

Research on the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by the Porous Ceramic Material as Asorbent

【作者】 刘丹

【导师】 李孟;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 赤泥是从铝土矿中提炼氧化铝后排出的工业固体废弃物。随着铝工业的发展,赤泥的堆积量逐年上升。由于大量的赤泥未得到充分利用,长期占用大量土地,造成土地碱化,地下水被污染,危害人们的健康。电镀是世界三大污染行业之一。随着我国乡镇电镀企业的迅速发展,我国的电镀污染问题也日益严重。电镀废水中所含的重金属离子,如:Cr(Ⅵ)、Ni2+、Cu2+、Cd2+、Hg2+和Zn2+等对动植物的生存也造成威胁,解决重金属废水污染的问题已是当前水资源保护中首当其冲的一项重要任务。针对以上两种危害较大的污染物,本文创新性的提出用赤泥制备的多孔陶瓷材料吸附处理电镀废水中重金属离子的办法,以达到“以废治废”的目的。本实验利用武汉理工大学材料学院制备的烧结法赤泥基多孔陶瓷材料,赤泥添加量为60%,烧成温度为1120℃,经质量浓度为0.01g/ml的壳聚糖改性后,经振荡吸附去除浓度为15mg/L的铜离子溶液,去除率可以达到90%以上;吸附去除浓度为50mg/L的铜离子溶液,去除率可以达到80%以上,改性后去除率提高了35%。对比烧结法、联合法、拜耳法三种类型的赤泥基多孔陶瓷材料去除不同浓度铜离子的效果,结合三者的气孔率、吸水率、抗压碎强度分析得出,烧结法赤泥基多孔陶瓷材料吸附效果最好,但强度最低;拜耳法赤泥基多孔陶瓷材料的强度最高,但吸附铜离子能力最差。由武汉理工大学材料学院制备的联合法赤泥基多孔陶瓷材料,赤泥添加量为60%,粒径为0.8-1.25mm,烧成温度为1100℃,处理浓度为2mg/L的铜离子,去除率达到90%以上,且吸附后颗粒未出现破碎。用二氧化锰对粒径为1.25-1.60mm、烧成温度为1100℃的联合法赤泥基多孔陶瓷材料进行改性,改性过程中热处理温度650℃制备出的二氧化锰改性样品。用该样品分别处理浓度为2mg/L的铅离子和镉离子溶液,结果表明,改性后样品的吸附效果有明显的提高,铅的去除率可以达到100%,镉的去除率达到90%以上。

【Abstract】 The red mud is an industrial solid offal discharged after extracting aluminium oxide from bauxite. With the development of aluminum industry, the stock of red mud is increasing year by year. Because most red mud has not been fUlly utilized, it occupied large areas of land for a long time. Then it caused the basification of the land and the pollution of the groundwater, all of these endanger the health of human being. Electroplating is one of the three major polluting industries in the world. In our country, as the rapid development of township enterprises in electroplating, the plating pollution turns more and more serious. The heavy metal ions contained in the electroplating waste water threat the survival of the animals and plantes, such as: Cr(VI),Ni2+,Cu2+,Cd2+, Hg2+ and Zn2+, etc. To solve the pollution problem of the heavy metal waste is a most urgent task about the protection of water resource now. Face to the two harmful pollutants, the research will mention innovative to use the porous ceramic materials made with red mud adsorb the heavy metal ions in the electroplating waste water, it can achieve the purpose of disposing the waste by waste.In this study, the sintered red mud-based porous ceramic material made by the Materials Science in Wuhan University of Technology will be used. The dosage of red mud accout for 60%, the burning temperature is 1120℃. After modified by the 0.01g/ml chitosan, it is used to adsorb the Cu2+ that the concentration is 15mg/L in solution. Then the removal rate can reach 80%, it is increased 35% after modification.Comparing with the removal of Cu2+ with different concentration by the sintering, joint and bayer types of red mud-based porous ceramic material, combining with their datas about porosity, water absorptivity and cold crushing strength, then it can be analysised that the removal by sintering red mud-based porous ceramic material is the best, but the cold crushing strength of it is the worst; the strength of bayer one is the best, but the removal of the copper ions is the worst.In the joint red mud-based porous ceramic material made by the Materials Science in Wuhan University of Technology, the dosage of red mud occupies 60%, the particle size is 0.8-1.25mm, the burning temperature is 1100℃. When it is used to dispose the Cu which the concentration of is 2mg/L, the removal rate is higher than 90%, and the particles have no broken after adsorption.To modify the joint red mud-based porous ceramic material with MnO2, the partical size of the sample is 1.25-1.60mm, the burning temperature is 1100℃, the temperature of heat treatment is 650℃. The result of using this sample to dispose the Pb and Cd with the concentration of 2mg/L indicates that, the removal improved obviously after modification. The removal rate of Pb can reach 100%, and the one of Cd can be higher than 90%.
