

Research and Exploit on the Environment-protecting, Energy-saving and Flame-Retarded Multi-functional Asphalt Pavement for Highway Tunnel

【作者】 沈凡

【导师】 丁庆军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 建筑材料与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国交通基础设施建设事业高速发展,一大批大型公路隧道工程相继开工建设。隧道内部空间狭窄、封闭,噪声污染严重,且车辆集中,交通流量大,隧道进入口车辆减速、加速频繁,极易发生交通事故,一旦车辆发生事故引起火灾,汽油等可燃液体流淌扩散导致火势蔓延,将对人员生命和其他车辆构成巨大威胁。沥青路面美观、行车舒适、维修方便已经成为道路铺装的主流材料,目前沥青路面施工主要采用热拌式,在隧道内部温度远高于开放施工温度,且烟气弥漫,使隧道施工环境极为恶劣。因此,亟待开发一种节能环保型阻燃、降噪、抗滑多功能隧道路面材料,为隧道建设工程的路面铺装提供相关技术支持。本文依托国家863项目“抗滑、阻燃、降噪多功能隧道路面结构设计与铺装技术”和湖北省交通厅科技项目“高耐久多功能沥青路面系统优化设计及其工程应用”,针对隧道路面阻燃、抗滑、降噪功能的需要,以及普通热拌沥青能耗高、隧道内施工温度高对施工人员和设备均造成不利影响的问题,围绕节能环保型多功能沥青路面的组成、结构与性能之间的关系,进行了系统研究,取得了以下成果:基于沥青高温降粘技术,研究沥青降粘剂对沥青粘度的影响规律,并采用红外光谱、差热分析等测试方法,分析沥青降粘剂的作用机理,研究掺加不同比例沥青降粘剂对沥青高温性能、低温性能、温感性能、老化性能,并复合SBS、增容增粘组分,采用胶体磨碾磨工艺研制出温拌高粘度改性沥青。其60℃粘度高达76000Pa·S,135℃粘度仅为2.2 Pa·S,5℃延度为45cm,离析软化点差仅0.8℃,粘韧性达到22N.m。提出了具有高连通孔结构的多级嵌锁设计方法,采用温拌高粘度改性沥青,AM-ZD阻燃型矿粉、MF-AFR阻燃矿物纤维等为原材料,研究在不同温度下成型阻燃多功能隧道沥青路面材料的路用性能和力学性能,在成型温度为135℃时,多功能隧道路面动稳定度达到8200次/mm,飞散值低于3%,析漏值低于0.1%,冻融劈裂试验的残留强度比大于90%,抗剪强度0.71MPa、接近改性SMA沥青混合料的路用性能,施工温度较改性SMA沥青混合料降低20℃以上;吸声系数均值0.418,表面构造深度达到1.7mm,降噪、抗滑性能优于SMA等沥青路面材料;模拟车辆燃烧试验,逃逸汽油80%以上的,表面温度在200℃以下,闪点低,阻燃性能达到安全二级,满足大型公路隧道工程行车舒适性与安全性要求。系统研究了节能环保型阻燃、抗滑、降噪多功能隧道沥青混合料温度参数以及拌和、摊铺、碾压等工程应用关键技术,提出了新型路面材料的施工工艺。研究成果成功应用于湖北武英高速公路濛濛山隧道和沪蓉西高速岩湾隧道,阻燃、抗滑、降噪沥青隧道路面施工温度降低了20℃,极大的改善了施工环境,降低了能源消耗,现场检测结果表明构造深度大于1.6mm,与普通沥青混凝土路面相比降低噪音可达4dB(A)以上,是一种具推广应用价值新型隧道面层材料。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of expressway construction in China, more and more road tunnel will be built in the next decade. The inner space of the tunnel is strait, closing, and with serious noise pollution, concentrated vehicle and great traffic flow. The vehicle is frequent slowdowning and accelerating at the tunnel intake port, which may easily result in traffic accident. Once vehicle be in trouble and bring fire, the flowing and diffusing flammable liquid may overspread firebehaviour and serious threat the life of staffs and other vehicle. The asphat pavement is beautiful, comfortable driving, convenient maintenance and become main road pavement material. Now, asphalt pavement construction mostly adopts hot mix type, the internal temperature is far higher than open construction temperature and with permeating fume. Therefore, in order to supply correlation technique support for tunnel construction, it needs to exploit a kind of environment-protecting, energy-saving, flame-retarded, noise reduction and skidding resistance multi-functional asphalt pavement material (WAFNA).The research is based on National High Technology Research and Development Program "The physical design and pavement technology of skidding resistance, flame-retarded and noise reduction multi-functional asphalt pavement material" and Hubei province traffic hall science and technology project "The optimal design and project account of high-performanced and multifunctional asphalt pavements". Contrapose the needs of skidding resistance, flame-retarded and noise reduction, and the problem of high energy consumption, high construction temperature, and be done on the composition, structure and performance of environment-protecting and energy-saving asphalt pavement. Such main achievements of this paper are:Based on the technique of asphalt viscosity reduced, research the influence of the asphalt viscosity by asphalt viscosity reducer, analyze the mechanism of action of viscosity reducer through IR and DTA, and research the effect on the high-temperature property, low-temperature property, thalposis performance and aging resistance by viscosity reducer. Using colloid mill, the warm and high viscosity modified asphalt is prepared by SBS, compatilizing and viscosity increasing material. The 60℃viscosity is 76000Pa-S,135℃viscosity is 2.2 Pa-S,5℃ductility is 45 cm, isolation soft point is 0.8℃, and toughness is 22N-m.Bring out multilevel interlock design method, used warm and high viscosity modified asphalt, AM-ZD flame-retarded breeze and MF-AFR flame-retarded mineral fibre, and research the pavement performance and mechanical property at different molding temperature. At 135℃molding temperature, the dynamic stability could climb to 8200 times/mm, the Cantabria Loss is lower than 3%, run off loss is 0.1%, the ratio of freeze thaw split strength is more than 90%, and shear strength is 0.71MPa, which are approach to the pavement performance of SMA while the construction temperature lower more than 20℃. In addition, the average sound absorption is 0.418 and texture depth 1.5mm, far exceeded that of SMA. And in the miniature fire tests, the gasoline was escaped more than 80%. The temperature was below 200℃on the surface, while the flash point was low. Its fire-retarding performance reach two safety level, which could satisfy the requirements of comfort and security for the large road tunnel projects.The temperature parameter and the construction techniques of WAFNA, including temperature parameters, mixing, paving and rolling, were studied, and the construction technics of a new pavement material brought forward. The research achievement were applied to Hubei Wuying Highway Mengmengshan tunnel and Hurongxi Yanwan tunnel, of which the construction temperature was lower more than 20℃, greatly improved the construction environment, and reduced energy consumption. The field test result showed the texture depth of WAFNA is over 1.6mm, the noise level is 4dB(A) lower than normal asphalt pavement, which is a new tunnel asphalt material with great application value.
