

The Research of Micro-Hydropower and Power Grid Collaborative Supply

【作者】 张宋超

【导师】 尹文庆;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 微型水电至今没有一个明确的定义。根据联合国开发计划署“第二次国际小水电会议”的建议,装机容量在100kW以下的水电站称为微型水电。在我国,微型水电一般是指小溪、小河在一定河段长度内,所具有的有效发电势能,可以带动微水电机组发电。它由引水渠、微型水轮机、发电机、稳压稳频控制器、传动装置等组成,独立运行,不需要输变电,直接向农户供电。经全国微水电发展研讨会(2007年7月4日)讨论决定,将单机容量500kW以下的水力发电系统定义为微水电,符合我国国情和国际市场需要。由于电网的延伸,在建有微型水电站的地区,用户可以对微型水电和国家电网的电能选择使用,一般丰水期的时候是主要依靠微型水电,枯水期是依靠国家电网。由于微型水电装置的局限性,在使用中会造成相当比例部分的能量浪费,主要体现在两个方面:一,当进水量大于额定值时,通过溢流管道泄放多余流量或者手动关小进水阀,而当负载减小时,利用虚拟负载调速系统消耗多余的电能保持转速为额定转速;二,当进水量小于额定值后(每款具体产品的规定值不同),就不能保证稳压稳频的电压输出,此种情况,用户常弃用微型水电装置而向电网取电。前者是因为能量过剩而消耗在无用负载上,这种情况可以考虑将微水电并到电网上;后者是因为微水电提供的能量不能满足负载而被舍弃。微水电并网,可以很好的解决以上的情况,但由于体制的限制,在绝大部分地区尚未实现。本文提出一种新方法,将微水电和电网联结为一体,向用户供电,在现有体制下,能够很充分的利用微水电。建立了微水电和电网联结的模型,分析了电网和微水电协同供电的原理,阐述在微水电发出的电能不能够在电压、频率上满足负载要求时,将微水电发出的电能进行不控整流,将电网的电能进行半控整流,再将两部分电能叠加,最后逆变输出给负载。在电网电压半控整流模型中,详细分析了交流侧的谐波、谐波对电网的污染,并找出解决方法;直流侧的高次谐波的滤波;输出电压与输入电压关系的数学模型等。在EDA软件multisim、matlab中进行仿真验证,并在试验中得以验证。将电网输入电压、微水电发出的电压和最终获得的稳定输出电压构成一个负反馈的闭环系统,通过EDA软件Protel设计出数字式检测控制电路板,调节可控硅的导通角,将输出电压为控制量,使之有一恒定的输出。在得到纹波系数符合要求的稳定电压后,再将电能逆变成所需频率的交流电压,提供给负载。在对能源动力十分渴求的今天,应当利用起一切可利用的能源,且要在低成本的情况下运行。本文设计出的方案,可以使得微型水电装置得到相当充分的利用,可用于边远地区农村的照明、农副产品的再加工等,对改进微型水电系统和能源的最大化利用都有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 There is no a definite circumscription for micro-hydropower today, but as to the second international hydropower conference, micro-hydropower is supposed to the one whose capacity of electricity is less than 100kW. Micro-hydropower commonly means the valid electricity power of stream, river,which could drive the generator. It consists of the diversion channel,micro-turbine, generators, frequency stabilization regulator controller,gear,etc., operating independently with no need for power transmission, power supply directly to the farmers. According to China’s national conditions and international market needs, micro-hydropower is defined as the one whose single capacity is below 500kW as the National seminar(July 4,2007) on micro-hydropower development.Because of the extension of the electric wire netting, users can choose the electric energy of micro-hydropower or the national electric wire netting in the areas where there are micro- hydropower stations. The micro-hydrpower is chosen in wet reason, the national electric wire netting in dry season usually. Due to the limitations of micro-hydropower plant,there’s a considerable proportion of part of the energy wasted when used, mainly reflectes in two aspects:First,when the amount of water intake is greater than the rating, the water would flow through the overflow pipe or manually turn down the inlet valve, and when the load decreases, the speed control system using virtual load power consumption to maintain the speed to the rated. Second, when the amount of water intake less than therating, it can not guarantee that the voltage regulator output and the frequency stabilization,in this case, users often abandon the use of micro-hydropower plant but to the electricity grid. The former one is to consumption of excess energy on the useless load, in this situation it can be considered that excess energy conversion to the power grid; the latter is because the provision of micro-hydro power can not satisfy the load.This paper presents a new method to link micro-hydropower and power grid as a whole-electricity-supply, which can be fully utilized micro-hydropower. In this paper, the model of micro hydro-grid is established, the principle of power grids and micro-hydropower synergy supply is analysed. The AC power from generator is through non-controlled rectifier when the voltage and the frequence of the AC power from generator are not stable, the power from the grid is through semi-controlled rectifier,then series connect the two parts,invert the total energy to the load.In semi-controlled rectifier voltage model, a detailed analysis of the harmonic of the AC side, harmonic pollution to the grid, the filter of high harmonics of DC side, the mathematical model of output voltage and input voltage is expounded, and find solutions to the problems, which is verified in the simulations in the EDA software multisim, matlab and experiments.This system is a negative feedback closed-loop system, the main parameters are input voltage from the power grids, output voltage from the micro-hydropower, and final stable output voltage. Digital detected-control circuit board is designed in the EDA software Protel for regulating of the SCR conduction angle to make sure a constant output voltage. As the voltage as required obtained then is inverted to a certain frequence AC power to the loads.Any available energy should be used with low cost on the urgent need for energy nowdays. In this paper, the design of the program, can make micro-hydropower plant to be quite adequate to use, which can be used for lighting in remote rural areas, agricultural and sideline products processing, etc., to improve the micro-hydropower system and maximize the use of energy.

【关键词】 微型水电整流逆变协同供电
【Key words】 micro-hydropowerrectifierinvertercomplementary series