩展模式由较为显著的轴向扩展转为缓慢的“趋圆型”扩展。主城区东部为近十年来用地的主要扩展翼,北部和西部为次要扩展翼。用地增长活跃点绝大多数集中于中心城以外地区,尤其是主城区东部地区。各主要功能用地扩展模式均以“同心圆+轴向”为主,且向东部扩展的趋势均十分显著。居住用地的扩展从用地增长量和扩展强度等方面均最为突出,为近十年间济南主城区用地扩展的主要力量。三类主要功能用地的增长迁移存在差异。其具体表现为居住用地的向内聚集,工业用地的分散迁移和公共服务设施用地的稳步东聚。在对近十年来济南主城区城市用地布局演变规律深入分析的基础上,将1996—2007年三版用地布局图与《济南市城市总体规划(2006-2020)》的用地布局远期规划图进行叠加,直观对比近十年来城市用地布局及各主要功能用地布局演变与总体规划的一致性。结果显示,城市总用地、工业用地以及公共服务设施用地的布局演变与总体规划的布局规划基本一致,但总用地和公共服务设施用地均存在用地布局松散,土地集约度不高的问题,工业用地则需进一步外迁和整合。而居住用地的内聚型布局演变与外迁型规划意图依然存在较大差异。尽管济南市在城市形态上表现为“带状组团”模式,城市用地在外圈层,特别是东部新城的规模不断扩大导致以“同心圆”圈层填充式发展为主的主城区布局演变的不合理性日益显著。居住用地向中心城集聚,工业和公共服务设施用地向外迁移导致用地布局演变方向并不一致,由此带来居住与就业的空间错位等一系列问题。对此,本研究提出了由“单中心”内聚型城市向“多中心”网络城市的转变和积极响应新一轮规划引导促进城市有序发展两条调控对策。

【Abstract】 China has entered a stage of stable development of urbanization. After the level of urbanization reached 45%, the urban population dominated from small cities to large cities. In 2009, the level of urbanization in China has reached 45.68%, entered a golden period for development of major cities. The rapid expansion of urban land and land size of the frequent adjustment of the layout become an important socio-economic development performance. However, the current examination of evolution for the layout of urban land yet to be improved and deepened. Based on the traditional research methods of urban planning, this paper learns spatial analysis methods of geography to construct analysis methods of the evolution of urban layout, selects the main city of Jinan over the past decade as the research object, in-depth analysis on layout evolution of the whole and the function of urban land and growth of land use.Research shows that over the past decade the main mode of the overall expansion of urban land in Jinan was filled circle, evolved into "strip" from "Point+ surface", underwent the process from the period of rapid growth experienced land to the gentle process. Orientation expansion mode changed from the significant axial expansion to slow "becoming round" extension. Over the past decade, land east of the main city was the major expansion wing, the north and west wing was the secondary expansion. Most land use growth centers concentrated in outside the central city areas, especially the east of main city.The expansion mode of main function sites were "concentric circles+axis" oriented, and the trend of expansion to the east were very significant. The most prominent of residential land extended was in the land increase capacity, the strength of expand and other. They were major force of Jinan main urban expansion for the past decade. Growth transfer of three types of main functional land was different. The specific performance was that the residential land gathered inward, industrial land migrated and dispersed and the public service area gathered steadily eastward.Based on the detailed analysis of the evolution of urban land use distribution of Jinan main city in the last decade, we superposed the three editions of land layout diagram from 1996 to 2007 and the land layout long-term diagram of Jinan City Overall Plan (2006-2020), thus intuitively compared the consistency of urban land use layout and evolution of main function land use with the overall plan over the past decade. The results showed that the evolution of layout of the total urban land, industrial land and public service area was consistent with the layout plan of the overall plan, but the overall space and public facilities sites were loose, land intensity was not high, industrial land required further relocation and integration. The evolution of layout of the living space and planning intention of the relocation type is still quite different.Although the morphology of Jinan City shows as a "band tour" mode, urban land locates outside of the circle, especially the unceasingly expansion of eastern new town, resulting in the irrationality of the main city evolution mainly oriented the "concentric circle filling" development increasingly significantly. The residential areas concentrate to the central city while the industrial and public service facilities migrate to the outside, leading to the not uniform of land distribution evolution, thus results in the space mismatch for living and employment and other a range of issues. In this regard, our paper proposes the following two control measures:transformation from the "single center" cohesive city to the "multi-center" network city and responds positively to a new round of planning guidance to promote the orderly development of city.
