

Research on Motorcycle Carbon Canister Matching Technology for Meeting to Chinese Emission Regulation Ⅲ

【作者】 王平

【导师】 颜伏伍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国摩托车工业飞速发展,2008年产销量突破2700万辆,出口突破800万辆,成为世界摩托车产业大国。与此同时,国内摩托车保有量也稳步增长,已突破8800万辆。如此庞大的数字背后,摩托车排放物对环境的污染越来越严重。国家已经颁布出台了《摩托车和轻便摩托车燃油蒸发污染物排放限值及测量方法》(GB 20998-2007)、《摩托车污染物排放限值及测量方法》(中国第三阶段,GB14622-2007),标准中明确规定两轮摩托车自2010年7月1日起严格执行国三及燃油蒸发标准,摩托车行业将面临严峻的挑战。目前,我国的摩托车行业现状是化油器式摩托车和电喷式摩托车共存,因此,从技术上解决好两种型式摩托车的燃油蒸发控制问题很有必要而且势在必行。本文首先对化油器式摩托车燃油蒸发控制的发展状况进行了分析。分析表明,摩托车燃油蒸发控制的关键技术主要集中在活性碳罐的工作性能研究及优化、燃油蒸发控制系统与摩托车匹配技术研究。本文对影响活性碳罐工作性能的各种因素进行了研究,并对碳罐内部流场进行了仿真计算,通过对碳罐内部结果的优化来提高其工作能力,通过大量实验验证了提高碳罐工作性能的关键技术路线的正确性。本文对摩托车进气系统的压力分布进行了模拟计算,得到了摩托车进气道系统压力分布规律。进气管内压力与曲轴转角的变化关系的获得为确定碳罐PCV阀开启时间,以及脱附效果提供了理论依据。根据计算及试验结果搭建了化油器式摩托车燃油蒸发控制系统,通过对系统进行国三排放试验、燃油蒸发控制试验,探索了摩托车燃油蒸发控制系统对排发动机排放的影响规律,研究表明该设计理论及燃油蒸发控制系统能够满足国三及燃油蒸发控制标准要求。

【Abstract】 During resent years, along with the improvement of motorcycle industry, the produce and sale amount of the motorcycle exceed 27 million and the export amount exceed 8 million in 2008. At the same time, the number of retained motorcycle grew up steadily and reached 88 million. The number shows a fact that pollution of motorcycle discharge is deteriorating. The nation has promulgated《motorcycle and light motorcycle fuel evaporant emission limitvalue and texting methods》(GB 20998-2007)、《motorcycle fuel evaporant emission limitvalue and texting methods》(national third stages, GB 14622-2007), Which require two-wheel motorcycles implemented the Chinese Emission RegulationⅢstandards and fuel evaporative standards strictly since July 1,2010. The motorcycle industry will face serious challenges. Carburetor motorcycle and EFI motorcycle coexistence is the status quo of China’s motorcycle industry. Therefore, solve the fuel evaporation control problems of two types of motorcycle is necessary and imperative.First, fuel vapor control technology related issues of the carbureted motorcycle was described in the thesis. The research indicated that, the key technology of motorcycle evaporative emission control focus on the activated carbon canister’s performance and matching evaporative emission control system to motorcycle.The effect factors of activated carbon canister’s performance was studied, and has simulated the flow distribution inside the canister. The results were used to optimize canister’s performance, a lot of experiments have verified the rationality of technical approaches.Second, the simulation study was carried out on the pressure distribution of motorcycle intake system, and the distribution law of pressure was acquired. The intake pressure via engine crank angle has provided theoretical basis to determine the opening time of PCV valve and desorption effects. A fuel vapor control system model of carbureted motorcycle was bulit, which was based on calculations and test results.Through the Chinese Emission RegulationⅢtesting and fuel vapor control tests, the rules which evaporative emission control system affect the emissions has been studied, the research proved that:this design theory and the fuel vapor control system can meet the Chinese Emission RegulationⅢstandards and fuel vapor control standards.
