

Establishment of Standard Planes for Ultrasound Measurement and Correlation of Abdominal Visceral Configuration with Weight, Height and Length with Different Body Sizes

【作者】 吴悦婷

【导师】 侯加法;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 B超作为宠物临床的有效检查手段,不仅可脏器的形态做直观的图像检查,还可对脏器构型做客观的数学评估,为临床诊断提供更多参考信息。目的:(1)针对犬腹腔主要脏器,包括肝脏、脾脏、胃、十二指肠、肾脏、前列腺,建立各脏器超声测量标准切面;(2)以腹腔各脏器超声测量标准切面为基础,测定犬腹腔主要脏器构型,讨论其与犬体重、体高、身长的相关性,并建立正常参考范围。方法:(1)以B超基本检查手法为基础,根据腹腔各主要脏器的解剖位置及解剖结构,对各脏器进行多切面多角度的探查,并比较各切面,以切面可操作性,所得声像图优劣、图像特征、图像再现能力,以及测量可重复性、数据平行性等因素作为评价标准,对各切面进行筛选;(2)取临床表现正常的不同体型成年犬75只,其中3~10 kg小型犬20只(含未去势公犬8只),11-30kg中型犬27只(含未去势公犬11只),30 kg以上大型犬28只(含未去势公犬13只),所有犬都在本研究所建立的超声测量标准切面下进行肝长径、脾门厚度、脾尾厚度、胃壁厚度、十二指肠壁厚度、双侧肾脏长度、宽度、厚度及公犬前列腺长度、宽度、厚度的测量,每项测量均重复3次;(3)用SPSS统计软件对实验数据进行统计分析,以研究体型因素(体重、体高、体长)与各测量项目之间的相关性及线性回归关系,并分析实验分组及本研究所得犬腹腔主要脏器超声正常范围的科学性。结果:(1)经反复操作验证,初步确定肝右叶纵切面、脾门部横切面、脾尾部纵切面、胃体部横切面、十二指肠降部横切面、肾脏正中纵切面和正中横切面、前列腺纵切面和横切面为各测量项目的超声标准切面,并对各切面的超声探查位置、探查手法、声像图表现及测量规范做详尽的描述;(2)从所有受测实验犬中所获得各测量项目的声像图,图像特征重复性强,所得3次数据平行性好,可用于统计学分析;(3)犬体重、体高及体长与脏器构型均为极显著相关,其中肝脏长径、脾门厚度、左右肾脏长、厚、宽度相关系数均很高,分组后小型犬的体长与脏器构型的相关性最显著,中、大型犬与体重的相关性较显著,并随体型增大相关性趋弱;多元线性回归显示,不同体型组中,各脏器构型受多个体型因素综合作用的影响,但其中起主要作用的体型因素针对不同体型、不同脏器有所不同,肝长径和双侧肾脏长度与其不同体型下的各主导因素间存在良好的直线回归趋势;回归分析显示,肾脏长度与体长、小型犬体长与其各测量指标、中型犬体重与其各测量指标在二次曲线、三次曲线和s曲线模型中拟合优度较好,大型犬体重与其各测量指标在二次曲线、三次曲线和直线模型中拟合优度较好;t检验显示,各测量指标的组间差异均极显著(前列腺除外),即大、中、小体型的分组对各组正常范围的测定有显著意义,并以此为基础,建立>30kg、11~30 k和3~10 kg三个体型组各脏器测量指标的正常范围。结论:(1)确定了犬腹腔主要脏器超声测量的标准切面;(2)犬体重、体高及体长与脏器构型均相关,但在不同体型犬或针对不同的脏器其相关显著性均不同;(3)建立了大、中、小三个体型组各脏器测量指标的正常范围。

【Abstract】 Ultrasonography serves as an examination method in small animal clinic not only for intuitionistic observation of organs shape, but can also be used to evaluate the configuration of them objectively then it can provide more information for clinic diagnosis. Objective:(1) to establish standard ultrasound planes for measuring the abdominal visceral in canine, including liver, spleen, stomach, duodenum, kidney and prostate;(2) to measure the size of the mentioned visceral based on the standard ultrasound planes, and to discuss the correlation of visceral configuration with dogs size as well as to establish normal ranges for each organ in different grade of body weight. Method:(1)Make different ultrasound planes for each organ based on the basic technique used in ultrasound examination and gross/regional anatomy of each abdominal visceral.Evaluate and filtrate these planes with maneuverability of planes position, quality, impression and reappearance possibility of the ultrasound images as well as the repetition and parallelism of the data measured; (2) 75 healthy adult dogs with different body size were divided into three groups.Small sized group, body weight 3-10 kg, total 20 dogs (with 8 intact male dogs); mid-sized group, body weight 11-30 kg, total 27 dogs (with 11 intact male dogs); large sized group, body weight over 30 kg, total 28 dogs (with 13 intact male dogs).For all the dog, measure the liver length, spleen hilus height, spleen tail height, stomach wall thickness, duodenum wall thickness, length/width/height of both kidney and length/width/height of prostate under the standard ultrasound planes established. Each measurement should be repeated for 3 times; (3)Do statistic data analysis with SPSS 13.0 software, to discuss the correlation and regression of dog size (weight, height, length) with each measuring parameter of the visceral and to validate the reliability of the normal ranges founded in this study with independent t-est between two groups. Results:(1)Generally fixed the standard ultrasound planes as sagittal plane of the right liver lobe, transverse plane of the spleen hilus, sagittal planes of the spleen tail, transverse plane of the body of stomach, transverse plane of the descending duodenum, mid-sagittal and mid-transverse planes of both kidneys, sagittal and transverse planes of prostate. Describe the plane position, ultrasound technic, image feature and measuring criterion in details; (2) The images collected from the 75 dogs are good in repetition and the datas are parallelism in three times repetition; (3) The correlation of each visceral configuration with body weight, length and height was highly significant, the coefficient in liver length, spleen hilus height, kidney length, height and width was good. Within different group, the correlation of visceral configuration with body length was high in small size dogs. But in other groups, the correlation of visceral configurationwith body weight were better and the significances of correlation coefficient were decreased with the increasing of body size.Multiple linear regression showed different dominant factors of body weight, height and length which make important effect in different groups for different organs. Good linear regression trend between liver length and both kidney length with its dominant factor in each group was found. Regression analysis showed, in curve estimation better R square and significant were found with Quadratic curve, Cubic curve and S curve of kidney length with body length, visceral configuration with body length in small dogs and visceral configuration with body weight in mid-size dogs while better R square and significant were found with Quadratic curve, Cubic curve and Linear model of visceral configuration with body weight in large size dogs. Independent-Samples t-test was resulted in good significant for each measuring parameter except prostate between groups. And established the normal ranges of all measuring parameters for all groups devided by the body weight as over 30 kg,11~30 kg and 3~10 kg. Conclusion:(1)Fixed the standard ultrasound planes for ultrasound measurement of abdominal viscerals in dog;(2) The correlation of body weight, height and length with each measuring parameter of the visceral was defined. But in different sizes or with different organs the significant of correlation with body weight, height and length was different; (3) Established the normal ranges of all measuring parameters for all three groups as large size, middle size and small size.
