

The Tectonic Settings and Metallogenic Characteristics of Eastern Tianshan Mountains in Late Paleozoic Era

【作者】 卡哈尔·尼牙孜

【导师】 黄建华;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 东天山地区处于哈萨克斯坦—准噶尔、塔里木和西伯利亚三大板块之间,地质构造极为复杂,成矿条件有利。本文在总结前人相关分析的基础上,通过综合分析、整理,运用地层学、岩石学、地球化学、板块构造学等理论知识较完整地阐述了东天山晚古生代中期石炭纪期间的大地构造背景及其成矿特征。取得了如下的一些新认识:(1)地层特征分析得出:石炭纪地层,下石炭统为一套深海到半深海碎屑沉积,上石炭统为一套浅海到陆缘碎屑沉积,表明从海沟到岛弧的沉积环境。(2)石炭纪是该区板块活动最强烈时期,早石炭世大洋开始分别向塔里木板块和天山地块俯冲,至晚石炭世两陆块基本闭合。(3)整个石炭纪经历了洋壳双向俯冲→洋壳消失→形成大陆地壳等阶段。与此同时,伴随俯冲过程从早到晚发育完整的岩浆系列,即拉斑系列→钙碱系列→碱性系列,并形成与之相应的矿床系列。(4)研究区在石炭纪形成的矿床具有一定的时空分布特征,即空间上具北铜(镍)—中金铜—南铁金的特征;时间上第一阶段(359~320Ma)为早石炭世,第二阶段(320~280Ma)晚石炭世的特征。

【Abstract】 Eastern Tianshan Mountain lies between Kazakhstan-Zhungar plate, Tarim plate and Xiboliya plate, its geologic structure is extremely complex, and mineralization condition is advantageous. On basis of some predecessors’correlative study, the tectonic settings and metallogenic characteristics are analyzed in the area during carboniferous in this article,by studying the characteristics of stratum and the chemical composition of magma. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The analysis of stratum’s characteristics indicated that: Lower Carboniferous as a semi-deep to deep-sea clastic sedimentation, Upper Carboniferous clastic for the deposition of a shallow sea to the continental margin, indicating that the sedimentary environment from the trench to the island arc;(2) Carboniferous section is the most intensive period of plate activity in this area, in early Carboniferous the oceanic plate respectively started diving to Tarim block and the Tianshan block , in the late Carboniferous the two basic land mass were closed;(3) All Carboniferous Experienced of oceanic crust two-way subduction→Oceanic crust disappears→The formation of continental crust etc.stage. At the same time, With the during of subduction occurred completely magma series from early to late that:Tholeiite series→cak-alkaline→Alkeline, and formed with the corresponding deposit series.(4) It has unique space-time features of Mineral deposits that was formed in Carboniferous of this area,on the space with north Copper (Nickel)-in mid Gold and Copper- Iron and Gold in the south,on the time finrst phase in (359~320Ma)is belonging to early Carboniferous and second phase in (320~280Ma)is belonging to late Carboniferous.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期