

Li Da and the Spread of Marxism in China

【作者】 谢水明

【导师】 王贵明;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 李达(1890一1966年)是中国马克思主义理论界的一位百科全书式的人物。中国共产党主要创始人和早期领导人之一,马克思主义哲学家、经济学家、法学家、史学家和教育家。李达毕生研究马克思主义,几乎参与了马克思主义在中国传播的全过程。他传播马克思主义虽然不是最早的,但贡献却是最大的。为马克思主义在中国的传播、应用和发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。但李达对马克思主义在中国传播的贡献,长期以来隐而不彰,本文拟就李达与马克思主义在中国传播的问题,分四个方面作一些探讨。一、李达成为马克思主义者的过程。李达出生时,近代中国发生着剧烈的变动,民族和国家处于危亡之秋,在近代先进思想的影响下,李达产生了救亡图存的信念,积极参加反帝反封建的斗争。李达出于爱国主义实业救国的梦想,东渡日本求学,希望找到中国富强的良方,当发现实业救国是不可能实现的梦幻后,李达毅然转向了马克思主义的学习和研究,这种转变是李达爱国主义情怀的继续,也是马克思主义先进性的体现,李达完成了从爱国主义者到马克思主义者的伟大转变,开始尝试用马克思主义的视角来审视中国的问题。二、李达在中国传播马克思主义的主要活动。本部分按照时间的先后,概括从李达接受马克思主义开始终其一生传播马克思主义的主要活动。时间的脉络有利于还原李达研究和宣传马克思主义由浅入深、步步推进的过程,也与中国共产党在革命和建设的不同时期相吻合,便于把握李达的整体形象。李达传播马克思主义的主要活动分为五个时期来论述:李达在日本时期传播马克思主义的活动;李达建党前后传播马克思主义的活动;中共二大脱党后潜心研究和宣传马克思主义,初步成为马克思主义理论家;大革命时期及失败后在国统区传播马克思主义的活动;建国后李达传播马克思主义的活动。三、李达传播马克思主义的特点。李达通晓日、英、德三门外语,这有利于李达全面系统地学习马克思主义经典原著,为马克思主义的传播打下了坚实的理论基础。也凸显了李达传播马克思主义的特点,李达对马克思主义的介绍不是支离破碎的,而是全面系统的介绍,同时注重理论联系实际,研究中国的现实,学以致用。紧跟时代的脉搏,强烈的问题意识,利用编辑、翻译、教学、论战、演说等各种机会宣传马克思主义,为马克思主义在中国的传播鼓与呼。四、李达对马克思主义在中国传播的贡献。李达虽然没有明确提出“马克思主义的中国化”的概念,但李达传播马克思主义的一系列活动为马克思主义的中国化作出了不可或缺的贡献。事实上,李达传播马克思的活动本身就是马克思主义中国化的过程,马克思主义的传播是马克思主义中国化的前提,李达在著述中自觉地进行着马克思主义的本土化工作。同时李达的著译,也成为毛泽东思想的理论来源,为毛泽东思想的形成作出了应有的贡献。

【Abstract】 Li Da (1890 - 1966) is a Marxist theory circles encyclopedic character. Communist Party of China, one of the main founders and early leaders of the Marxist philosophers, economists, jurists, historians and educators. Li Da life-long study of Marxism, almost involved in the spread of Marxism in China, the whole process, he spread of Marxism, though not the earliest, but the contribution is the greatest for the spread of Marxism in China, application and development have made indelible contribution. However, Lee spread of Marxism in China, the contribution of long hidden but had not been apparent, this article on Lee and the spread of Marxism in China, the problem is divided into four aspects are discussed.1,Lee reached for the Marxist process. Lee was born, in modern times, radical changes taking place in China, peoples and countries are in peril and autumn, in modern times under the influence of advanced ideas, Lee produced a belief in salvation, and actively participated in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism. Li Da Industrial Co., out of patriotism, saving the nation’s dream, east to Japan to study, hoping to find the recipe for prosperity in China, as found in industrial salvation can not be realized dream, the Li Da resolutely turned to the Marxist study and research, such change is a continuation of Li Da patriotic feelings, but also reflect the advanced nature of Marxism, Li Da was transformed from a patriot to the great changes in Marxist and began trying to use the Marxist perspective to look at China’s problems.2, Li Da spread of Marxism in China’s major activities. In accordance with this section, the time has summed up to accept Marxism from Lee to open his life has always been the main activities of dissemination of Marxism. Time to restore the context is conducive to research and advocacy Lee Marxism Deep advancing step by step process, but also with the Chinese Communist Party in the revolution and construction in different periods of time consistent, easy to grasp the overall image of Li Da. Li Da spread Marxism main activities are divided into five periods to describe: Li Da spread of Marxism in Japan during the activities; Li Da party-building activities before and after the spread of Marxism; the Chinese Communists left the party after the two largest of painstaking research and advocacy of Marxism, will become a preliminary Marxist theorists; Revolution and after the failure of communication in the country of Marxist-ruled areas of activities; Lee after the founding of the activities of up to spread Marxism.3, Li Da dissemination of Marxist characteristics. Li Da familiar with Japan, Britain, Germany and 3 foreign languages, which is conducive to Lee comprehensive and systematic manner to study Marxism classic original, the spread of Marxism has laid a solid theoretical basis. Lee also highlighted the spread of Marxism and the characteristics of Li up to the introduction of Marxism is not fragmented, but a comprehensive and systematic introduction, at the same time focus on linking theory with practice and study China’s reality, apply their knowledge. Closely follow the pulse of the times, a strong consciousness of the problem, the use of editing, translation, teaching, debate, speeches and other opportunities to publicize Marxism, and for the spread of Marxism in China, advocating.4,Lee reached on the spread of Marxism in China’s contribution. Li Da Although there is no clearly stated, "Marxism-China" concept, but Lee, a series of activities spread of Marxism in China of Marxism to make an indispensable contribution. In fact, Li Da spread of Marx’s activity itself is the process of Marxism in China, the spread of Marxism is the premise of Marxism in China, Li Da in the writings consciously engaged in the work of the localization of Marxism. At the same time Li Da’s Zhu Yi, Mao Zedong Thought, the theory has also become sources for the formation of Mao Zedong Thought and made due contributions.

【关键词】 李达马克思主义传播
【Key words】 Li DaMarxismCommunication
  • 【分类号】D231
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】648