

Based on the Virtual Prototype Car Disc Brake Squeal of the Research

【作者】 钟忠

【导师】 杨波;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在21世纪的今天,汽车已经成为了人们生活中必不可少的交通工具之一,汽车的普及让人们的生活质量得到了进一步的提高,然而随着汽车的普及,伴随便捷生活而来的还有一系列的问题,其中对环境的噪声污染就是一个函待解决的重大问题。本文以某轿车盘式制动器实物为原型,以振动理论为基础,以三维设计软件CATIA V5 R17、数据快速自动交换专用软件CADFIX 7.1和有限元分析软件ANSYS9.0为工具,针对该制动器在一些工况时易产生制动尖叫的问题,对该制动器在结构参数方面进行优化。本文首先运用三维设计软件CATIA V5 R17的机械零部件设计(PDG:Part Design)和装配设计(ASD:Assembly Design)模块,结合自底向上(BOTTUM-UP)和自顶向下(TOP-DOWN)两种建模方法对盘式制动器进行建模,然后运用运动机构模拟(KIN:DMU Kinematics)模块对模型进行模拟仿真,在确定模型各个零部件结构尺寸合理、总成仿真运动良好后再对各个零部件进行简化,删除对有限元分析精度影响不大但对计算量却影响极大的倒角、小孔等结构元素,为下一步的有限元分析做好准备,然后用数据快速自动交换专用软件CADFIX 7.1将在CATIA V5 R17中建好的,以*modle格式保存的盘式制动器各个零部件模型转换成Prosolid 14.0的格式,使建好的三维模型转化成能导入ANSYS9.0的文件格式。把模型导入ANSYS9.0后,根据查找到的盘式制动器各个零部件的材料属性和历史试验数据,对盘式制动器进行有限元建模,在完成单元选择、网格划分、边界条件约束和计算频率范围的设置后,采用Block Lanczos(分块)法对模型进行模态分析,确定结构的固有频率和振型,从结构参数上找出易产生制动尖叫的零部件,再用CATIA V5 R17对结构设计不合理的零部件在结构上进行优化设计,然后对优化设计后的零部件再次进行模态分析,如此循环工作,直到确定振型得到改善。本次研究表明,通过改进结构的方法能有效改善盘式制动器结构振幅、振速从而抑制制动尖叫的发生。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, cars have become an indispensable means of transport of people’s lives, one of the popular vehicles to people’s quality of life has been further improved, but with the popularity of the car, also comes with convenient life a series of issues, including environmental noise pollution is a major issue to be addressed letter.Based on a physical prototype car disc brake, the vibration theory, three-dimensional design software, CATIA V5 R17, fast automatic exchange of data-specific software CADFIX 7.1 and the finite element analysis software ANSYS9.0 as a tool for the brake in some work situation when the problem is easy to produce brake squeal, the brake to optimize the structure parameters.Firstly, the use of 3D design software for CATIA V5 R17 Design of mechanical parts (PDG:Part Design), and assembly design (ASD:Assembly Design) modules, combined with bottom-up (BOTTUM-UP) and top-down (TOP-DOWN) two modeling methods to model disc brake, and then use movement mechanism simulation (KIN:DMU Kinematics) module of the model simulation, various components in determining the model structure of reasonable size, well after the assembly of each simulation exercise components can be simplified to remove the finite element analysis of accuracy of calculation is small but great influence on the chamfer, holes and other structural elements, the finite element analysis for the next step to prepare, and then fast automatic exchange of private data CADFIX 7.1 software will be built in CATIA V5 R17 in the order* modle format of the disc brake model into various parts Prosolid 14.0 format, so that the three-dimensional model built into the file format can be imported ANSYS9.0. After the model into ANSYS9.0, find the disc brake according to the various parts of the material properties and historical test data, finite element modeling of disc brakes, the completion of unit selection, meshing, boundary conditions and calculation of binding frequency range of settings, using Block Lanczos (block) method of the model modal analysis to determine the structure of the natural frequencies and mode shapes, from the structural parameters to identify the parts easy to produce brake squeal, and then CATIA V5 R17 irrational parts of the structural design of the structure is optimized, and then parts of the optimum design of modal analysis again, this cycle of work, until you determine the mode to improve. This study shows that by improving the structure of the method can effectively improve the disc brake structure of the amplitude of velocity to suppress the occurrence of brake squeal.
