

Research on the Performance Evaluation Environment and Its Key Technologies for Water Ramjet

【作者】 王东辉

【导师】 张为华;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水冲压发动机属新概念推进系统,采用高能金属燃料,利用海水作为氧化剂,具有比冲高、结构简单和安全性好等优点,是满足未来水中兵器高航速和远航程的最佳动力系统。本文以水冲压发动机性能评价平台为研究对象,围绕平台系统设计的顶层框架、性能评价仿真模型、数据模型及应用集成等方面展开研究,将原本孤立的仿真及评估方法集合为一个有机整体,构建分布式水冲压发动机性能评价平台,为水冲压发动机数字化集成设计奠定基础。从体系结构和功能框架设计出发系统研究了水冲压发动机性能评价平台,提出了性能评价平台体系结构,并对平台功能进行设计,构建水冲压发动机性能评价平台的功能框架。在研究水冲压发动机工作过程基础上,提出适用于水冲压发动机性能评价指标,建立发动机性能评价仿真模型。研究水冲压发动机性能评价平台数据集成技术。建立水冲压发动机性能评价数据模型;采用面向对象的JPA规范实现数据存储;提出了基于Entity和XML的数据共享与交换方法;研究了数据安全性、版本等管理机制,解决了性能评价平台底层数据支撑问题,实现了性能评价平台数据集成。给出了组件形式化定义及基于组件模型的应用集成方法,开发了应用组件库,实现了三维造型软件Pro/Engineer、有限元分析软件Ansys以及流体计算软件Fluent等商业软件的功能集成,完成了性能评价平台应用集成。基于上述研究成果,构建了基于J2EE的水冲压发动机性能评价平台。平台可用于水冲压发动机设计与性能分析,为水冲压发动机研制提供重要理论基础与分析手段。

【Abstract】 Water ramjet as a new concept propulsion system takes high-energy metal fuel and uses water as oxidizer. For merits of high specific impulse, simple structure and good safety, it is the best propulsion system for the future subaqueous weapon of high speed and long voyage. In this thesis, focusing on the environment for water ramjet, this thesis studies four aspects of the performance evaluation environment: top framework, means of performance evaluation, data foundation and application integration, the models for the evaluation of water ramjet performance are integrated to consist of a distributed performance evaluation environment, which lays a foundation for the digital integrated design environment for water ramjet.The system architecture, and the function structure of the integrated design system are given, which finds a solution to the system design. The system architecture is established. And the functions of the environment are designed to build the function structure of the performance evaluation environment.On the basis of a study on the operation process, the criterions of water ramjet performance and the models to solve these criterions are presented.The data integration of the water ramjet performance evaluation environment is investigated in this thesis. The integrated data model is addressed. The object-oriented JPA is used to accomplish data saving. A data sharing and exchanging mechanism based on the Entity and the Extensible Markup Language (XML) is presented. Issues concerning the security and version management of the integrated data model are also discussed. The data integration of the performance evaluation environment is finally realized with the bottom data support provided by this research.The component based application integration method and the formalization definition of software components are presented. Besides, the application component depository of the environment is developed. The application integration is finally fulfilled with the methods of the functional integration of Pro/Engineer, Ansys and Fluent proposed.By applying the theories and methods studied above to practice, this research offers a J2EE based distributed water ramjet performance evaluation environment which can be employed to construct the water ramjet prototype and evaluate the capability of the project to provide sufficient theoretical justifications and an excellent analysis method for the manufacture of the water ramjet.
