

A Study on the Development and Planning of Chinese Three-line City

【作者】 孙应丹

【导师】 李百浩; 黄立;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 1949年新中国成立后,国家社会性质和经济结构发生了历史性的转变,现代城市规划也随之拉开序幕,这一时期的中国城市规划在思想、理论及技术等方面主要受到了来自中国近代城市规划和苏联城市规划两方面的影响。到1960-1980年代,动荡不安的国际局势造就了国内紧张的备战环境,与苏联友好关系的决裂也导致城市规划工作脱离了来自国外力量的指导而呈现出独立发展的态势。本文将三线建设放回到具体的历史环境中进行研究和分析,从备战的政治指导思想入手,梳理了三线建设的发展脉络,探讨了“规划不在”的背景下,三线城市规划中的科学理论与建设实践,用实例加以分析,并提炼其中主导的规划思想。对发展历程的研究,分为开发选址,初期建设,迅速发展和调整收尾4个阶段;对发展模式的研究,分为集中新建城市模式,老城内部发展模式和进山进沟分散模式3种模式;对主要规划思想的演剧,包括战时体制下的城市规划思想,区域规划理论,带形城市理论和“单位城市”规划思想等。并且,客观的对三线建设过程与成果进行评析,通过分析城市规划与建设机构及专业人员的流动情况,并在此基础上总结三线城市建设的成就与问题,最后得出结论,三线城市发展与规划建设在显性与隐性两方面的作用下取得了局部的科学成果,即政治作为“无形的手”的直接影响,以及从职能部门流失的技术人员对其产生的隐性影响。笔者通过走访三线城市和三线工厂,访问亲自参与三线规划的老专家等方式,积累了第一手的调研资料,为研究打下了坚实的基础。希望通过对中国三线建设城市规划与建设研究,为完善中国现代城市规划史的研究提供资料,为现今和平时代下的城市备战规划建设提供参考。

【Abstract】 After the establishment of the PRC in 1949, great changes were taken in the society nature and economic structure all over China. During this period, two key forces was influencing the Chinese city planning in the aspects of idea, theory and technology, which was Chinese early-modern city planning and Soviet Union city planning. In the year between 1960 and 1980, the environment of war-protection began to form as a result of the nervous international background. And as the friendship with Soviet Union was broken, the city planning developed individually after.This paper starts with the political thoughts of war-protection, combs the development vein of the three-line construction, and discusses the scientific theories and construction practices with examples in city planning under the "planning absence" environment. Then it makes comments on the construction progress and results, and reaches the following conclusions by analyzing the changes of the professionals, planning and construction institutions. And the conclusion is that the three-line city planning and construction have obtained some achievements in both way of implicitness and explicitness, that is the direct influence made by political force and the indirect influence made by the technical personnel.The writer investigates several three-line cities and three-line factories, interviews the old professor who took part in the construction back then, and gets the fresh data in order to create a solid foundation for the study. And this paper aims to perfects the research of Chinese modern city planning history by studying the special period of three-line construction, and provides reference for the war-preparation planning during the peaceful era today.
