

Study on Ground Pressure Monitoring System of Shizhuyuan Polymetallic Ore in Hunan Province

【作者】 陶雪芬

【导师】 章光;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地下矿床开采形成空区后,采空区周围岩体便呈现一种架空结构,由于开采破坏了岩体的原始应力状态而引起岩体内部应力的重新分布,从而导致上覆岩体失去原有的平衡,引起上覆岩体的变形、移动甚至破坏等地压活动现象。而空区范围超过一定限度之后,如不及时处理,就会导致空区、采矿场、巷道发生大量岩石冒落、岩体错动并伴有巨响、气体冲击波和矿震,还可能引起地表开裂、下沉、山体崩落、泥石流和地面建筑物陷落、倒塌等地压灾害,后果极其严重。湖南柿竹园多金属矿矿区遗留下的群采空区的体积已达到260万m3,顶板暴露面积达3万m2,由于空场暴露时间长,受岩体结构面破碎带、岩性穿插体及大爆破振动的影响,加之在采空区未经充填处理的情况下抽采矿柱,部分矿柱失稳跨塌,导致最大顶板连续暴露面积达8000m2,给矿山现行生产活动及矿床的进一步开采利用造成了很大的威胁。本文结合“柿竹园多金属矿床开采地压监控研究”课题,对建立一套完整的适合该矿山实际情况的地压监测系统进行研究,主要做了以下工作:(1)对矿山工程地质、采矿现状及地压显现情况做了详尽的调查,对矿柱失稳破坏原因进行分析,结果显示:该矿矿柱的破坏与大爆破、岩石的节理发育和花岗岩的穿插有关。(2)本文建立了适合该矿特点的地压监测网系统,且顺利的完成了监测系统的布置、运行、管理及后续处理分析。该系统是将地表、井下岩移监测网、钻孔应力计监测系统、声发射监测系统相结合的综合利用监测方案,其选择的监测仪器与监测技术方法合理有效,在井下累计多采空区的特殊环境条件下,既做到对留存矿柱和顶板上部富矿体的回收,确保矿山可持续发展,又能够处理采空区安全隐患,有很好的实际应用价值。(3)基于Visual FoxPro平台,建立了柿竹园地压监测数据库,能够对监测数据进行实时查询、管理、更新,且编译了数据库界面,使其更加直观可视化管理。建立的该数据库可减少大量工作量,提高工作效率。(4)对数据进行分析,总体把握声发射事件趋势,预报地压活动,为矿山地压灾害控制提供了重要依据。分析结果为,随着回采的不断进行,采场的声发射事件会激增且地压活动频繁,岩体稳定性降低。据分析,K3-4、K3-5,K4-3、K4-4大空场和西北角大空场之间的K3-2、K3-3矿柱将会承受巨大压力,出现危险可能性极高,应密切监测该重点区域。

【Abstract】 Many mined-out areas exists after underground mining, so the rock mass around goaf presents one aerial construction, the virgin state of stress in rock must be destroyed and makes internal stress redistribution, this result leads to overlying strata deformation, movement even failure. when the range of mined-out areas exceeded certain limit without dealing timely, it will cause large rock falling and rock bed dislocation in mined-out areas, stope, roadways, and accompanied with slambang, gaseous shock and mine earthquake. It also may cause ground pressure disasters such as surface cracking, surface subsidence, mountain collapse, debris flow and the falling or collapse of ground buildings and so on, the consequence is very seriously. The polymetallic ore deposit of HuNan ShiZhuyuan leaves very large goaf, the volume has reached 2.6 million m3, and the exposed area of roof is 30000m2. Because of long exposing time of abandoned stope, some ore pillars influenced by fracture zones in rock structural plane, interpenetration masses and big blasting vibration are unstable and break down, together with mining pillar without stowing goaf. It leads the biggest continuous exposed area of roof reaching 8000m2, and has done severe harm to mine currently production activities and further production.According to actual conditions of mine, this paper researches on building a system of ground pressure monitoring which is integrated and effective。The following are the main features of my work:(1) I have done a lot of exhaustive work for mine engineering geological, mining status and conditions of ground pressure occurrence, and analyzed the destruction reasons of pillars. The result shows that the breakage of pillars is related with large scale blasting, joint developments in rock and the interpenetration of granite.(2) This paper establishes a comprehensive monitoring network Combining surface, underground rock movement, a borehole stress-meter monitoring system and acoustic emission automonitoring system. This project can properly achieve the goal to overall controlling and main monitoring for dangerous areas. Under the environment of many underground mined-out areas, this system can ensure the safety and high efficient mining of mine, recycle retaining pillars and ore shoot above roof, ensure sustainable development, as well as treating hidden dangers about mined-out areas.(3) The shizhuyuan ground pressure monitoring database is based on Visual FoxPro platform, it can search, manage and update data real-timely. And this paper compiles the interface of database, wishing to managing data directly.(4) This paper analyze all data, and overall grasp the trend of acoustic emission events, also forecast ground pressure activities. The analysis results indicate that, with increasing mining, the acoustic emission events will increase rapidly and make continual ground pressure activities, so debase the stability of rock mass. According to the analysis,the pillar of K3-2,K3-3 which between K3-4,K3-5,K4-3,K4-4 open stope and the northwest-corner open stope are bearing great pressure dangerously, so it should be observed closely, especially the key regions.
