

The Research on the Blocking Mechanism for the Source of Sudden Mass Incident of Conflict

【作者】 陈云

【导师】 黄顺康;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 当前,我国正处于社会转型的新的历史阶段,社会转型的过程也是社会利益关系不断调整和利益格局不断变化的过程。中国已经进入了利益博弈的时代,但权利的失衡导致社会中一些群体特别是弱势群体在利益博弈中明显处于劣势,社会阶层日益分化,社会利益失衡,贫富差距不断扩大。在此背景下,社会结构张力产生,社会“仇富、仇官、仇不公”心态凸显,社会矛盾错综复杂且日趋激烈,为突发群体性事件的发生埋下了深厚土壤。近年来,因各种原因引发的突发群体性事件频繁发生。突发群体性事件的频发反映了民众权利意识的觉醒而理性诉求的缺失,也反映了一些民众权益受到侵害而得不到救济的现实。贵州瓮安“6·28”事件便是当地民众权益长期受到权力与资本的侵害而得不到救济,导致各种矛盾不断积累、升级的必然结果。突发群体性事件已成为当前影响社会和谐的重要因素。必须弄清引发突发群体性事件的深层矛盾以及引起矛盾的深层次原因,才能采取有效措施从源头上阻断突发群体性事件。首先,文章对突发群体性事件相关知识进行了概述与界定。从利益视角对突发群体性事件的内涵进行分析,认为突发群体性事件是由直接或间接利益冲突引发,以经济利益为主要内容或原因的;接着对冲突源头阻断机制的内涵进行了界定;并以西方社会冲突理论为视角,认为社会冲突具有正功能,有利于政府更加注重社会矛盾和冲突的化解,推动制度创新,促进社会的整合和长久稳定。其次,文章以贵州瓮安“6·28”事件为例,勾勒出了该事件的前因后果及其反映出的突出问题,指出民意未受到足够重视,权力滥用,与民争利,利益分化等导致社会矛盾错综复杂从而使民意转变成民怨甚至民怒。以心理学相关知识为视角,认为“民意→民怨→民怒”的转变奠定了贵州瓮安“6·28”事件的情绪基础。再次,对贵州瓮安“6·28”事件爆发的源头性成因进行了分析。本部分想表达的重要观点在于:该事件爆发的根本原因在于利益冲突特别是物质利益的冲突,权利失衡下的利益失衡、权力缺乏制衡下的权力滥用、利益表达机制不畅通、利益协调机制不健全、矛盾调处机制失灵以及某些制度的原因等是诱使贵州瓮安“6·28”事件爆发、升级的深层次原因。最后,本部分在前面分析的基础上,对构建突发群体性事件冲突源头阻断机制进行了研究。认为,通过畅通民众利益表达机制,切实保障民众权益、完善利益协调机制,有效协调各种利益关系、强化公民权,有效制衡公权力以及构建多元化矛盾调处机制,有效化解社会矛盾等等,能有效地从源头上阻断突发群体性事件。

【Abstract】 presently, we are under the new historic period during which the society is undertaking its transformation, the process of undertaking transformation is also the process of adjusting the relationship concerning the social interests gradually, as well as the process of changing the patterns of the interests continually. China has been in the age of gaming the interests, but the unbalance of the rights leads to some groups of people to be in an inferior position, especially for the disadvantaged minority, social stratum divides gradually, social interests loses its balance, the gap between the rich and the poor becoming wider. Under this situation, the social fabric tension comes into being, the mentality of so-call rich-hatred, government-hatred, unfair-hatred become more obvious, the social conflicts become more complicated and more fierce, all of these lead to the happening of the sudden mass Incidents. Recent years, the sudden mass incidents happened frequently with many reasons. It reflects the increasing realization of the rights between the citizens and lack of the rational demanding, as well as the reality that some people infringed by others and could not get any remedy. The event happened on the 6·28 in Weng’an Guizhou was the inevitable result, because the local people there under a long period of suffering from the power and the capital, and could not get any remedy, at the end, all kinds of conflicts accumulated and updated. The sudden mass incidents of conflict have been the vital factor influencing the harmonious society. Only by making clear the deep conflicts and the reasons, can we take the effective actions to block up the sudden mass incident fundamentally.First of all, the paper illustrates the brief introduction and the definition of the sudden mass incident. Defining its meaning from the interest’s perspective and considering it caused by conflicts of interests directly or indirectly, and the economic benefit is the main reason or the main content; then to define the meaning of the blocking-up mechanism of the conflict, with the western society conflict theory, from the author’s view, the conflict of the society has its positive function, it will be propitious for the government to focus on dispelling the social conflicts, to promote the institutional innovation, to advance the integration and the long-term stabilization of the society.Secondly, the paper exampled with the event happed in Weng’an Guizhou, outlined the reasons and the consequence of the event, and the major problems reflected from the event, at the same time, pointing out that the will of the people were not be attention to enough, the power has been abused, the officers pursued the benefit with the people, interests polarization, all of these lead to the complicated situation of the social conflicts, then the people’s will became the people’s grievances. From the psychology and its relevant knowledge’s point of view, considering that the transformation from the will of the people to the grievances of the people was the emotional base to the happening of the 6·28 event.Third, to analyze the fundamental reasons for the outbreak of the 6·28 event. The point of this part is that the fundamental reason of the outbreak of the event lies in the interest’s conflict, especially the material interest’s conflict. The deep reasons for the event were interests losing under the unbalance of the rights, rights abusing under no counterbalance, expressing interests mechanism unsmooth, coordinating interests mechanism imperfect, failures in conflicts mediation mechanism and some problems existing in the system.Last, on the basic of the analysis foregoing, doing some research on the fundamentality of the blocking mechanism of the sudden mass incident of the conflicts. In my opinion, by making the public’s interests expressing mechanism more smoothly, guaranteeing the people’s rights practically, improving the interests coordinating mechanism, coordinating all kinds of the interests relationships effectively, reinforcing the rights of the people, encountering the power effectively, constructing the pluralistic conflicts coordinating mechanism, resolving social conflicts effectively and so on, we can fundamentally block up the sudden mass incidents validly.

  • 【分类号】D631.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】731