

Modeling and Simulation of the Fuel Cell Hybrid Powertrain

【作者】 郭迪

【导师】 颜伏伍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 燃料电池混合动力系统是一种具有潜力的新型汽车动力系统。燃料电池混合动力系统具有能源利用效率高和无污染物排放的优点,但是目前燃料电池混合动力系统存在燃料电池部件生产成本较高以及耐久性能较差的缺点。燃料电池混合动力系统批量生产可以部分降低燃料电池部件生产成本。进行燃料电池混合动力系统组成部件功率匹配以及功率分配策略优化可以部分提高燃料电池部件耐久性能。进行燃料电池混合动力系统组成部件功率匹配以及功率分配策略优化需要进行大量研究。如果直接利用燃料电池混合动力系统实体原型机进行研究,将会造成研究成本过高以及研发周期过长。使用燃料电池混合动力系统仿真模型预先进行仿真计算研究可以节省研究经费,并且可以加快研究进度缩短研发周期。本文主要讨论如何在Matlab/Simulink仿真环境下建立燃料电池混合动力系统仿真计算模型。本文所讨论的燃料电池混合动力系统采用燃料电池间接连接结构;采用PEM燃料电池系统作为本文所讨论的燃料电池混合动力系统的主要能量存储系统;采用动力电池系统作为本文所讨论的燃料电池混合动力系统的辅助能量存储系统。使用反应机理模型描述燃料电池系统工作特性过于复杂,这将增加仿真计算所需时间,而且精度提高作用有限,因此本文采用基于经验数据的仿真模型描述燃料电池系统工作特性,不仅可以加快仿真计算速度,而且可以得到一定精度。同样,使用化学反应机理模型描述动力电池系统工作特性不仅过于复杂,而且精度提高作用有限,因此本文采用Rint等效电路仿真模型描述动力电池系统工作特性。本文使用机理模型描述驱动电机系统以及汽车传动系统工作特性。由于本文主要讨论如何建立燃料电池混合动力系统仿真计算模型,因此本文仅仅采用一种简单功率分配策略进行燃料电池混合动力系统功率分配控制。仿真计算所得到的燃料电池混合动力系统重要变量变化曲线说明本文所建立的燃料电池混合动力系统仿真计算模型以及所设计的功率分配控制策略可以正常进行仿真计算。所得到的重要变量变化曲线同时指明进行燃料电池混合动力系统实际配置所需要重点注意调节的几种参数。

【Abstract】 The fuel cell hybrid powertrain is a new potential automotive powertrain. The fuel cell hybrid powertrain is high energy efficiency and without any pollution, but the fuel cell stack which is used in the fuel cell hybrid powertrain is expensive and not durable at present. The mass production of the fuel cell hybrid powertrain will partially decrease the cost of producing the fuel cell stack. The well selected configuration of the fuel cell hybrid powertrain and the well designed power distribution strategy will partially increase the durability of the fuel cell stack.Completing the configuration selection and the power distribution strategy optimization will need a lot of research. Researching directly using the fuel cell hybrid powertrain real prototype will increase the cost and decrease the R&D speed. Previous simulation calculation using the fuel cell hybrid powertrain simulation model will decrease the cost and increase the R&D speed.This thesis primarily discusses how to complete the simulation model of the fuel cell hybrid powertrain in the Matlab/Simulink simulation environment. In the fuel cell hybrid powertrain discussed in this thesis, the fuel cell is not connected to the power bus directly. The fuel cell hybrid powertrain discussed in this thesis uses PEM fuel cell stack as the primary energy storage system, and uses the power battery as the auxiliary energy storage system.Describing the operating characteristics of the fuel cell stack using the mechanism model will be too complex. Using the mechanism model of the fuel cell stack will decrease computing speed, and the increase of the accuracy will be not obvious. An empirical model is used to describe the operating characteristics of the fuel cell stack in this thesis. For the same reason, a Rint empirical model is used to describe the operating characteristics of the power battery in this thesis. A mechanical model is used to describe the operating characteristics of the drive motor in this thesis. A mechanical model is also used to describe the operating characteristics of the vehicle in this thesis. This thesis primarily discusses how to model the simulation model of the fuel cell hybrid powertrain, so a simple power distribution strategy is used in this thesis. The key variable curves obtained in the simulation demonstrate that the designed fuel cell hybrid powertrain simulation model and the designed power distribution strategy are correct. At the same time, the key variable curves demonstrate that several coefficients are very important in the real configuration of the fuel cell hybrid powertrain.
