

Malicious Use of the Arbitration Process and Its Regulation

【作者】 马金叶

【导师】 汪祖兴;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民事诉讼法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 快捷简便、费用低廉是仲裁的主要优势,然而来自各个方面的破坏仲裁程序的行为构成了对仲裁正当程序的严峻挑战。为了更好的维护当事人的合法权益,维系仲裁的效率和质量,必须研究出和建立一整套机制,防止仲裁实践中当事人依各种理由对正当的仲裁程序进行破坏。本文中笔者对恶意利用仲裁程序的主体特定为仲裁程序中的当事人,对于其他主体,诸如仲裁机构本身或仲裁员、法院等等,对仲裁程序的恶意利用或非法干预,本文不予以考察。本文共计3万余字,分为四个部分,主要内容如下:第一部分:恶意利用仲裁程序概述。该部分主要介绍了恶意利用仲裁程序的含义、性质及其要件。笔者认为恶意利用仲裁程序,指的是仲裁中的一方当事人或者双方当事人合谋利用仲裁制度中的漏洞或者固有的缺陷,滥用仲裁程序,损害相对方或者案外人合法权益,从而使己方获得利益或者阻碍对方获得利益的行为。笔者从仲裁的契约性质出发,论证了恶意利用仲裁程序的行为就是违约行为;仲裁双方合谋针对第三人的仲裁欺诈行为是侵权行为。对于当事人是否构成恶意利用仲裁程序,笔者从主体、客体、主观、客观四个要件进行了分析。恶意利用仲裁程序的主体为仲裁当事人;客体为仲裁当事人恶意利用仲裁程序的行为对仲裁程序的正常运转及其第三人造成危害;主观上恶意,即故意为之;客观上实施了危害仲裁程序的行为。第二部分:恶意利用仲裁程序的表现形态。该部分对拖延和破坏仲裁程序、仲裁欺诈、滥用司法救济权等三种恶意利用仲裁程序的情况展开论述,具体包括拖延和破坏仲裁程序的概念、性质、表现等内容,仲裁欺诈的含义、界定和表现,滥用司法救济权的含义和表现。该部分呈现了我国仲裁实践中恶意利用仲裁程序的三种表现形式,凸显了仲裁立法的不足,为后文建立恶意利用仲裁程序的措施搭建了平台。第三部分:恶意利用仲裁程序规制的法理依据。该部分从三个方面(当事人意思自治的正当行使、仲裁的效益与公平、法律的公平正义)论述了对恶意利用仲裁程序进行规制的法理依据。意思自治是有限的,当事人的意思自治也不例外,也要受公序良俗和强行法的限制。恶意利用仲裁程序的行为是与当事人的意思自治原则正当行使相违背,法律理所当然应该给与限制。从仲裁的简约上来说,仲裁程序试图规避仲裁程序的繁琐和不经济,追求效益,恶意利用仲裁程序的行为造成了仲裁繁琐,损害对方及第三方利益,违背法律的公平正义,降低了仲裁解决纠纷的效益。第四部分:恶意利用仲裁程序规制的具体措施。该部分笔者提出了对恶意利用仲裁程序进行规制的三种保障措施:权力保障,扩大仲裁庭的权力;制度保障,引入仲裁第三人制度,设立仲裁通报制度,建立仲裁裁决预公开制度,完善法院撤销仲裁裁决制度,取消不予执行仲裁裁决制度;救济保障,借鉴民事诉讼有关答辩失权理论,给予恶意利用仲裁程序者以经济制裁,给与恶意利用仲裁程序者以刑事制裁。

【Abstract】 Quick and easy, inexpensive is a major advantage of arbitration, however, the damage from all aspects of the arbitration proceedings constitutes pose a challenge. In order to better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and to maintain the efficiency and quality of arbitration, we must work out and establish a set of mechanisms to prevent the practice of parties to arbitration in accordance with a variety of legitimate reasons to undermine the arbitration proceedings. However, malicious use of arbitration procedures in this article is the main body of a particular party for the arbitration proceedings, for other subjects, such as the arbitration body itself or the arbitrator, court, etc., malicious use of the arbitration proceedings or unlawful interference, this article does not give to study.This article total 30,000 words, is divided into four parts. The main contents of this article are as follows:Part I: summary of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings .This part mainly introduce the malicious use arbitral procedure meaning, the nature and the important constitutive requirements. I believe that a malicious use of the arbitration proceedings, referring to the arbitration a party or both parties conspire to use the loopholes in the system of arbitration or the inherent defect, the abuse of the arbitration proceedings, damages, damage the person other than involved in the case and interests of the relative side, to make their own benefit or impede each other’s benefit act.The author on basis of the arbitration contract nature, demonstrates the behavior of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings is a breach of contract; Arbitrates both sides to plot together against the third person of arbitration fraudulent practice is is a tort. For the parties to constitute a malicious use of the arbitration proceedings, the author analyzes the malicious use of the arbitration proceedings subject, object, subjective and objective four elements. The subject of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings is the parties of arbitration. The object of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings is that the parties to the arbitration procedure harm the due process; subjective bad faith, that is intentionally; objectively has implemented the harm arbitral procedure behavior.Part II: malicious use of the arbitration proceedings manifestations. Delay and undermine the arbitration procedures, arbitration of fraud, abuse of judicial remedies such as the right three kinds of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings are commenced discussion in this paty, and specifically including delay and undermine the arbitration proceedings, nature, performance and other content, the meaning of the arbitration fraud, definition and performance. This section presented our country to arbitrate in the practice the malicious use arbitral procedure three kind of manifestation, has highlighted the arbitration legislation insufficiency, solved our country malicious use of the arbitration proceedings for the later word to build the platform of establishing the measures of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings .Part III: malicious use of the arbitration process under the basis of jurisprudence. This section includes three aspects (the principle of party autonomy, efficiency and fairness of arbitration, legal equality and justice) discussed the use of arbitration proceedings against malicious legal basis for regulation. The meaning autonomous is limited, arbitrates litigant’s meaning autonomous not to be exceptional, it must receive the male foreword good vulgar and the imperative law limit. Behavior of malicious use of the arbitration proceedings with the principle of party autonomy runs counter to the legitimate exercise of the legal limit should be given a matter of course. From the simple terms of arbitration, the arbitral proceedings program attempts to circumvent the cumbersome and non-economic, the pursuit of efficiency, malicious use of the arbitration proceedings arising out of acts of arbitration complicated, damage to the other party and third-party interests, contrary to law, fairness and justice, reducing the settlement by arbitration the effectiveness of the dispute.Part IV: malicious use of the arbitration proceedings on the regulation of specific measures. I made that part of the arbitration proceedings against malicious use of the three kinds of regulatory safeguards: Power protection,to expand the powers of the arbitral tribunal; system of protection ,the introduction of third party arbitration system, The establishment of an arbitration notification system,The establishment of an arbitral award pre-open system, Improve the court system for setting aside an arbitral award,Abolition of non-enforcement of arbitral awards system. Relief protection, drawing on theories relating to civil proceedings the respondent lost the right to give a malicious use of the arbitration proceedings are to economic sanctions, to give a malicious use of the arbitration proceedings are to criminal sanctions

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