

【作者】 李艳

【导师】 孔德永;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 认同是政治和社会生活中一个极其重要的问题。认同某种身份,便决定了以某种特定的方式看世界,为此必须承担一定的承诺、责任和义务。在我国,进城农民工作为一个特殊的社会群体,为城市社会的发展和繁荣做出了巨大的贡献。农民工进城以后,他们对自身和社会的认同状况,日益引起社会的关注。农民工的认同与一般意义上的社会认同相比,还有其比较特殊的方面。农民工群体对自身及社会的认同状况,对我国的政治民主化、社会进步以及自身的社会化都具有重要的影响。进城农民工对城市社会认同的主流还是好的,总体上呈现出健康稳定的发展趋势。但是,由于城市社会存在的针对农民工的不公平不合理的政策待遇,使得农民工认同问题上还存在着一些不容忽视问题。本文主要是从W市三个建筑工地的农民工的认同状况的实证调查入手,通过对问卷资料和个案访谈的分析,讨论农民工认同的现状,以及制约农民工认同的主要因素。在此基础上,本着“以人为本”的理念,提出了改革户籍制度、解决农民工的再就业和创业问题、提高农民工自身素质和加强农民工的组织制度建设这四大配套措施,全方位探讨提升农民工的认同水平的具体路径。本文的目的是通过对进城农民工认同现状的实证调查与对策分析,为探索提升农民工认同的路径选择提供比较直观的数据资料和实证支持,从而为构建社会主义和谐社会奠定坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 The identity is extremely important issue of the political and social life. If you recognize some capacity, you will see the world in a particular way. so we must assume a certain degree of commitment, responsibilities and obligations. In China, as a particular social group, migrant workers have made tremendous contributions for the urban development and prosperity of society. After entering a city, the recognition situation of the migrant workers about the society and their own situation, having gave rise to the growing concern of the society. However, compared with other social groups, there are some specific aspects about the acceptance of the migrant workers.The mainstream of the migrant workers is positive, which shows a healthy and steady developing tendency. However, because of the unfair and unreasonable treatments against the migrant workers, there are also a number of questions that can not be ignored.This article mainly focuses on the migrant workers of three construction sites in W, and makes important empirical investigation. Through deliberate analies on the questionnaire datas and individual interview, discuss the status of migrant workers as well as the main factors which constraints the acceptance of the migrant workers. In accordance with the spirit of" the people first" philosophy, the writer puts forward four measures, including reform the census registration system, solve the re-employment and entrepreneurship issues, improve the own quality of the migrant workers and strengthen the building of the organizational system.Through specific empirical investigation, this paper greatly sthengthens the countermeasure levels of the acceptance of the migrant workers, which lays a solid foundation for building a harmonious society.
