

New Techniques for Single Satellite Passive Localization Based on Doppler Information

【作者】 徐义

【导师】 郭福成;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代电子战环境中,空间电子侦察平台可以不受空域、时间、天气等限制,在全球范围内对重要雷达及通信辐射源实施侦察定位,已成为最有效也是最具威胁的侦察手段。随着微小卫星的发展及电子情报侦察的紧迫需要,系统实现简单、载荷小,但定位精度高且能用于单星平台的星载无源定位技术,可以经济而高效地满足未来空间电子侦察的需要,因而成为了各国争相发展的重点。本文主要研究了单个卫星通过被动接收地面静止辐射源信号,由信号频域和时域的多普勒效应实现对辐射源无源定位的技术。其中,第一章讨论了研究的背景和该领域目前的研究现状;第二章介绍了基于信号多普勒信息的单星无源定位的基本原理和基本方法,为后文的分析建立了统一的数学模型和有效的定位解算方法。第三章研究了多普勒效应对信号频域参数的影响,具体研究了基于WGS-84地球模型的仅测频和测频率变化率两种定位方法及其定位性能。第四章研究了多普勒效应对于信号时域参数的影响,提出了基于WGS-84地球模型的单星仅测脉冲到达时间(TOA)的定位方法。并在这两章中分别推导了三种方法理论上的定位误差克劳美罗下限(CRLB),通过仿真分析,得到了三种方法的定位精度几何稀释(GDOP)分布,并通过分析特定点上的定位误差椭圆(EEP)及影响定位性能的相关因素,分析比较了三种定位方法的特点和适用领域。第五章通过STK和MATLAB软件仿真实现了定位的过程,并通过实验方法研究了影响定位的各种因素。通过本文的研究,为电子侦察卫星提供了一种新的基于单星平台,且简单高效的定位体制。为未来基于多普勒信息的单星无源定位的工程应用提供了理论分析依据,奠定了理论基础。

【Abstract】 In modern electronic warfare, the electronic intelligence systems on satellites which could scout the significant radar and communication targets all over the world without the restrict of airspace , time , and even the weather has become the most efficacious and threatening reconnaissance means. Along with the development of very small satellites and the big demand of electronic intelligence, the techniques of single satellite passive localization which have simple systems, light load demand and good performance may meet the demands of electronic intelligence in future cheaply and efficiently. So the new techniques have become the focus and major project of all the countries.This thesis researches the single satellite passive localization based on the relationship between the Doppler Effect in the signal’s frequency or time domain and the position of target emitter. The first chapter talks about the background and the present status of this research. The second chapter introduces the basic theories and the method of single satellite passive localization based on Doppler information. The math model and a efficient resolve arithmetic which are unitized and useful for the analysis in this thesis is proposed. The third chapter and the fourth chapter proposes three methods which are the frequency-only method, the change rate of frequency method and the Time of Arrive (TOA)-only method against the signals Doppler effect in frequency-domain or time-domain. The Cramer-Rao Low Bound (CRLB) of the location error is derived. Computer simulation gives the Geometrical Dilution of Precision (GDOP) of an area on the earth. The comparison analysis of the characteristics and applications of the three methods is given by the analysis of the Elliptical Error Probable (EEP) of a specific point and the factors which effect the localization accuracy. The fifth chapter achieves the experiments of localization using the Satellites Kit Tools (STK) and MATLAB, and analyzes the facts which cause the location errors with the experimental findings.The researches of this thesis propose a new passive localization system based on single satellite which is simple and efficient, and gives the application of electronic reconnaissance satellites a new theoretical analysis method.
