

On the Voluntary-Company

【作者】 张建山

【导师】 李昌林;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自愿同行是指在一定条件下,警察为查证与违法或犯罪有关的事实而要求相对人自愿随同到指定场所的行为。警察的同行要求与动作不可达到强制程度,相对人可以同意或拒绝此种同行要求,并且不因拒绝而直接受到不利后果。自愿同行属于任意到案措施之一,在世界主要法治国家发展较为成熟,并被我邻邦日本、韩国以立法形式予以确认。此种制度具有适用条件灵活、适用机制简便、职业风险较低等优点。正是出于理性的选择,警察广泛适用自愿同行以追求执法效益的最大化,在我国亦不例外。虽然属于任意性措施,但自愿同行本身也具有一定的强制性,干预公民的自由与权利,如被滥用则危害甚大,因此,应以立法规范其运行机制,扬其善避其恶,使得警察执法师出有名、于法有据,并充分保护公民的自由与权利。我国对自愿同行制度并无法律明文规定,口头传唤制度便是自愿同行在我国法制实践中的表现形式,实践中由于立法的空白必然产生诸多问题,实有必要以立法形式予以规制。本文主要采用比较分析与规范分析的方法对自愿同行制度进行较为详细的研究。文章共分三个部分:自愿同行概述、自愿同行在我国的现状与立法的必要性、构建我国自愿同行制度的具体设想。第一章自愿同行概述主要阐述自愿同行的基本理论问题。通过概念比较以及法律关系的分析,对自愿同行作出较为准确的界定,阐明自愿同行与强制到案在存在根据、适用目的、适用对象、实施方式、适用程序以及干预自由的程度六个方面存在区别,提出自愿同行的任意性构成标准应当从警察的作为是否达到强制程度、相对人是否出于自愿以及同行是否达到强制到案的实质结果三个方面进行考量。自愿同行的价值在于此种制度有利于执法效益的提高以及降低干预公民自由的程度。日本、韩国已经以立法形式确立自愿同行制度,英美则于立法或判例中有类似自愿同行法律制度的原则性规定,而大陆法系国家如德国、我国台湾地区在警察盘查职权法制中均只有强制同行的立法规定,法国则在刑事诉讼法中原则性规定自愿同行。第二章解析自愿同行在我国的现状以及存在的问题,并进而提出构建我国自愿同行制度之必要性。首先,通过归纳与分析我国现行法律的相关规定,揭示自愿同行在我国立法空白的现状;其次,论述因立法空白产生的问题——实践中不利于执法效益的提高;滥用自愿同行侵犯人权,有违公正。最后提出构建我国自愿同行制度的必要性——通过明确立法授权警察适用自愿同行可以提高办案效率,并规范警察在适用自愿同行之时权力的恣意,保护人权,维护公正,彻底改善自愿同行立法空白在我国产生效益与公平的双重问题。第三章论证如何构建我国自愿同行制度。警察适用自愿同行应以“合理性”地认为相对人与某项危害行为有关或知情为前提要件;要求同行的正当理由包括当场查证有对相对人不利的情况或者可能阻碍交通,或者当场无法查证或当场查证有相当困难;自愿同行的程序控制包括警察告知、同意的表示、同行的地点以及同行后及时查证的明确规定。最后,本文提出构建我国自愿同行制度的立法建议,即在警察(职权)法中明确规定自愿同行制度,既适用于刑事侦查,也适用于警察盘查以及刑事案件的初查阶段,以系统的眼光规范警察权的行使。

【Abstract】 Voluntary-Company refers to an action which in order to investigate some truth related to illegal behavior or criminal ,in certain conditions the policemen request the corresponding- party voluntary consent to follow them to designated place. The request and motion of the policemen could not reach to coercive extent and the corresponding party may consent or reject this request without inflicted disadvantageous result.Voluntary-Company is a kind of non-coercive measure for attendance, and it has relatively been developed in world and has been validated in legislation by Japan and Korea. This measure has a flexible and simple mechanism and lower occupational risk in application. Precisely because rational choice, it has widely been applied by police in pursuit of maximizing the efficiency of law enforcement, without exception in China. Though as non-coercive measure, Voluntary-Company has a certain compulsory effect and intervention in civil liberty and right which as the great harm will be brought if it has been abused. Therefore, to exert it’s benefit and avoid the evil, the legislation must be constituted to regulate operation mechanism of Voluntary-Company and making the police applies it with enough reason on legal basis and the civil liberty and right obtain fully protection. In China, there is no legislation about Voluntary-Company,Oral-Summons is just a parallelism form in China’s legal practice. It is necessary to regulate Oral-Summons by legislation, for many problems have emerged and will come into being because legislative nothingness about Voluntary-Company in China.Comparative analysis and statutory analysis method has been applied in this paper to do a more profound study on Voluntary-Company. The article is divided into three parts: the summary about Voluntary-Company, comparative study on Voluntary-Company and how to constitute Voluntary-Company in China.The first chapter is for the fundamental theoretical issue of Voluntary-Company. After more accurate definition has been made through the analysis on definition and legal relations (subject、object,、content) of Voluntary-Company in this part, the article clarifies that there are difference between Voluntary-Company and compulsive attendance in such six aspects: rational foundation, application purpose, application object, implementation modality, application procedure, the extent of interfering civil liberty, and states that the non-coercive standard of Voluntary-Company should be judged in three aspects such as: whether the policemen’s action has reach compulsive extent, whether the corresponding- party’s company proceed from its own free will, as well as whether the company has resulted compulsive attendance. And the merit of Voluntary-Company is such a measure is beneficial to improve efficiency of law enforcement and to reduce the extent of interfering with civil liberty. Voluntary-company has been established in legislation in Japan and South Korea. And there are some similar legal system of Voluntary-Company in legislation or by prejudication in common law while in civil law countries such as Germany, France and Taiwan region, there is only legislations of coercive company.In chapter II, the article has analyzed the legislative actuality and problem about Voluntary-Company and stated the necessary to constitute Voluntary-Company in China. The article firstly reveals the actuality of legislative gap about Voluntary-Company in China and secondly of the problems—making against efficiency improvement of law enforcement and aggrieving human rights—resulting from this extra-territorial actuality. So lastly it is necessary to built Voluntary-Company by legislation in China. Only depend on definitude legislative authorization, can the efficiency be improved, and can the abuse of police’s power be regulated when police applying Voluntary-Company.Chapter III is the argument of how to build our system of Voluntary-Company. The police applies Voluntary-Company only when he“rationally”believe that the corresponding party has been related to some illegal behavior or criminal or knows about it. The due reason for Voluntary-Company includes: there is relatively disadvantageous situation to corresponding party or may beget traffic jam if verify on the spot, it is not be able to or very difficult to verify on the spot. Voluntary-Company’s procedure includes: apprizing, consent, the location of company, as well as the rules about police’s verification after company without delay. Finally, this paper proposes legislative proposals, which states that we should definitely legislate in Police-Act, to constitute Voluntary-Company in China.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
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