

The Research on the Reporting Coverage of the Emergencies in the Perspective of Building National Image

【作者】 李韵冰

【导师】 罗源;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化形势的变化以及媒体对国际关系的影响不断加深,我国日益意识到国家形象对国家地位和发展的重要意义。然而,中国的国家形象一直以来被西方媒体“妖魔化”,我们一直都在寻找构建中国客观、真实、良好的国家形象的突破口。我国的国家形象在近期呈波动起伏的态势,这与我国的突发事件报道方式有密不可分的关系。本文首先明确国家形象与突发事件之间的关联性,通过对典型案例的分析,理性思考媒体应对突发事件的处理和报道方式,以期找寻通过媒体和政府共同的努力,争取国际话语权,进而构建中国真实、良好的国家形象的新路径。全文共约3.7万字,主要框架由引言、本论和结语三部分组成。引言主要介绍论文的研究背景、研究内容、研究方法与相关理论研究现状。本论涵盖四个部分:第一部分是对国家形象的界定,并从国家政治功能、经济发展、文化传播、国家安全四方面,对国家形象的重要性进行阐述。介绍全球化背景下中国理想的国家形象和西方眼中古往今来的中国国家形象,并指出在国家形象构建中媒体扮演着极其重要的角色。中国国家形象被“妖魔化”跟自身媒体在重大突发事件上的“失语”有很大关系。第二部分主要是对突发事件的概念进行界定,指出它在新闻传播层面的重要价值。从国家价值取向、政府的公信力等方面阐述突发事件与国家形象的关联性。第三部分和第四部分是本文进行重点研究和阐述的部分。第三部分是对中国近期国家形象的分析。在这部分,笔者对西方主流媒体之一的《纽约时报》和《卫报》关于中国“3·14拉萨事件”和“5·12汶川地震”的报道进行了抽样研究。之所以选取这两次事件作为研究案例,是因为中国媒体在两次事件中所采取的不同报道方式产生了截然不同的效果,也使中国的国家形象呈现出明显的起伏变化。而选择将西方主流媒体的报道作为分析样本,是因为西方媒体的报道能够直观反映出西方对中国认知和评价。通过分析两报在事发后一个月里的所有相关报道,得出两点结论:第一,媒体对突发事件的报道和政府关于突发事件报道的新闻政策会对该国的国家形象构建产生重大影响;第二,西方媒体对中国进行歪曲报道,而使中国国家形象“妖魔化”的原因主要有内外两方面。外部原因是由于国家利益、意识形态差异、文化差异等因素影响西方媒体对中国的解读;内部原因则是中国政府和媒体对突发事件的应对和报道方面存在不足。本文的第四部分是综合案例分析所得出的结论,从媒体和政府两个层面为如何进行突发事件报道提出改进建议。即媒体在进行突发事件报道时要形成科学的、可行的应对策略,运用危机公关里的“3T”原理,第一时间向外界提供尽可能详细的信息,把握舆论主导,保证民众的知情权。同时,在新闻报道中要突出人类的共同价值——人道主义精神;在政府的突发事件新闻策略中,要对信息源进行有控制的开放,确保信息内容的准确、传播渠道的公开,避免谣言的滋生;此外,政府应完善新闻发言人制度,以确保与媒体的良性互动,重视新媒体的舆论影响力,促进新媒体与传统媒体的互补。最后是结语部分,就突发事件报道对国家形象构建的前景进行展望,指出国家形象构建需要多方面、长时间的不懈努力,我国媒体和政府关于突发事件的报道和应对也需要更长远地发展和完善。

【Abstract】 As the globalization spreads and the media pay more attention to the international relations, China has been more and more emphasizing on the national image and its key influence on the country’s international position and development. However, Chinese national image has been intentionally distorted by the western media, and China has been seeking the breakthrough for building an objective, true and nice national image. Recently, the national image of China had been in ups and downs, which is due to Chinese ways of reporting the emergencies. This essay is to clarify the relationship between national image and emergencies in the beginning, and to reflect on how the media dealt with and reported the emergencies in a rational way, by analyzing the typical ones, so as to figure out a new approach to gain the right to speak in the international community through the collaborative efforts by the media and the government, and then build a true and nice national image of China.This essay has approximately 37,000 Chinese characters, mainly comprising of the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.The introduction outlines the background, the research content, the methodologies and the research on relevant theories.The main body covers four parts: the first part includes the definition of national image, and discussion on the importance of national image in terms of political function, economic development, cultural communication and national security. Based on the circumstances of globalization, this part introduces the ideal national image of China and the historical and present national images of China in the Westerners’perspectives, and notes that the media play a key role in building the national image. The intentional distortion of Chinese national image is largely due to its media’s inability to report the major emergencies.The second part defines the concept of the emergencies, as well as its important values in terms of journalism and communication. In light of national value orientation and the credibility of government, the relationship between the emergencies and the national image is discussed, concluding that the emergencies influence on the building of national image.The third and fourth parts are the discussions and researches.The third part is the analysis of the recent national image of China. In this part, the author conducted a sampling research on the news coverage by The New York Times and The Guardian, which are the members of the western mainstream media, on the March 14 Event in Lhasha and Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12. As for the reasons for choosing the Western media’s reporting on the two events as analysis cases, the reporting approaches by the Western media directly reflect the Western public’s recognition and estimation of China. By sorting and categorizing all the relevant reporting coverage by the two media during one month aftermath, tow conclusions are made: firstly, the reporting coverage of the media and relevant news policies of a government will have magnificent influence on the national image; secondly, there are internal and external causes that the intentionally distorting reporting coverage by the Western media harmed the national image of China. The external cause is that the interpretation of China by the Western media are subject to several factors, such as national interests, ideological difference and cultural difference; and the internal one is that the Chinese media and government are inexperienced in dealing with and reporting the emergencies.The fourth part is summarizing the conclusions from the above case analysis, and making suggestions on how to improve the approaches of reporting the emergencies in terms of media and government. The media should establish a scientific and feasible strategy for reporting the emergencies, by utilizing the 3T principles in crisis PR, and providing information as detailed as possible at the first opportunity. Meanwhile, the common human value, the humanitarian spirit, should be emphasized on in the news coverage; the government should disclose the information sources on a controlled basis in the foreign-related news strategies for dealing with the emergencies, to ensure accurate information and open communication channels; besides, the government should emphasize on the system of press spokespersons, to ensure positive interaction with the media, pay attention to the media’s influence on the public opinions, and facilitate the complementation between the new and the traditional media.The last is the conclusion, which forecasts the prospect of emergency reporting for building the national image, and notes that multiple-layered and long-term efforts are necessary, and Chinese government and media should develop and improve their approaches to deal with and report the emergencies.

  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】5
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