

Implementation of File Management System Based on JXTA

【作者】 胡珊

【导师】 赵英;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 JXTA是用来解决P2P(Peer-to-Peer)对等计算的分布式网络计算平台,也是一个为P2P应用程序和服务提供标准协议的开放式资源项目。JXTA是juxtapose:并列)的缩写,这不仅说明网络中各个节点的地位是平等的,也说明了这项技术与其他的分布式网络计算技术是平行并列的,为现代网络应用提供了新的技术。JXTA提供了一个分布的,动态的,可扩展的网络架构,以实现统一的,安全的,互操作的网络应用。在短短几年发展时间里,P2P的应用已经成为了占据Internet流量的主要应用类型之一。本文针对JXTA分布式技术进行了研究,并实现了相关应用。首先就解决P2P计算的分布式网络计算平台JXTA的相关内容-JXTA作为P2P系统实现平台的特性和优点,JXTA作为SUN公司构建P2P网络而制定的协议族的详细内容,JXTA中的基本概念和术语,JXTA对等网络的结构以及JXTA平台的体系结构等,进行了探讨和研究。接着对JXTA的内容管理服务CMS进行了详细的介绍。最后是本文的重点部分,通过对前人的研究成果从RPV管理,JXTA的网络框架,以及文件重复下载三个方面进行分析,对JXTA网络框架进行了改进并实现了文件共享系统的平台。

【Abstract】 As an open resource project that provides standard protocols for the peer-to-peer (P2P) application programs and services, JXTA (the abbreviation of "juxtapose") is a promising candidate for distributed network computing platform on the P2P computation can be carried out, in which it is specified that each of the peers in a P2P network plays an equal role. JXTA provides a distributed, dynamic, expansive Internet architecture, in order to realize the united, secure, interoperable network application. In the short history of P2P application, it has become one of the main application types that comsume a large fraction of Internet traffic.The paper focuses on JXTA distributed technology, and achieves related implementation. First, it introduces and studies JXTA distributed computing platform to solve P2P computing, including JXTA feature and advance, JXTA protocol cluster content, and the terms and concept, JXTA system structure and architechture etc.Then, the paper focuses on the JXTA content service--CMS. Finally, the importance is to gain a improvement about the JXTA network framework and implement the sharing system platform according to the analysis of the view of the RPV, JXTA network, and file reputation.

【关键词】 JXTACMS汇聚点汇聚点管理列表
【Key words】 JXTACMSrendezvousRPV