

Phenol Water Treatment with Electrodialysis

【作者】 庞洁

【导师】 李春喜;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化学工程与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 工业含酚废水主要来源于煤气、炼油、焦化等化工生产过程,具有来源广、数量多、危害大、难降解等特点。在我国水污染控制中,含酚废水被列为重点解决的有害废水之一。电渗析(ED)在直流电场作用下,利用离子交换膜的选择透过性,带电离子透过离子交换膜定向迁移,从水溶液或其它不带电的组分中分离出来,从而实现对溶液的浓缩、淡化、精制和提纯的目的。该法是一项非常成熟的膜分离技术,广泛用于化工脱盐和海水淡化等领域,具有能耗低,方便操作等特点。本文利用电渗析浓缩脱盐的原理,提出通过向苯酚溶液中加入碱,将苯酚转化为酚钠,使苯酚以C6H5O-离子的形式存在,然后采用电渗析法去除酚氧离子的含酚废水处理工艺,这是处理苯酚废水的一种新的尝试。在本论文实验过程中,选定强碱NaOH加入苯酚溶液中,考察了加碱量、苯酚初始浓度、操作电压、流量、加盐对淡室苯酚去除率的影响,并根据实验结果确定较优的电渗析操作条件为:操作电压为26V,淡室加入苯酚氢氧化钠摩尔比为1:5,流量均为40-50L/h,苯酚初始浓度大于200 mg/L。在此实验条件下,初始浓度为1000 mg/L的苯酚废水在实验运行120 min后苯酚去除率达到了97.3%。实验测定极限电流密度,计算能耗,为电渗析处理含酚废水提供理论依据。实验结果表明,电渗析法处理含苯酚废水,能耗低,操作方便,具有较好的效果。在本实验设备条件下,极限电流密度约为45mA。电渗析法处理苯酚废水总能耗随着电压、苯酚初始浓度和加入碱量的增加而增加,但总能耗较低,在苯酚浓度为1000mg/L,26V操作电压下,苯酚氢氧化钠的物质的量之比为1:5,流量为40L/h时总能耗仅为0.21 W·h/L。

【Abstract】 The industrial phenol water, which is hard to degrade, is mostly rooted in the production process of oil refining, coking and so on. The phenol water is nocuous and seriously dangerous to human health and thus listed as one of the key pollutions to be treated.Electrodialysis (ED) is an electrochemical separation process in which ion-exchange membranes and electrical potential difference are applied to separate ionic species from an aqueous solution and other uncharged components. Electrodialysis technology is one of the very maturely membrane separation technologies, qualified many merits such as easy operation, low energy consumption and so on. In this study, a novel method was proposed for the treatment of phenol wastewater by using two-compartment electrodialysis to remove the phenol ions formed in presence of sodium hydroxide.In the process of experiment, the influence of the operation parameters on the removal rate of phenol was studied, such as sodium hydroxide concentration, the phenol concentration, the applied voltages, the sodium sulfate concentration and the flow rate. According to the experimental result, the optimal operating conditions are determined as follows:operating voltage 26 V, the concentration of NaOH in dilute compartment being five times of that of phenol, flow rate of all compartments 40~50 L/h, initial concentration of phenol above 200 mg/L. For a 1000 mg/L phenol water, about 97.3%of removal rate was obtained within 120 min in the above operating conditions.The limiting current density was determined and the total energy consumption calculated. It I showed that the electrodialysis may be used to the treatment of phenol wastewater effectively with low cost. According to the result of experiment, the limiting current density is 45 mA, and the total energy consumption is 0.21 W-h/L for a 1000 mg/L phenol water.

【关键词】 苯酚废水处理电渗析
【Key words】 phenolwastewater treatmentelectrodialysis