

The Influence of Peasants’ Concentration Living on Farmland Fragmentation Decreasing

【作者】 王延强

【导师】 陈利根;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 我国在20世纪80年代推行的家庭联产承包责任制对推进农业生产起到了不可估量的作用,但家庭联产承包责任制所形成的土地平均分配制度使农地不断分割,农地划分零碎,使用分散,土地细碎化严重,这在一定程度上影响了农业产业结构的调整,降低了农业生产的规模经济效应,增加了农产品的生产成本,极大地削弱了农业的发展后劲,基于这种情况,许多专家、学者对此进行了大量的探索以期对农地细碎化问题加以解决,但效果均不明显,大多数研究结果对中国这种由于特有原因所形成的农地细碎化问题的借鉴意义不大。因此,我们有必要从一个新的角度出发,结合局部地区的个性特点对农地细碎化加以解决,从而有步骤的进行推广。本研究的总目标是围绕农户集中居住与农地细碎化的研究展开的,研究是基于当前中国农村一些地区的普遍状况,即人地比例高、存在大量外出务工人员、农村保障机制不完善等,通过对影响农户行为的各种因素与农民对相关问题的意愿程度的调查分析来研究农户集中居住的可行性,从而进一步研究农户集中居住对农地细碎化的影响,以得出在什么条件下进行的农户集中居住可以减轻农地细碎化程度。结果表明当实施农户集中居住地区的大多数农户需有进行集中居住的意愿,且这些农户家庭多已是以外出务工、从事非农产业人员和以非农收入为主要从业人员和主要收入来源时,将推动农户集中居住的有效实施,而当农户集中居住区的农户文化程度、各级政府对农户集中居住政策的宣传程度以及对农户原宅基地按土地价格进行补偿的程度趋于加大时将更有利于农户集中居住的推行,同时农户集中居住区的卫生、交通条件存在问题时对农户集中居住的推进也起到了很大的作用,而在这种条件作用下所进行的农户集中居住的农户大多支持其所承包的土地在农户集中居住以后由集体统一经营,从而从一定程度上减轻了农地细碎化程度。对于推行农户集中居住的地区而言,在大环境相似而具体条件有所差异时应在条件允许范围内满足相应的条件,以期通过推行农户集中居住减轻农地细碎化程度,而对于在短期内无法满足以上条件或没有满足以上条件的地区而言,应从两方面不断努力:一是加快建立农村社会保障体系淡化土地的社会保障功能,二是加强培育农村土地使用权流转市场,发挥市场机制在农村土地资源再配置中的基础作用,从而减轻农地细碎化程度。

【Abstract】 The implementation of the household contract system in1980s plays an important role in advancing agriculture production, however, the average allocation situation formed by the household contract system makes cultivated land being into many pieces, cultivated land fragmented, cultivated scattered and land fragmentation serious, which to some extent influences the adjustment of agriculture industry frame, lowers the effect of agriculture production scale economy, improves the producing cost of agricultural goods and weakens agriculture development seriously. On the basis of that, many experts and scholars explore a lot in expecting to solve the problem of farmland fragmentation, however, the effect is little, many researches all most have no practical benefit to solve the current farmland fragmentation formed by the specific reasons existing in China. Therefore, it is a necessity for us to solve the problem in another aspect in order to solve the problem with considering the different situation in different areas in China, the to spread the experience smoothly.The goal of this paper is based on peasants’ concentration-living and farmland fragmentation and the basic condition in rural area is taken as a prerequisite, that is, high percentage between people and farmland, huge percentage of migrate-workers, unperfected guaranteeing system in rural areas and so on, feasibility of peasants’concentration-living is studied through the investigation and analysis about some factors influencing peasants’ choices and relative choices’ aspiration, furthermore the influence of peasants’ concentration-living on farmland fragmentation is made, at last the result of what kind of peasants’concentration-living is the suitable one to decrease the extent of farmland fragmentation.The result shows that when most percents of peasants’ in applying the planning of peasants’concentration living are supporting this planning, and when these families’ main working person are the ones who are going-out working and engaged in no-farming industries and economic income are no-farming incomes, peasants’concentration living will be advanced effectively, and when the peasants’ education level and concentration-living-spreading extent and original housing land compensating level to land price of all-level governments, peasants’concentration living will also be advanced effectively, at the same time, public hygiene and traffic condition problems will also be an important role in advancing the policy, at the moment, most of them are on the policy that collective organizations can recover contract land and manage them together after peasants’ concentration living, and at last it plays an important role in pushing the decrease of farmland fragmentation.For the areas which have the similar condition as the place we have investigated, they should form the situation with their efforts, in order to achieve the goal of lowering farmland fragmentation through the advance of peasants’ concentration living, for the areas which don’t have the similar condition or which can’t form the same situation in short periods, two important things should be done, building social guaranteeing system to weaken the guaranteeing system of land is one of the thing, building rural land using right transferring market to show the role of market mechanism in reallocate rural land resource, finally to decreasing farmland fragmentation.
