

Research and Design of SSL Vision System Based on FPGA

【作者】 裴嘉政

【导师】 廖家平;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 机器人世界杯是一个世界性的机器人足球比赛,其鼓励人工智能及相关领域的研究。而视觉系统作为足球机器人的主要感知设备,其性能的好坏对机器人性能的发挥起着决定性作用。随着机器视觉的作用越来越显著,人们对图像处理的研究越来越深入。由于小型组足球机器人视觉系统对识别的准确性,实时性,以及对现场环境的适应性的要求,使得它是一个很好的研究机器视觉的平台。本项目的目的是开发一个供湖北工业大学的足球机器人队使用的视觉系统的工作原型。因为现存的小型组足球机器人的视觉系统通常是利用计算机对摄入的图像进行处理,计算机一边要进行图像的数据采集,一边要对图像进行各种算法的处理,图像的处理所需的运算,大量的占用了CPU的时间,从而影响了识别响应的实时性,并且由于足球机器人快速的运动和激烈的对抗,要求视频捕获频率为30帧/秒,即必须在16ms内完成视觉信息处理、通讯、动作规划等一系列任务,以形成下一周期的比赛策略,这对视觉系统的实时性提出了更高的要求,一些时间复杂度高的算法和大量占用CPU时间的方法很难直接使用。因此本文提出了基于FPGA的视觉系统。本文以FPGA为平台,使用VHDL硬件描述语言设计并实现了一种基于YCbCr色彩空间的算法。该系统不仅满足了视觉系统对实时性、稳定性和准确性的需求,还为系统提供了灵活性,可以根据需要对系统内部逻辑功能进行配置。不仅如此,基于FPGA的视觉系统大大缩小了视觉系统的规模,更有助于系统的稳定、携带和调试。实验结果证明所设计的小型组足球机器人视觉系统满足了实时性、准确性、灵活性和稳定性的要求,具有较好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 The RoboCup is an international robot soccer competition, which encourages the study of artificial intelligence and related fields. The soccer robot vision system as the main perception equipment, its performance is good or bad performance of the robot to play a decisive role to play.With the growing role of machine vision significantly, people are more and more in-depth study of image processing. As a small team league of soccer robot vision system for recognition accuracy, real-time, as well as the adaptability of on-site environmental requirements, making it a good platform for machine vision research.The purpose of this project is to develop one for the Hubei University of Technology team of soccer robots using a working prototype of the visual system. Because the existing small group of soccer robot vision system is usually using computer processing image.when computer to conduct collection of the image data, it processes various algorithms to image, image processing required for computing a large number of takes up CPU resources and time, thus affecting the recognition of real-time response.And because soccer robot rapid movement and intense confrontation, require video capture frequency of 30 frames/s, which must be completed within 16ms of visual information processing, communication, action planning and a series of tasks to form the next cycle race strategy, which the real-time visual system put forward higher requirements for some time a high complexity algorithm and CPU-time is very difficult to direct performce.Therefore, this article proposed FPGA-based vision system. In this paper, as a platform FPGA, using VHDL language was designed and implemented an algorithm based on the YCbCr color space. The system not only meets the real-time vision system, stability and accuracy of demand, but also provide flexibility for the system may be based on the need configure logic functions meeting the demand within the system. Moreover, FPGA-based vision system has significantly reduced the size of the visual system, but also contribute to system stability, carry and debugging.At last,we test the vision system by RoboCup small team league.Experiments show that the feasibility of soccer robot vision system satisfies the request of real-time, precision, flexibility and stability.It has a bright future in application prospects.
