

Study on Legally Responsible Speech

【作者】 许修尧

【导师】 周永坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法学理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 言论自由作为宪法位阶上的权利,它是先于立法者的,然而,如果言论损害了人类共同体的根本利益或价值目标,或者逾越了宪法所能承受的底线,将会引起法律上的责任,成为有责言论。对于有责言论,我们可以从“伤害原则”与“明显而即刻的危险”原则来予以界定,且从公益领域和私益领域两个方面来确定它的范围。有责言论对公益的损害包括两个层次:首先是对人类整体利益的伤害,其次是对国家利益和社会秩序的损害。有责言论对私益的侵害包括未经他人同意披露他人隐私,侵犯他人的知识产权,或者以侮辱、诽谤、诬蔑等方式损害他人的利益等。有责言论意味着法律允许对言论表达加以限制与干预,以及如何在具体的情况下,确定限制和干预的合法性和合理性,这种限制应受到严谨的审视和规范,并满足三项条件:依法限制;目的与手段相称,符合比例原则的要求;民主法治社会之所必需。

【Abstract】 When the speech goes beyond the legal bottom line, it will no longer be protected by law. It will be forbidden by the law or even receive sanctions from the law, which will give rise to legal responsibility. It’s legally responsible speech. It can be defined in two ways,“harm principle”and“clear-and-present-danger standard”. We can determine its scope from areas of public interests areas of private interests. The damage to the public interests includes two aspects: the damage to human rights and interests, and the damage to national interests and social order. Freedom of speech should fully respect the privacy of others in the field of independence, autonomy, on the infringement of personal interest, including without others consent to the disclosure of another’s privacy, infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights of others, or to insult, libel, slander and other means to damage the interests of others. It will be reviewed and defined loosely in the areas of private interests, because it is directed at specific individuals in the law on the protection of speech and expression which will call more cautious. Legally responsible speech means that the law permits restrictions on speech and expression and intervention, and how to do it properly in specific cases.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期