

The Studying of the Service-oriented Government Function and the Super Ministry System Reform of China

【作者】 赵箐

【导师】 淳于淼泠;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 在党的十六届六中全会上,我党对构建社会主义和谐社会做出了全面部署,强调要建设服务型政府,强化政府的社会管理以及公共服务职能。这是我党首次在党的文件中明确提出建设服务型政府的目标,其努力方向有:一是深化行政管理体制改革,进一步转变政府职能;二是坚持依法行政,规范政府行为;三是完善公共财政体制,健全公共服务体系;四是全面推行政务公开,加快电子政务建设,增强政府工作的透明度。其中,进一步转变政府职能是建设服务型政府的核心;理顺行政管理体制,进一步深化行政管理体制改革是建设服务型政府的基础。深化行政体制改革要以政府职能转变为核心,加快推进政企分开、政社分开、政府与市场中介组织分开,将不该由政府管理的事项转移出去,该由政府管理的事项政府要切实管好。要进一步加强制度建设,从制度上更好发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,更好的发挥公民和社会组织在社会公共事务管理中的作用。改革开放以来,为了建立适应市场经济要求的行政管理体制,我国进行了五次行政机构改革,做了大量有益的探索。但是我国的行政管理与市场经济和现代化的要求还有不小的差距,尤其未能处理好日益复杂的社会公共事务管理与日益分化林立的行政部门之间的矛盾,部门林立,职能交叉、权责不明等问题带来的负面影响日益严重。为了解决这些问题,加快建设服务型政府的步伐,我国于2008年开展了大部制改革。党的十七大报告指出,“加快行政管理体制改革,建设服务型政府,行政管理体制改革是深化改革的重要环节”。要“加大机构整合力度,探索实行职能有机统一的大部门体制,健全部门间协调配合机制。”大部制改革将职能相近、业务范围雷同的部门整合在一起,但它不是简单地进行部门合并,而是按照精简、统一、效能的原则和决策权、执行权、监督权既相互制约又相互协调的要求,紧紧围绕职能转变和理顺职责关系,对权力结构进行重构以改变目前部门林立、职能交叉、权责不明等现象,从而完善行政运行机制。建设服务型政府与大部制改革有着密切的关系,建设服务型政府是大部制改革的动因,而大部制改革的目的就是建设服务型政府。本文首先对政府职能、服务型政府这两个概念进行解读,并在此基础上对服务型政府的职能进行界定,以服务型政府的职能为视角来认识和分析我国国务院的大部制改革。本文主要运用文献研究法、历史研究法、比较研究法,以现有资料和现行研究为基础,对我国的大部制改革进行分析和研究。全文共分五个部分。第一部分,绪论。介绍了研究的背景、研究的方法,并对中西方相关研究进行梳理。通过对中西方研究历史和研究现状的概述,基本了解了大部制改革的理论渊源以及改革实践,并以此为基础,开展对中国大部制改革、重点是国务院大部制改革的研究。第二部分,服务型政府及其职能释义。首先就本文的核心概念服务型政府进行解读,并在解读的基础上阐述服务型政府的特点;其次在解读政府职能这一概念的基础上阐述服务型政府的主要职能;第三,说明服务型政府与政府公共服务职能的关系。第三部分,大部制改革与服务型政府。该部分主要是讨论我国大部制改革与构建服务型政府的关系。首先对大部制这个概念进行界定;其次阐述实施大部制改革的理论依据;再次揭示大部制改革与构建服务型政府的关系;最后阐述服务型政府视野下我国大部制改革的价值取向以及我国大部制改革的理想模式。第四部分,我国当前的大部制改革。该部分首先回顾了新中国成立以来的历次行政改革,力求找出这些改革与我国大部制改革的关系;其次阐述我国进行大部制改革的背景;再次叙述我国当前国务院大部制改革的措施以及改革特点;最后将我国的大部制改革与发达国家的大部制改革作比较。第五部分,我国当前大部制改革评析。以国务院大部制改革为案例。从服务型政府以及服务型政府职能为视角来评析我国目前的大部制改革,并找出我国当前大部制改革的亮点以及不足,提出我国今后大部制改革的着力点。第七部分,结语。

【Abstract】 In the 6th Plenum of the 16th CPCCC, the CCP had made a comprehensive deployment of building a harmonious socialist society,put emphasize on construction of service-oriented government,strengthened the government’s social management and public service function.In order to building service-oriented government ,we must deepen the administrative system and transform government functions in depth at first.Second,we must stick to administrate legally and standardize government behaviour.Third,we must improve the public finance system and the public service system.At last,we must enhance the transparency of government’s work.The core of building service-oriented government ,which is Transforming the government’s functions in depth.The basic of building service-oriented government is further administrative system reform.In order to building service-oriented government and further administrative system reform.China had carried out the reform of super ministry system in 2008. Since China carried out the Policy of reform and opening-up,China has carried out administrative reforms five times in order to establishing an administrative system which adapts to market economy demands.But it still can not meet the demands of market economy system and modernization.So wemust further administrative reform and transform the functions of government in depth inorder to meet the demands of market economy system and modernization.Besides,the building of service-oriented government also demands us carrying out the reform of administration.In this context,our country decided to carry out the reform of super ministry system.The reform of super ministry system is not combine several departments into a single one simply,but it is according to the demands of function transforming,reconstruct the structure of power.Using the documentary research,historical research,comparative research and case research,first explain the concept of government’s functions and service-oriented government. On this basis, make the service-oriented government’s functions links to the super ministry system.Then research the super ministry reform of departments of the State Council from the angel of the service-oriented government’s functions.At last,make analysis of the reform. This essay includes 6 parts: The first part is the introduction,containing the researching background,documentary synthesis,theoretical and practical meaning,researching ideas and approaches.The second part explains the concept of government’s functions and the service-oriented government.Then define the scope of service-oriented government functions.They includingsystem supply service, providing a fair policy,providing excellent public goods,macroscopic readjustmenting and controlling,maintaining the market’s order. At last,explain the relationship between the service-oriented government and the government’s service function.The third part discusses the relation between building service-oriented government and the reform of super ministry system.And I get the conclusion that the reason why we carried out super ministry system is the demand of building service-oriented government,and the purpose of carrying out the reform of super ministry system is to build service-oriented government.The fourth part fully expounds the current situation of our country’s central super ministrystem reform,by introducing its background and contents.The fifith part make analysis of our country’s central super ministry system reform.

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